Song Yi is responsible for receiving an Qing and others.

This Fengshui master, who was once known as manzhongdu, has been operating Xiangjiang diligently since he was subdued by Xue an.

After several years of unremitting efforts, Song Yi seems to have become a man of no two words in this land, and his prestige is even stronger than that of the Ming family in the harbor.

But this sudden change disrupted all of Song Yi's plans.

In just a few days, more than ten thousand people died of the head falling magic.

For a time, people in Xiangjiang harbor were in danger.

Naturally, he was also under great pressure.

Therefore, after hearing that an Qing led the members of the fire phoenix special forces, Song Yi was overjoyed and rushed to meet him.

When an Qing and others follow Song Yi back to his residence, they are stunned.

Because this not too big villa is full of people.

Song Yi explained: "miss an, this is the Fengshui Jedi I I set up temporarily with geomantic skills, which can shield all kinds of magic arts. These children are the best among the younger generation of Xiangjiang in order to leave some vitality and blood for Xiangjiang."

Anqing suddenly realized that, and then said in a deep voice, "is the situation in Xiangjiang at this stage? Have you ever found the source? "

Song Yi said with a wry smile, "before you came, we had organized many people to look for the source and try to find out the person who used the sorcery. But all of them died overnight."

Speaking of this, Song Yi's face showed a gloomy color, "that can be a group of good men with high blood, but they died unknowingly."

Then Song Yi lowered his voice and asked, "miss an, can you hear from Mr. Xue now?"

Anqing shook her head.

Song Yi sighed, "if you were here, things would not be like this."

As he said this, Song Yi showed a look of fright on his face.

"Miss an, although I didn't find out the source, I found that the evil spirit was rampant in the north of the center of Xiangjiang River, and the evil spirits should be there! And there's a family there, which is questionable. "

"Oh?" An Qing's eyes brightened.

"That place is exactly where Zhangjia is! But this Zhangjia was very close to the Ming family at the beginning. Later, the Ming family was destroyed by his husband. This family was the first one to turn back, so he didn't suffer any loss! This time, the head of the chaos, Zhangjia on the surface very flustered! But as far as I know, none of the direct descendants of the family has been implicated. "

"You mean..."

"I suspect that even if they are not a group, they definitely know the inside story. But now the situation is in chaos, and Zhangjia is giving me a false opinion. Even if I doubt it, I can't find out. "

Anqing said without hesitation: "in this case, we will go to Zhangjia to have a look."

Zhangjia hotel.

At that time, it was the top of zhangjiaxuan.

Later, when the Ming family collapsed, the zhangjias also became low-key. After a long time, many people even thought that the Zhangjia had lost its vigor and became an ordinary powerful family.

But no one knows that the people of Zhangjia have been plotting revenge secretly.

Like now.

Zhang Jia advocates worshiping the new year and kneeling respectfully on the ground.

"Return to the gods, the one who came to Xiangjiang this time is a member of the fire phoenix special forces, and the leader is Anqing, the daughter of an family!"

"An Qing?"

"Yes Zhang Chongnian knelt down and climbed two steps forward, and a trace of hatred appeared on his face.

"Sir, it has been found out that Xue an was the one who killed your son longguanyu, and this anqing was Xue an's sister-in-law!"

There was a slight light in front of him.

"Xue an..."

"Yes, he was extremely arrogant. At the beginning, he slaughtered Xiangjiang and destroyed many powerful families! Your son of God and he had a dispute over a trivial matter at the auction, and he killed your son of God. "

At the beginning, it was not difficult to find out what was going on at the auction. In addition, Zhang Chongnian added fuel and vinegar. After listening to this, he looked very gloomy.

"Where is xue'an now

Zhang Chongnian shook his head. "Since the last appearance of this man years ago, he has never appeared again."

Then Zhang Chongnian said with a hint of flattery: "God subdued, these guys are coming fiercely. Shall we start first..."

Before the voice fell, an invisible force directly blasted Zhang Chongnian and pressed it on the wall.

"I don't need you to teach me what I do! You're just a dog I keep, see? " Calm head also does not return to say.

This piece of Chongnian's eyes appeared a look of horror, nodded repeatedly, "yes! My Lord, I know I'm wrong

At this time, the spirit of the mind raised his head and looked into the distance.

There was a cold smile on his face.

"I haven't come to you yet, and you've come to die by yourself? Well, since the real murderer is not here, I'll take you as the murderer's family member first. "At this time, Anqing and others have been driving military vehicles to Zhangjia hotel..

Look at this magnificent hotel.

Anqing frowned slightly.

At this moment, it is close to noon, and the fierce sunlight is direct, but it can't penetrate the haze of this hotel.

Even from a long distance, can feel that kind of bone chilling.

Just at this time, the window on the top floor of the hotel was smashed, and then a figure came out slowly.

This is an ordinary appearance of the Nanyang man, at first glance looks very humble.

But the man stepped in vain, and the earth shook with every step he took.

When he got to the middle, the man stood still, looked at an Qing below, and said with a grim smile: "you Is it Anqing? "

An Qing's heart is cold.

The man's eyes were evil.

"Yes, I am an Qing! Xiangjiang disaster, but you do it? "

The God subdued Jie Jie laughed strangely, "disaster? You mean those people who died? Hehe, it's just their bad luck! What's more, I've already been merciful, otherwise Xiangjiang is already a dead city. "

Then he pointed to an Qing, "Xue an killed my son. Since you are his relative, you should die! Today, I will let you all be my subordinates

Along with his voice, an extremely cold and evil breath rushed to Anqing.

Where the breath passed, skeletons and skeletons rose, and in the air came the most miserable howl.

The art of lowering the head.

Moreover, judging from this situation, it is still a kind of evil head made by countless miserable and unjust souls.

An Qing looks iron and blue, "the evil spirit should really die!"

But before Anqing's action, Zhou Daniao rushed to the front directly, and then punched out.


This fall was smashed by life.

Then Zhou Daniao said in a cold voice: "you call our instructor's name directly. With this, you don't want to leave alive today!"

Calm and sneer, just about to speak, a black knife light appeared quietly in his throat, a fierce knife across.

The head was cut off.

But without waiting for everyone to relax, he said with a grim smile: "it's no use. I'm immortal! And you all die today , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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