It was when Xue an absorbed the Qi of all worlds in the heaven.


Qingmang town.

An Yan sits in front of the window, looking at the distant green Manshan with worry.

It has been more than half a year since Xue an and fox night entered the secret realm of Qi on New Year's Eve.

In the past half a year, Anyan has never left Qingmang town. Every day, the most important thing is to sit in front of the hotel window and quietly wait for Xue an's return.

At the beginning, Xue LAN would comfort a few words, but as time went on, Xue an still did not hear from him, which made Xue LAN begin to worry.

Finally, even Xue LAN sat in front of the window every day, accompanying her sister-in-law in a daze at Qingmang mountain.

Today is no exception.

Just when they were sitting at the window staring at Qingmang mountain without saying a word.

Qin Yu parked the car in front of the hotel and walked in quickly.

As soon as the lobby manager of Yuelai Hotel saw that Qin Yu was here in person, he quickly stood up and said, "Chairman Qin!"

Qin Yu nodded slightly and went upstairs.

Looking at Qin Yu's back, the lobby manager was puzzled.

Recently, Qin Yu often comes to Qingmang Town, but every time he comes to Qingmang Town, he always comes and goes in a hurry, and he doesn't know what he is busy with.

At this time, Qin Yu came to an Yan's room. As soon as she entered the room, she saw that the two girls were playing cards with Tang Xuaner.

But the three people are not very interested, all a little listless.

Qin Yu sighed and took out a large bag of snacks.

"Think about it and see what it is!"

The two little girls looked at it and politely took it over.

"Thank you sister Yu!"

Qin Yu touched the heads of the two girls with a smile, and then said to Tang xuan'er, "is it in there?"

Tang xuan'er nodded.

Qin Yu relaxed his steps and walked into the inner room.

When Anyan heard the sound, she looked back at Qin Yu, nodded slightly, and then continued to look out of the window.

Qin Yu came forward and whispered, "sister Yan, Mr. Xue will be OK. Don't worry too much."

An Yan faint smile, "I know he will certainly be OK, just feel that when looking at the green Manshan mountain, my heart will become more stable."

Hearing this, Qin Yu felt a little gloomy. After sitting with him for a moment, he went out of the inner room.

"Or not at all?" Qin Yu asked Tang xuan'er in a low voice.

Tang xuan'er looked gloomy and shook her head

Qin Yu sighed, "this time You should persuade sister Yan more. "

"Well!" Tang xuan'er whispered.

One side of the small sand but some do not agree, said lazily: "really convinced you, the eldest brother for the cultivation of the God, and is not not not back, how one by one all listless, as for?"

Qin Yu knew that this beautiful girl was not ordinary, so she had to smile bitterly when she heard the speech.

"I'll go first! There are a lot of things in the company. I will try my best to spare some time here. "

Qin Yu said hello, then squatted down to the two girls and said with a smile, "think about Niannian, what do you want? Tell sister Yu that I'll bring it to you next time. "

Think about Niannian, they looked at each other, then they shook their heads together, "thank you sister Yu, we don't want anything."

"Don't you want ice cream?" Qin Yu asked with a smile.

A word export, read the big eyes will be covered with tears, and then forced to shake his head, "do not want to eat, because I eat ice cream, I miss Dad."

Qin Yu's nose was sour when he was recited.

And think about it is not polite to knock a little read the head, "do not cry! Dad just went out on business and was back soon! What are you crying for

Although saying so, but think of the voice also with a trace of crying.

Yes, I don't want to knead my hair! Otherwise, my mother will be sad when she sees it

After a few more words, Qin Yu was ready to leave.

Just at this time, I heard the rapid footsteps outside, and then the door was suddenly pushed open.

An Qing, dressed in military uniform, came in.

As soon as I see Anqing, I think I'm all excited.


Anqing picked up the two little girls, and the one who was extremely spoiled gave a kiss.

"Did you miss my aunt?"

"Mm-hmm! Aunt, where have you been these days? Why haven't we come so long? "

"My aunt went to beat the bad guys!"

"Bad guys, monsters?"

"Yes! And it's a terrible, terrible monster Anqing said with a smile."Wow, my aunt is so good!" Two little girls a face of worship said.

After getting close to two little girls, Anqing nodded to several people in the room.

"Miss Qin, you are here too!"

Qin Yu quickly nodded, "yes!"

At this time, an Yan heard the voice and came out. As soon as she saw her sister Anqing, she was very happy.

"Anqing, why are you here?"

An Qing smile, "just passing by here, then drop by to have a look!"

At this time, Xiao Sha sucked his nose, and then said in a deep voice: "it's very evil and bloody."

An qinglue some embarrassed smile, "come in a hurry, forget to change clothes!"

An Yan can't help but worry more, "do you go out with the army every day now?"

Anqing nodded, some helpless said: "yes, this period of time is really busy! There are demons everywhere

Hearing her say so, the people in the room became a little silent.

Over the past six months, there have been several changes that everyone can feel.

The first step is to become easy.

If we say that before, Sanxian represented the strongest fighting power in the whole world, now it has taken a big step forward, and some masters have been continuously breaking through into the long habitat.

As for the masters of the happy realm and the heaven and human realm, they emerge in an endless stream.

The practitioners of the whole world have virtually stepped up a ladder.

If this change is gratifying.

The second change is worrisome.

All kinds of demonic disturbances from the beginning of the accident, has become a common occurrence now.

At the beginning, the mainstream media were still trying to block these things.

But later, it was gradually deregulated.

Nowadays, whether it is on the Internet or on TV, the emergence of monsters is nothing new at all.

But it also caused a problem, that is, the forces used to suppress the demons began to be short of manpower.

This is also the reason why an Qing didn't show up for so long.

After a few more words, Anqing dragged an Yan into the room and asked in a low voice, "sister, how's my brother-in-law?"

An Yan wry smile, "still did not have any message." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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