The festival is held in London, the capital of the dark Council.

With fan Mengxue's present status in the international film world, coupled with the powerful influence of these dark films, when the news came out, it immediately attracted the attention of fans in Europe and even all over the world.

In addition, there is no ticket system this time, so before the opening of the film festival, the venue is already full of people.

These fans who came to the festival were also very interesting. All of them spontaneously played roles in several films.

For a moment.

The whole film festival is like a whirlwind of witches and Necromancers. It is very lively.

Dark giants such as fan Mengxue and karlsas looked down from the top of the hotel in the host city.

"It seems that my dear witch is still the most popular. Let's see how many fans are in COS witch's Said Carlos, smiling.

"No, there are many Necromancers." Said Anastasia.

The two began to spread dog food on a commercial basis.

Fan Mengxue and others subconsciously away from them a little bit.

And the skeletons followed, all lying in front of the window and looking down.

"Damn it, our brothers have wasted so much energy, how come we don't have a cos?"

"Who said no!"

Fan Mengxue said: "it may be because you are not good at cos."

The skeletons were lit up in front of them.

"Mengxue is right. Who can come out of COS with our bony skeletons?"

"Why don't we go down and COS ourselves?" There's a skull with a big hole.


Then these skeletons did not discuss with the public, pushed and pushed off the hotel to join the fans on the street.

"Is that all right? If it is discovered, will it not cause panic? " Fan Mengxue is worried.

"Don't pay attention to these guys. The young of them have lived for hundreds of years, and they all know what to do and what not to do." Said the Banshee.

"And these guys are mascots in the dark Council, and no one can command them!" The Titan added.

As they say.

When the skeletons left the hotel and entered the parade of fans, they did not arouse suspicion.

There are even many fans are very excited to come around.

"Wow, how do you do cos? It's amazing

Hearing these sounds, the skeletons were all very proud.

At the same time, there are many girls very excited to come to take a group photo.

This made the skeletons find the feeling of being a star, and then they all started the mode of teasing girls one by one. They mastered English with a strong northeast accent, which was a shot.

For these creatures that have lived for thousands of years, human girls in their twenties and thirties are simply childish and lovely, and often a few words can make these girls unconsciously fall into it.

By the time they got into the festival's main venue, the skulls' pockets were full of little phone notes.

A few brave girls are directly on the skull head, leaving bright red lipstick on the white bone.

Seeing this scene, fan Mengxue realized that the Titans were right.

These skeletons are just a group of old hooligans without flesh and blood.

Fortunately, otherwise, I don't know how much romantic debt I have to leave behind.

The dark Film Festival opened.

Fan Mengxue, as the finale, will appear at last.

Other dark giants have gone to the front desk.

Dream banshee is responsible for regulating the spirit of the atmosphere, so that everyone gradually accept the existence of darkness.

This is a very clever means, and there will be no coercion at the same time.

To put it bluntly, fan Mengxue is actually using the means of managing fans to expand the influence of dark Council.

When fan Mengxue is left in the hotel room, Han Yao gently opens the door and walks in.

Nowadays, fan Mengxue has been a famous international film star with numerous awards.

But Han Yao is still her agent.

"What's the matter?" Fan Mengxue saw Han Yao's desire to stop.

Han Yao hesitated for a moment, and then sighed: "Qingmang mountain has turned into white light and disappeared. Although this news has been blocked by layers, it still spreads out. The great change of the Qi of heaven and earth should also be related to this matter."

Now Han Yao has joined the dark Council and began to practice, and his cultivation is good. He has the strength of heaven and man, so he can naturally feel the change of the atmosphere of heaven and earth.

Green awn.

Hearing these two words, fan Mengxue's heart is one tight.

Han Yao saw fan Mengxue's worry, and then said: "since last year's Eve, he has not appeared! And miss an has been guarding Qingmang town! "Fan Mengxue lowered his head and was silent. After a meeting, he laughed. "When he left, I knew that from leaving to now, 231 days have passed."

What fan Mengxue practices is the dark emperor's resolution given to her by Xue an, which allows her to feel Xue an's Qi.

And this gas engine disappeared on New Year's Eve last year.

At that time, fan Mengxue had just received a reply from xue'an. After a while, fan Mengxue could not feel xue'an's Qi.

But fan Mengxue has not shown any abnormal, just silently counting the days in his heart.

"Mengxue, do you need to go back?" Han Yao asked hesitantly.

Fan Mengxue shook his head. "No, he should have left the earth and went to a secret place. As for the matter of Qingmang mountain, he should have something to do with him, but I believe that he will be OK, because He's Xue an

Looking at the relaxed fan Mengxue, Han Yao nodded, "OK! It's your turn to play in a while. I'll get ready for it

Then she left the room.

When there was only one fan Mengxue in the room, she tried her best to control herself, but her teeth trembled slightly.

"Xue an I'm sure you'll come back. I'm sure you will! "

At the same time, in the corner of the festival venue, Metatron, wearing a hat and sunglasses and chewing gum as usual, is looking at Carl sass and others on the stage in the distance.

"Necromancer? What fun! The guy of Hades is too busy for himself, but there are still his followers in the world? "

"And the fanatical atmosphere, it seems that there is a dream Banshee in the fuel!"

"But if that's all, why doesn't the old man of light refuse to go down to the boundary?"

Just as he was thinking to himself.

With the host's introduction, the crowd issued deafening cheers.

"Mengxue! Mengxue

This group of foreigners called fan Mengxue's Chinese name in a strange tone.

Metatron looked up at the stage, and when fan Mengxue's figure appeared in front of him, he licked his lips, his eyes flashing with greed.

"I haven't seen such pure power of darkness for a long time! And the blood of this woman is also very interesting. If she is combined with me, she may even give birth to an extremely terrible offspring. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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