"Mom, is that true?" Think of Niannian, lift up her tearful face and ask softly.

Anyan nodded forcefully, "of course, it's true. Will mother cheat you?"

Think about Miss, this just stopped crying, and then get to the bedside, quietly looking at Anqing, silently looking forward to my aunt can wake up early.

And an Yan quietly walked to the outer room, and Cheng Hao and others followed suit.

"What's going on?" As soon as she left the sight of her two daughters, Anyan felt a whirl and nearly fell to the ground.

Fortunately, Tang xuan'er was there and helped her.

Cheng Hao was full of guilt and told the story, and then led all the players to step forward and kneel down together.

"Madam, we are incompetent. We have failed to protect an tou and make him seriously injured. We are willing to be punished!"

After that, Cheng Hao and others all lowered their heads.

And at the moment, an Yan, pale as paper, eyes swept from the face of each member of the fire phoenix.

Through Cheng Hao's narration, she only knew what had happened, and noticed that the members of huofenghuang were all in a state of depression and obviously injured.

"Captain Cheng, you didn't do anything wrong. Why punish you? Please all get up An Yan said, the expression gradually restored calm.

Cheng Hao and others looked at each other, and then stood up hesitantly.

Then an Yan gave a deep gift to everyone, "thank you for sending my sister back!"

This bluff Cheng Hao and others have to avoid, dare not accept an Yan this worship, and then busy said: "madam, what are you doing? If the instructor knows about it, he will certainly scold us! "

"Yes! This is what we should do

An Yan smiles, "there is nothing in the world that should be, if there is no you, Qing'er, she would have died already! Therefore, you are worthy of this worship. "

Cheng Hao and others have a warm current in their hearts.

Before they came, they came with the attitude of offering a humble apology. Unexpectedly, an Yan was so understanding.

At this time, Cheng haolue hesitated and said solemnly.

"Madame! Now the situation is in chaos. It's not safe here. You'd better take the two ladies and others to Zhongdu! It is the safest place where there are layers of troops to guard and gather many powerful Chinese

An Yan smelled speech to shake head, "don't say, I won't go! I'll wait here for him to come back! "

In fact, as early as a few days ago, Xue an's good friends and Chen's family urged an Yan to go back more than once, which was rejected by Anyan.

"But..." Cheng Hao looks worried.

"An Yan a smile," you forget, I am your instructor's wife, is also a loud master, if there are gods and Demons dare to come here, I will make them regret coming down. "

Cheng Hao and others are still a little worried.

After all, Anyan and miss Niannian are the most important family members of the instructor. If they make any mistakes, they are not to blame.

Xiao Sha was listening all the time, and he couldn't help saying.

"Ladies and gentlemen, as long as I'm safe, you can rest assured."

Zhang Xiaoyu, standing behind Xiaosha and holding her shoulder, could not help but clench his fist and said with determination: "what Xiaosha said is what I mean!"

Small sand a stare, "quickly pinch!"

"Yes, Mr. sand!" Zhang Xiaoyu began to pinch his shoulder again.

Cheng Hao and others know that Xiaosha is a dragon with a strong strength.

So after looking at each other, Cheng Hao took a deep breath, "in this case, take care of your wife, I'll go first!"

An Yan nodded, "you are the same, take care of yourself!"

The Fire Phoenix team now has an extremely heavy task and needs their reinforcement everywhere. So after sending anqing back to Qingmang Town, they have to rush to solve the next task without stopping.

looking at the figures of these men who are far away, Tang xuan'er sighs, "I don't know how many can come back this time!"

Hearing this, an Yan shivered all over, and then her eyes gradually showed the light of perseverance.

What she said was what she said in her heart.

As Xue an's wife, she would never shrink back.

"Husband, don't worry, I will let these arrogant demons learn to fear. I'll be here, waiting for you to come back! "

An Yan whispered, holding the special weapon tightly in his hand.

Then the situation became more chaotic.

Where the army of gods and Demons passed by, life was destroyed, and nothing was left.

But at this moment, human beings burst out with unprecedented tenacity and tenacity.

Although there are kneeling to survive, but more, or quietly picked up the sword, walked on the battlefield.

Maybe that's why this race has survived to this day.Dark castle.

The attack from the Illuminati has been going on for ten days.

These crazy believers never seem to know fatigue, let alone fear death.

Everyone with a dull look rushed forward, with their own carrying those holy light to kill the dark castle of the guard force.

This is what Metatron set out to do.

If he breaks through this guard force, then fan Mengxue's spirits will be destroyed.

So he used this group of light crazy believers who were imprisoned by him to break through this layer of protection.

This method of dripping water and penetrating the stone really worked.

The power of the dark guard began to fade.

Of course, the people of the dark Council understand all this.

But now all the giants of the dark Council are seriously injured and can't fight any more.

Are you just watching?


There is a group of uncles who never disdain to bow to anyone.

The xm806 heavy machine gun roars and pours its bullets at the crazy believers who rush opposite.

The dense barrage made it difficult for these crazy believers with holy light to rush through.


This wave of Illuminati believers is harvested.

The skeleton patted his suit, then took out a cigar and pressed it against the red barrel of the gun.

A moment later, the cigar lit up, and the skeleton took a pleasant puff, then patted the heavy machine gun.

"See, what is the power of technology? This is it

It's not good for you to see a cigar for a long time

"It's OK. I can get rid of them without guns, just by the bunch of jerks who can only charge!" Said the skeleton of the cigar.

Old six smell speech just want to sneer a few words.

There was a sudden fog outside.

"Attention! There is a situation! " Yelled a skeleton.

All the skeletons were awed by it.

Then I saw a group of people with a pair of wings coming out of the fog.

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