As the archangel, Metatron is a pure power of light.

Fan Mengxue is a dark bloodline.

Such a combination should be irreconcilable.

But Metatron knew that if they could be reconciled through some secret arts, light and darkness could be combined to give birth to blood offspring.

You know, as a high-level God, it is very difficult to give birth to an heir. What's more, the offspring born in this way are often extremely powerful.

This is why Metatron was very interested in fan Mengxue when he was watching movies.

Thinking about it, Metatron kept staring at fan Mengxue with greedy eyes.

Fan Mengxue on the stage always feels that something is wrong today, but she can't say what is wrong.

Helpless, she can only press in the heart of irritability, continue to carry out the activities of the film festival.

As the finale, fan Mengxue's high popularity has been incisively and vividly reflected at this moment.

Often she just said a few words, the group of foreigners who had never seen the world began to scream.

The climax of the whole atmosphere was when fan Mengxue sang the song of darkness, the common theme song of these films.

All of them are intoxicated with fan Mengxue's singing and sing together.

There was a dark light visible to the naked eye on top of everyone's head.

The whole venue has become a dark home.

But just then, a cold and evil voice rang through the audience.

"Darkness has always been a subsidiary of light, only light can exist forever!"

With this sentence, a little light began to fall over the hall.

At the sight of this, the giants of the dark Council were all shocked.

Then the Titan said in a deep voice, "who is it?"

"It's a pleasure to meet you here and introduce myself. My name is Metatron."

The figure of Metatron floats, and the light wings behind him gradually emerge.

"Metatron Are you the legendary Angel sitting on the throne Carlthas, who studies European ancient mythology most deeply, exclaimed.

Metatron bowed slightly. "I'm glad someone knows me, but I'd like you to call me Archangel."

At this time, all the ordinary people in the whole meeting hall were confused. It seemed that they were all addicted to a beautiful dream and could not wake up temporarily.

The nine pairs of light wings behind Metatron were completely condensed, and the powerful force of light swept the venue. The dark giants such as kalthas stepped back a few steps, and their faces became extremely ugly.

Only fan Mengxue stood at the front, indifferent to the powerful power of light, and said: "the Church of light has been destroyed. No matter you are the holy angel or the God of light, there is no place for you in this world! So please go back to your kingdom

Metatron said with a smile, "it seems that you don't understand the current situation. This world has been reopened. Not only me, but also many gods will be born. The only thing you mortals can do is to kneel down and depend on me! Otherwise, it will disappear completely in the universe. Do you understand

Before fan Mengxue said anything, these skeletons could not help it. Pointing to Metatron was a curse.

"Hello, the bird man with wings, can't you pee and look in the mirror when you talk? On your virtue, let us kneel down and cling to you? Yes? I'm going to let us learn bird singing with you The skeleton holding the cigar swears steadily and ruthlessly. He is obviously an expert in this field.

"Second brother, you're wrong. This guy can see that he can't pee at all. How can he look in the mirror?"

"I think the second elder brother is right. Because this guy can't pee, he can't look in the mirror. Naturally, he doesn't know how much weight he has."

The skeletons, like cross talk, scolded Metatron like a cross-talk.

Even in the divine world, Metatron is a high-level God. Where has been wronged, he looks blue and red, and roars: "seek death!"

Then the wings behind him fluttered, and a bright cross mark went straight to the skeletons.

"Oh, my God, why are you so impatient?"

Although these skeletons are not very capable, they are all elites who have survived in various cruel battlefields. When they see that the situation is not good, they immediately disperse and flee.

This cross mark directly collapsed the whole venue.

Fan Mengxue snorted coldly, the majestic dark air gradually condensed into a pair of wings behind her, and then pointed to those skeletons.

"You go back first!"

In the twinkling of light, the skeletons disappeared.

Then fan Mengxue looked at Metatron and said, "how about going outside if it's narrow here?"

Metatron stares at the black wings behind fan Mengxue. He just drools and nods.

"No problem!"After that, they left the meeting hall and appeared in the open and uninhabited wilderness.

He's the only one on the mettalon side.

Fan Mengxue, on the other hand, has many giants of the dark Council.

There seems to be an advantage in numbers.

But all the faces were dignified.

For Metatron, alone, is equal to the power of darkness.

Fan Mengxue now has the dignity and composure of the dark queen. She takes a look at Metatron and says in a cold voice, "I don't care what gods you are, but now this is the chassis of my dark Council. You can go back and give you a chance!"

Metatron laughed grimly. "Do you know why I've been waiting until now?"

"Because You are my most delicious prey

As soon as the voice fell, Metatron's figure appeared behind fan Mengxue, and he took fan Mengxue out with one hand.

The speed of the blow was so fast that no one even responded.

It was not until fan Mengxue was beaten out that the nearest Titan roared and hit him.

Titan is the son of the goddess of earth. The most terrifying thing is power. It can be said that if only relying on the body, there are few opponents of the Titans in the whole world.

But after hitting Metatron, it didn't even ripple.

"It seems that you still don't understand What is the gap between man and God

Then Metatron punched out and sent the Titan out.

At the same time, kalthas's summoned bone dragon also appeared in the air.

But Metatron was just a flick finger, and the bone dragon gave a sad cry and turned into powder.

Then, with three punches and two kicks, Metatron knocked out all the dark giants one by one. Then he stood in the air and looked at fan Mengxue in the distance with a smile.

"I said, you will be my best prey in the world!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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