Luo's face suddenly became ugly, but soon it was full of smiles.

"My Lord, all the previous misunderstandings! It's my fault that I bumped into the adults with no eyes. As long as you are willing to let me go, I'm willing to tell you everything about tiandaoyuan. After all, isn't your coming here for the good fortune of the thousand nationalities meeting? "

Xue an looked at Luo's appearance with a smile, then shook her head gently, "why bother, kill you Don't you know everything? "

Luo asked the world to turn white, and then forced to smile: "adults are joking, you killed me how to know?"

"Is it not honest now? The reason why Luofu city was able to get the information of tiandaoyuan in advance should be the fragment of Tiandao in this world. This is also the reason why you can not be contaminated with causality. Am I right? Lord Luo Xue an said lightly.

Luo asked the world changed greatly, "you..."

Then his eyes turned, and his expression gradually became indifferent, "yes, I do have pieces of the heavenly way, and I can even have a direct dialogue with this heavenly way! But what about that? Now there are only Chinese and demon clans left in the thousand clan meeting. Next, as long as you enter tiandaoyuan, this Qiyun will be yours! "

Xue an shook his head. "You and the heaven behind you have made a mistake."

"What's the matter?"

Xue'an showed his white teeth and said with a smile, "what I want is not so simple a little luck."

Luo came out, shocked, looking at Xue an in horror.

Xue an looked at the distant tiandaoyuan, which was surrounded by clouds all the year round, and said faintly: "if I have not guessed wrong, this so-called tiandaoyuan is actually the real source of Qi!"

"And that's what I want

Luo Wen is about to talk.

A wisp of sword Qi appeared quietly in front of his forehead, and instantly passed through his head, bringing out a line of blood.

Luo's eyes are dim, but a noble spirit appears, and quickly dominates Luo's body.

Then Luo came out and raised his head. There was no emotion fluctuation in his eyes, only the infinite power of heaven and earth.

Since this, why have you forced me into the world

"Forbearance?" Xue an sneered, "then I ask you, why do you use the law of heaven to restrain the Chinese people from practicing?"

Luo came out, or in other words, Fang Tiandao shook his head. "The strong, the Chinese can't practice. It's not that I am bound by the laws of heaven, but..."

Speaking of this, Luo appeared on the face of fear.

There seems to be something that scares the way of heaven.

"But what?" Asked Xue an.

The way of heaven hesitated for a moment, and then said, "the strong, the cause and effect of this matter is too heavy, even if you can't afford it, so don't ask. As long as you get a thousand nationalities' luck this time, the Chinese people here can practice!"

Xue an sneered at the words, "is the cause and effect too heavy? Ha ha, it's funny! For thousands of years, the Chinese people have been bullied and humiliated, only one cause and effect is too heavy in your mouth? "

"It's not pleasant to hear, but it is." The way of heaven is light.

"I'd like to see what kind of cause and effect it is, even I can't afford it!"

With that, endless sword Qi appeared in the sky and surrounded the heaven.

The face of the way of heaven did not change at all, "the strong are useless. In this world, I am invincible. You can't deal with me with these things!"

Sure enough.

As soon as he came into contact with the way of heaven, the sword Qi disappeared into invisibility and could not shake him at all.

"The strong one, I have tolerated it again and again. This time, my luck is huge enough for the Chinese people to restart their cultivation. Therefore, I advise you not to make extra efforts." The way of heaven is indifferent.

Xue an smiles, the smile is full of cold and killing intention.

"Thousands of years of humiliation, the blood and tears of the Chinese people are enough to fill the sea, and their bones can be cast into mountains. Although you are not the initiator, you are also the one who helps the tyrants. Therefore, you should pay the due price!"

Said, Xue an's eyebrows emerged a red and a white two lotus flowers.

Double lotus, ghosts and gods are startled!

Seeing this scene, the way of heaven, which has always been ancient, suddenly changed color.

"No impossible! How could you have such a thing? "

Xue an didn't speak, but just waved his hand. The two lotus flowers flew straight to the top of the heavenly way. Then the two lotus flowers turned into red and white Qi, forming a picture similar to the Tai Chi diagram, and then covered the heaven.

Red and white Qi is like a knife and a paw, which wears away the body of heaven.

The way of heaven called out: "the strong, you are so stubborn that you will only bear the extremely heavy cause and effect, which you can't afford at all!"

Xue an said lightly: "there is no cause and effect that I can't afford. No matter who it is, since they dare to take such a black hand against the Chinese people, they should be prepared to bear the most tragic retribution."Finally, under the cover of Shuanglian, the body of the heavenly way suddenly disintegrates.

At the same time, the lingering fog outside the heaven disappeared in an instant, revealing the true face that has never been seen by the world.

It is a huge jade.

And a strong force of vital energy emanates from the jade.

Hua You'an and Jia Ning song'a are staring blankly.

"This Is this the way of heaven? " Hua Youan whispered to himself.

As Chinese, they have never seen the way of heaven.

At this time, the fox's color appeared.

"Xue'an, these jades are condensed by Qi. If you can't take them as soon as possible in this world, they will definitely attract the attention of the powerful men from all over the world."

Fox night is also the first time in my life to see such a majestic power of fortune. Naturally, it is clear that it is precious.

Xue an smile, "no harm, this way of heaven has not completely disappeared, in order to prevent the arrival of the strong in the sky, he will do his best to stop the breath from leaking out."

Sure enough.

The sky that had been twinkling with stars and moons suddenly seemed to be covered with a layer of fog.

"But it's not a long-term plan. The way of heaven is not so powerful at all!" Fox night some anxious said.

"It won't take too long," Xue an said

Fox night a Zheng, "what meaning?"

Xue Anshen, Zhou Hongbai and Shuanglian appeared, "I said, what I want is not simple Qi Yun, but this square of heaven."

Having said that, the double lotus unceasingly emerges, completely conceals this heaven way original.

The powerful force of Qi began to pour into Xue an's body.

Then Xue an clapped his palm on the back of fox night, "the 30% of Qi Yun is your fox clan's!"

After that, Xue an was engulfed by the endless power of Qi.

Fox night only heard a word from Xue an at last.

"I need to digest the power of qi movement behind closed doors! You can go by yourself , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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