At this time, a ripple suddenly appeared in the sky, and then a little black light floated from the whole city, began to gather in the mid air, and formed a black air mass, which began to beat slightly like a heartbeat.

Song Yi's face changed greatly, "it's the spirit subduing! He's not dead! And they are using the negative emotions of the whole city people to reunite their bodies! "

The Fire Phoenix team's people all changed color, Zou Yi stood up, his face was full of crazy killing intention, and he would rush up without saying a word.

Cheng Hao stopped him, "what are you going to do?"

"Captain, I'm going to kill these sons of bitches!" With that, Zou Yi's eyes shed blood and tears.

"It's no use. As long as the city exists, as long as the residents in the city are still there, the spirit will almost never die!" Song Yi looks pale and mumbles to himself.

"I don't care! I'm going to kill him! Take revenge for Daniel and antou Zou Yi has been completely crazy, regardless of anyone's obstruction, determined to rush forward.


Cheng Hao slapped Zou Yi without hesitation and said in a cold voice, "Zou Yi, calm down for me!"

Zou Yi was stunned by the fan, then covered his face and cried out, "Captain, I beg you to let me go. Now I just want to die with these gods!"

"I want to die more than you! But after death? What about Antoine? What about ordinary people in this city? " Cheng Hao snapped.

Zou Yi looks confused.

At the same time, sun Ling carried an Qing and walked out of the darkness.

"Captain! Head on, she... " Sun Ling eyes red, voice choked said.

Cheng Hao and Song Yi are surprised and rush to gather around.

On Sun Ling's back, Anqing's eyes were closed, but she was wrapped in a layer of cocoon like material, revealing only her cheek.

"What's going on?" All the members of the fire phoenix were in great disorder.

If Xue an is the soul pillar of the fire phoenix, then Anqing is the goddess in everyone's mind that can not be blasphemed.

Therefore, when seeing the appearance of an Qing, almost all of them burst into tears.

And all red eyes are going to play with the spirit.

Cheng Hao also reluctantly kept calm, ordered everyone not to act rashly.

At this time, after studying an Qing for a moment, Song Yi's face changed. Then, as if he had made some great determination, he turned and saluted Cheng Hao and others deeply.

"Captain Cheng! Although Miss ANN is unconscious now, her breath is stable and she should be OK! "

Cheng Hao quickly helped him, "what is master song doing! Come on, don't do that! "

Song Yi shook his head firmly. "Captain Cheng, the land is in chaos as it is today. I have a request for the lives of tens of thousands of people on the Xiangjiang River."

Cheng Hao's face was solemn, "master song, please speak!"

Song Yi takes a deep breath and stares at the black air mass gradually increasing with the beating in the air. "This God subduing is an evil god who feeds on the fear and greed of the human heart. If you can't stop it from the source, you can't kill him at all!"

"But human nature is just like this. If you want to get rid of it from the source, it's just a dream! Now the only way to do it is to... "

"Let all the people in Xiangjiang evacuate! Leave an empty city, so as to suppress the growth of this evil god. "

"What master song meant was that..."

"With tens of millions of people on the Xiangjiang River, it will be a huge project even if we start to retreat immediately. Therefore, we need powerful people to operate all this! But let's ask captain Cheng and the fire phoenix to shoulder the heavy responsibility Song Yi said earnestly.

Cheng Hao nodded and agreed without hesitation, "at this juncture, we are duty bound! Just as master Song said, it will be a long process even if we start to retreat now! But now the growth rate of the black air is very likely to reappear before the retreat is completed! "

Song Yi smiles faintly, his eyes twinkle with bright light.

"Has captain Cheng forgotten what I depend on to eat?"

Cheng Hao was stunned.

Looking at the growing black air mass, Song Yi said calmly: "I am here, I will not let this spirit come back to the world!"

Cheng Hao was silent for a moment, and then he said, "take care, master song!"

The situation was urgent, so after the negotiation, Cheng Hao and his people immediately began to operate the evacuation of Xiangjiang harbor.

Waiting for the fire phoenix to leave.

Song Yi used all the Feng Shui secret weapons he had accumulated over the years. He began to arrange the geomantic array according to the surrounding terrain.

There was a dull noise.

The array is set up.

Song Yipu spat out another mouthful of blood.

And the growth rate slowed down with a roar from the black air mass.

Seeing this scene, Song Yi raised his mouth and showed a determined smile. Then he sat cross legged in the middle of the array and carefully took out the real solution of the array with residual temperature from his arms.This was obtained by Xue an when he broke the Xianren collection in the harbor, and then gave it to Song Yi.

Song Yi regarded it as a treasure and always carried it close to his body.

Now, he slowly rubs the book, his face twinkles with indomitable The color of determination.

It's Japan.

The seaport has changed dramatically.

The fire phoenix special forces Zhou Daniu's spirit exploded and eliminated the evil god.

After that, the residents of Xiangjiang began to retreat.

The city was zoned off limits and no one was allowed to step on it.

As soon as it happened, the whole world was shocked.

Can not wait for the world to wake up from the consternation, this matter has been flooded by a variety of events.

As if the valve between heaven and earth was completely opened, the number of gods and Demons suddenly increased, and even formed several magic legions, which began to sweep the world unscrupulously.

All the weapons that human beings are proud of are so fragile in front of these powerful demons.

In just two or three days, countless small countries have been completely destroyed, and the rest of the great powers have been steadily retreating. The whole world has become thoroughly turbulent.

In the world gradually into the quagmire of war and unable to extricate themselves.

Qingmang town.

Cheng haosun Ling and others stood in a line silently.

An Yan is quietly looking at lying on the bed, the whole body is wrapped by a thick cocoon, only one cheek of Anqing.

The atmosphere was oppressed to a disturbing degree.

And finally, to break the silence is to think and think.

They two looked at Anqing on the bed, choked and said: "Auntie, you wake up, don't sleep again, OK? Get up and talk to us! Dad didn't come back, and you didn't want us? "

This scene let this group of tough men who are used to life and death all have a sour nose and shed tears one after another.

And an Yan is trembling hands gently stroking the hair of two little girls, "don't cry! Your aunt is just too tired! Sleep and you'll wake up! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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