When they saw these men, all the skeletons turned on fire.

But this time, the useless and unfavourable bullets also lost their function.

Even being hit in the front by a large caliber sniper rifle, they couldn't penetrate the bodies of these people.

And then all of a sudden these men rose up and headed for the skeletons.

"Sleeping trough! What the hell Seeing that the cigar skeleton couldn't fight these guys, he was so frightened that he just rolled down and could escape the attack of a man.

But as soon as he dodged, he heard the scream of a skeleton behind him. He turned to look at it and saw that a skeleton was torn apart by this life, and its head was crushed and exploded.

The flame in the skull's eyes went out, and he was looking at the cigar skull before it went out.

At the same time, other skeletons were also torn up by these guys, and became the broken bones of the ground.

Cigar skeleton roared, "God of light, I call you the ancestor of eighteen generations!"

He was going to get up regardless of everything.

But at this time, he was pressed to the ground by a man, and then the voice of skeleton six came.

"Don't be impulsive. You can't beat these guys!"

The cigar skeleton could not suppress his anger, "but the big guys are all torn up by these son of bitches!"

Laoliu whispered: "I saw it, but don't be impulsive."

Said old six light way: "still have cigar, also give me one!"

"You heartless thing, everyone has been torn up! I guess I can't spell it! And this time you still pressure on me, I can not be interested in men! Get the hell out of here

The skeleton of the cigar muttered, took out a cigar and handed it back without looking back.

But after waiting for a moment, no one answered.

The cigar skull impatiently turned his head 180 degrees and said, "you..."

Then he froze.

Because of the pressure on his body, now half of the body has been completely smashed, and the light is attached to the wound, desperately to the other side of erosion.

And the flame in Laoliu's eyes is very dim.

"Old Old six Said the cigar skull.

And then I'm going to get up.

Old six shook the only hand, "don't move, I'm blocking it, they can't see you!"

"But But. "

The light in old six's eyes is more and more dim, "second elder brother, last time repeatedly looked, actually was I lost, I am sorry!"

"I'm also playing tricks, old six, don't talk. Second brother will help you out!" The cigar skull trembled.

Old six shook his head, "it's no use!"

Then he quietly looked at the cigar skeleton, "second brother, see you next life!"

After that, the flame in his eyes was completely extinguished, and the bones were scattered all over the ground.

The cigar skeleton was lying on the ground. After a long time, he said in a low voice, "I'll see you in my next life! I don't believe in this evil! You all have to come back to me

At this time, the birdmen had been killed by the power of the dark guard. The cigar skeleton stood up and packed all the dead bones on the ground.

While loading him, he muttered, "this rib is glossy and smooth. It's Laoba's boy's!"

"This pelvis is so big, it should be a big ass old five!"

But when he touched the bone of Laoliu, the bone eroded by the Holy Light instantly turned into powder and disappeared between heaven and earth.

This scene was like a heavy blow that completely defeated him.

"Old six, second brother is wrong! I'll be your grandson and brush your bones. Don't leave me! All right

The cigar skull screamed in pain, and something hot and humid rolled down in its eyes.

It turns out.

Skeletons cry, too.

At the moment, Metatron is in the church, watching the dark castle through the light curtain.

When he saw that the power of guardianship became more and more thin, he smiled and held up the red wine cup.

"What an intoxicating taste! I love it here! "

At the bottom of the light, all the members of the church stood with a look of numbness, as if they were wood without emotion.


As a place adjacent to South Asia, there are all kinds of worship of evil gods.

Therefore, when the birth of gods and Demons began, the impact here was more serious.

But because of the existence of Yu family, there is not too much harm here.

But with the passage of time, the number of gods and Demons gradually increased, and the Yu family began to become powerless.


It's raining in the south of the five ridges.

Several blue faced fangs are rampant in the city.

But now Lingnan city has become empty, because the Yu family at the beginning of the city to evacuate the crowd, and scattered to various strongholds.

The advantage of this is that it can minimize the number of defenders and reduce the casualties of innocent people."These cunning mortals have evacuated everyone. It's boring!" A ferocious looking evil soldier grumbled discontentedly.

"Jie Jie, those mortal swordsmen can't hold on for long. It will be the day when this city will be destroyed!" Another evil soldier, Jie Jie, laughed strangely.

At this time, the evil soldier walking in the front suddenly stopped.

"Old six, what did you stop for?"

The evil soldier, known as Lao Liu, had a cruel light in his eyes and said with a grim smile, "don't you feel it? It's not far from the mountain ahead. It seems that there is a small temple. "

The evil soldiers were stunned at first, and then all of them showed the light of excitement.

"I didn't expect such a weak spirit in the world! It seems that they are local gods made by incense and fire! "

"Jie Jie, look at this soft and weak breath, should still be a goddess!"

The evil soldiers looked at each other, then grinned and went to the small temple.

Rain temple.

Almost all the temple lovers were evacuated, only one old man was left.

He made it clear that he could not live long anyway. He might as well stay and look after the temple.

At the moment, he is talking about incense.

"Lady rain, the world is not peaceful recently. I know you are timid, so you can hide as much as possible! The young master of the Yu family killed a demon again yesterday, but I heard that he himself was also injured! Alas, these sons of bitches are living a good life. But what are they doing when they suddenly come to the world? Oh, I didn't mean to say dirty words. Don't blame the rain god

With this old temple wish's voice, that small statue of God's mouth floating, seems to be laughing.

But it was just then.

A few powerful evil spirits rushed to the temple, and they did not wait for the old temple to react.

The tall gate of the temple was shattered.

Then several evil soldiers came in with a grim smile.

"You You... "

Before the words fell, his head exploded and the corpse fell to the ground.

Seeing this scene, the rain god like a violent tremor.

And these evil soldiers are greedy looking at.

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