Fan Mengxue wiped off a trace of blood from the corner of her mouth and looked at Metatron coldly, her eyes gradually turned pure black.

The dark emperor has been urged to the extreme by her, and the powerful power of darkness emanates from her body, covering the stars and the moon.

Metatron's expression also became solemn. "Such pure and majestic power of darkness can not be cultivated by ordinary skills! I'm more and more interested in women

Fan Mengxue was not moved by it, but said coldly: "he is right. You gods are so high that you are disgusting!"

"So Go back to your kingdom

With fan Mengxue's voice, the dark moment that blocks out the sky and the sun becomes like a substance, like a cage, which firmly traps Metatron.

At the same time, fan Mengxue fingers linked, a layer of earth shaking brilliance began to emerge.

Anastasia, the dark witch, was shocked.

"The curse of darkness! And there are several forbidden mantras

As she said, every layer of glory is a curse.

Several layers of superposition, then condensed into a very terrible black light ball.

"Ten forbidden incantations · killing!"

Kill the word exit.

The black ball of light suddenly appeared on top of Metatron's head and exploded.

Like a nuclear bomb explosion, the terror power shakes the world and raises a small mushroom cloud.

Fan Mengxue's face was pale, and her body was shaking slightly.

Anastasia rushed forward to help.

The Titans looked at the mushroom cloud with solemn faces.

"Dead?" Asked the Banshee in a deep voice.

As soon as the voice fell, he saw a body in a mess rushed out of the mushroom cloud, and then roared: "woman, you dare to hurt me, I want you to be my slave forever!"

It was Metatron who rushed out, but now he has no more majestic sight. His meticulous hair has become dark, and the pair of light wings behind him have become dim, which makes him very embarrassed.

This made Metatron very angry.

I was surprised that this woman could hurt herself.

Angry is that if not for their own temporary use of light wing cover, may now be more miserable.

Therefore, after a roar, he rushed to fan Mengxue.

Titan suddenly hit the ground, the whole person's body suddenly soared.

Although he had just been slapped by Metatron, because of his rough skin and thick flesh, and the Titans, known as the son of the Earth Goddess, could gain continuous power as long as he could touch the ground.

So when the Titan saw Metatron coming, he immediately showed up as a giant, then punched out and tried to stop him.

But Metatron didn't dodge and ran straight.


The Titan snorted, and was directly hit by Metatron and flew far away, and the power of light haunted his body, making his body shrink quickly.

When the Banshee saw this, she raised her head to the sky and screamed. A powerful spiritual shock wave ran straight to Metatron.

The blow was so powerful that even the five senses of the Banshee were bleeding.

But even so, there is no way to shake Metatron.

Metatron broke the mental shock wave with just a flick of a finger.

And the power of light in an instant in the past, let the dream Banshee open her mouth and spit out a big mouthful of blood.

At the same time, Anastasia and karlsas have already done so.

"Dark fog!"

"The Knights of the dead!"

The dark fog is a not so obvious forbidden spell in the dark witch law system, and even some dark witches think that the forbidden spell is a chicken rib.

Because the forbidden charm itself has no lethality, it can only create a dark fog.

Although it has a powerful bonus to the dark creatures, it is far less powerful than other dark forbidden spells.

However, when the dark fog encounters the necromancer spell, its power increases exponentially.

The true death knight order is an advanced version of the death knight. It is already very powerful. When it comes to the bonus of dark fog, its power is even more amazing.

What's more, kalthas summoned the whole order of the dead.

In the fog, dozens of dead knights on bony horses and well-dressed armor, with two regiments of blue flames burning in their helmets, surrounded by Metatron.

After using this spell similar to the necromancer, the fire of soul in kalthas's eyes quickly faded.

Anastasia is a little better off, but now she is on the verge of falling because she has just been hit hard.

At the moment, the people of the dark Council are pinning their hopes on this blow.

However, in the face of such a group of silent death knights, Metatron just gave a grim smile, "if you call out the knight of the abyss, maybe I will be a little afraid. With these dead knights, you want to stop me?"In Metatron's body appeared the light, "the judgment of light!"


A holy light hung over the head of every death knight.

After a little struggle, these dead Knights turned into pieces of fly ash.

Even the dark fog disappeared completely after a tremor.

However, a few people in the dark Council have been seriously injured and have no strength to fight again.

Metatron looked at the pale face of fan Mengxue, elegant smile, "women, now yield, I will give them a happy!"

Fan Mengxue didn't say anything, but his whole body trembled more and more violently.

"In this case, I'll send these black ants to hell first," said Metatron

I'm going to do it.

At this time, fan Mengxue spat out a big mouthful of blood, the Qi machine on his body rapidly decayed, but he whispered four words in his mouth.

"Darkness, sacrifice!"

At an order, fan Mengxue's back appeared two black wings several times wider than just now.

Metatron looked at it with interest, then shook his head. "It's no use. In front of me, you tricks..."

Before he finished speaking, fan Mengxue's wings suddenly closed, and surrounded all the people in the dark Council. Then he was shocked and disappeared in the original place.

Metatron was stunned. "Want to run? It's not that easy! "

Said then also hastily followed up.

But no matter how he chased, he couldn't follow fan Mengxue who sacrificed his life to the darkness.

In the blink of an eye, fan Mengxue took the people back to the dark castle, and then directly rushed into the castle.

As soon as Metatron wanted to rush in, the skeletons had been waiting at the gate. When they saw fan Mengxue entering the castle, they immediately closed the gate and opened the defensive array.

Dark castle is the base camp of the dark Council which has been operating for thousands of years. All kinds of defense arrays are countless. Once all of them are opened, they will immediately form a layer of boundary and firmly guard it.

But when Metatron saw this, he just sneered, "do you want to stop me?"

"The light of killing!"

At the command of the Lord, the light, like rain, began to strike these dark borders.

In the blink of an eye, it broke 90% of the defense. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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