At this extremely urgent time, the atmosphere in the dark castle was extremely depressed.

They looked at fan Mengxue, who was lying in the arms of Anastasia, with a very pale face.

The eyes were all red.

But for fan Mengxue, they might have been wiped out.

But as soon as he returned to the dark castle, fan Mengxue fell into a coma because of his injury.

By this time the outer defensive border was crumbling, and Metatron's triumphant laughter came in.

The Titan took a deep breath, turned and left.

"What are you doing?" Asked the Banshee.

Titan light way: "nature is to play with that Birdman, revenge for Mengxue."

"But the wound on you!"

"The titans have never been cowards. Even if they die, they will die on the battlefield."

The words of the Titans.

All the members of the dark Council all looked grim and got up to play with their lives.

At this time, fan Mengxue slowly opened his eyes.

"Mengxue How are you? " Anastasia shuddered.

Fan Mengxue gently shook his head, and then said: "don't go, you are not the opponent of this guy!"

"What about that? Are you going to die here? " Said the Titan with a bitter smile.

"The world is in chaos. The only thing we can do is wait for him to come back!"

"When he comes back?" They all said a word.

At this time, fan Mengxue's breath has become more and more disordered, and even can't speak, but still try to look up at Anastasia.

Anastasia knew who fan Mengxue was talking about and nodded with tears in her eyes.

"Yes! I understand! "

At this time, the whole dark castle was shocked. It was obvious that the border could not last long.

Fan Mengxue's expression suddenly became calm, just like that little girl in those years, with the light of expectation in her eyes.

"I'll be here Wait for him to come back

With that, fan Mengxue slowly closed his eyes.

The power of darkness poured out from her body and turned into countless black vines, covering the whole dark castle.

And her body, also in this vine lift, gradually rose, and then was completely covered by darkness.

This It is fan Mengxue's last power of protection.

With the decision of the dark emperor as the guide, she completely tied herself to the castle. If anyone wants to break this barrier, she will never do it unless she is completely destroyed.

All the people of the dark Council looked up at this scene, unconsciously, all red eyes.

On the outside, Metatron is now very angry.

Originally, I was about to break through the defense of the dark castle. Unexpectedly, a more powerful dark border suddenly appeared and firmly protected the whole castle.

When you look at this dark border, you can't help but look more and more ugly.

"How could you use your life as a weight to open the guard, woman, do you want to use this to blackmail me?"

But Metatron knew that if he broke through this barrier by force, he would not be hurt. The key was that fan Mengxue would be dead.

Now Metatron is bound to win against van Mengxue. Naturally, he doesn't want to end up like that.

So Metatron stood in the air for a moment, then sneered, "woman, I said you were my prey, so you can't escape my palm even if you run to the ends of the earth!"

"You want to threaten me with this! You think too childish

After that, Metatron went straight up into the sky and revealed a huge body of light.

The light of heaven and earth shook the whole of Europe.

Countless people took to the streets, staring at this shocking scene in the sky.

"Mortals, I! Is the only supreme god! Now kneel down and serve me, and I will give you long life and great strength

Metatron's voice spread throughout Europe.

Along with it came the endless light.

After a little struggle, countless people fell to their knees.

In the light of the light, the dark disciples all over Europe screamed and disappeared.

Metatron looked down at the kneeling crowd on the earth, with a satisfied smile on his lips.

"Good! From then on, this is my kingdom! You are my people. "

On that day, the archangel Metatron shocked the world by turning Europe into a kingdom of light with the light.

With this incident as the watershed, since then, there has been real chaos in the world.

The harbor is Xiangjiang.

When an Qing led the Fire Phoenix team members to get off the military helicopter, the huge airport was empty, not even a passenger.This was unthinkable before.

"Some time ago, some evil spirits specially dealt with the flights in the sky, and caused the tragedy that dozens of planes were destroyed and people died. Since then, all civil flights around the world have stopped operating." Zou Yi explained in a low voice.

An Qing's face sank like water, "what's the situation here?"

"Since yesterday, innocent people began to die of madness, and the death was extremely tragic. After identification, it should have been the head lowering skill." Zou Yi is specially responsible for intelligence, Wen Yan said.

"Head lowering?" Cheng Hao, the captain, frowned. "Isn't this the responsibility of Daofa Fuzhuan branch?"

"Yes! But... " Zou Yi takes a deep breath.

"From yesterday to now, more than 10000 innocent people have been killed in Xiangjiang! The matter is too big. According to the above speculation, it should be an ancient evil god. "

Ten thousand!

This bloody number makes all people in the Phoenix look pale.

"These goddamn gods!" Anqing face iron green hate voice.

"Go, give these arrogant gods a lesson they will never forget!" Cheng Hao said in a deep voice.

All of them accepted the promise, and then entered the city through the already prepared military vehicles.

The once prosperous city has become desolate.

The pedestrians on the road passed in a hurry, and everyone's face was full of panic.

Seeing this scene, an Qing's mood is more and more heavy.

This time, she and this Fire Phoenix team have seen too many such pictures.

And the opponents are becoming more and more difficult.

"I don't know when I can get rid of all these damned fellows!" An Qing sighed softly.

But some people say in a low voice: "if the instructor is there, it will be fine."

At the sound, everyone was silent.


If the instructor is there, do you still have to be crazy about these gods?

At this time, on the top floor of a hotel in the center of Xiangjiang, he was transformed into an ordinary South Asian man, standing in front of the window and overlooking the whole city.

"Ha ha, so many people have died, but they still refuse to appear? The guy who killed my son of God, do you know that I'm coming and you're afraid to show up? " I'm falling asleep and mumbling to myself.

Just as he said that, he seemed to have a feeling, his eyes through the layers of buildings, projected on the military vehicle in the distance.

"Interesting! There are so many practitioners with strong Qi and blood. This is a rare sacrifice God, said greedily. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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