"Hey hey, it took thousands of years to build this look. You are a waste, little girl!"

"Jie Jie, this little girl should be good-looking. After catching it for a while, our brothers will have a good time."

As soon as he said that, the white light flashed through.

Can not wait for white light to walk through half, a respect evil soldier a flick finger.


The white light was shot into the corner of the hall, and then a girl in ancient costume appeared.

The girl had a delicate face and trembled with fear.

"Tut, it's really good! Our brothers are lucky now These evil soldiers all smile grimly and prepare to start.

At this time, I heard a loud bang on the top of the room, and then the bricks and tiles rolled down, and a bright sword light stabbed down in the smoke and dust, pointing directly at the head of a demon soldier.

The evil soldier was cut off his head by this sword before he could react.

The stench of filth flowed all over the floor.

The rest of the evil soldiers were all startled and subconsciously retreated.

After the smoke and dust dispersed, a pale, bloodstained man was standing in the field.

"Yu Ming!" Of course, these evil soldiers recognized the Kendo master who had slaughtered countless demons. They could not help but gnash their teeth and snorted.

Yu Ming turned his head and looked at the rain god in the corner and nodded gently.

The girl in ancient costume gradually stopped shaking.

Then Yu Ming looks at these evil soldiers, and his eyes are full of killing intention.

"How dare you touch the rain temple? None of you want to leave today!"

"Yu Ming, I admit you are very good! But in front of us, it's not your turn to be rampant! "

With that, the evil soldiers rushed forward.

Yu Ming walked with his sword and saw several flashes of sword light.

Yu Ming had already come to the back of these evil soldiers. A blood line gradually appeared in the throat of these evil soldiers, and then his eyes were shocked. Finally, the corpse fell to the ground.

Seeing the death of these evil soldiers, Yu Ming is still in a lurch, good hang did not fall in the pool of blood.

The rain god girl rushed to help, and then screamed.

Because Yu Ming's clothes are full of scars.

Yu Ming said with a wry smile, "Lord Rain God, didn't I tell you to hide quickly? Why sneak back? "

Rain god bowed his head and said nothing.

Yu Ming knew that she couldn't speak, so he sighed, "it's too dangerous here. If you stay here, you'll only cause more troubles! Dear, when the chaos is over, will you come back? "

Rain God did not raise his head, but gently wrote a yuan character in the air.

Yu Ming's whole body is shocked, and then he remembers that today is the birthday of Yu family's sword immortal, that is, his ancestor Yu Yuanyi.

In the past, it rained every year in Lingnan.

This is especially true after Yu Yuanyi's return to the dust.

I didn't expect that the rain god would always remember.

At the moment, Yu Ming has five tastes in his heart. I don't know what to say.

The rain god silently stroked his forehead with his hand.

A little blue rain drops on Yu Ming's body and penetrates into the skin.

Yu Ming felt that Qi and blood all over his body were quickened, and the injury began to improve gradually.

After a moment, the rain god was pale and stepped back a few steps, and his body was thin to almost transparent.

"Lord rain..." Yu Ming is full of guilt and wants to say something.

At this time, a very majestic evil spirit rushed directly, and the whole hall collapsed.

Then a ten Zhang high evil god with three eyes was looking down on Yu Ming with a grim smile.

"Yu Ming, I'll see where you can run this time!"

Yu Ming looks dignified to the extreme.

This three eyed evil god is the most powerful one among the evil gods besieging Lingnan.

Today, Yu Ming was hurt so badly when he was fighting with him.

"Lord Rain God, you go quickly!"

Said Yu Ming a drag Rain God, will protect her in the back, and then soar to the sky, a sword stab out.

But such a brilliant sword did not even cut the skin of the evil god.

He grinned grimly, "Yu Ming, you have killed so many gods and demons. Now pay them for their lives!"

Then he clapped it.

Yu Ming was directly photographed and flew out. He fell to the ground and spat out a few mouthfuls of blood.

The three eyed evil god bent down, grinned grimly and held out his hand. He wanted to press Yu Ming to death just as he killed mole ants.

But at this time, the Rain God appeared in the field, shaking out his hands and blocked Yu Ming behind him.

Seeing this scene, Yu Ming was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood. Then he said in a tragic voice: "Lord Rain God, go! You are no match for himRain God did not even move, just quietly looking at the three eyed evil god.

"Jie Jie, how could there be such a weak spirit? It's really a shame to our gods!"

This three eyed evil god laughs a few times. If you don't care, you have to reach out and crush the rain god.

Rain God that slightly showed the color of perseverance on his face, and then stretched out his hand to pull the hairpin behind his head.

The green silk falls like a waterfall, which makes the rain god more beautiful and thrilling.

The three eyed evil spirits laughed, "what? Do you know if you can't beat me, do you want to seduce me with beauty? "

But as soon as his voice fell, the rain god bit the green silk, and his hairpin grew in the wind. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a long sword, and then he cut out a sword without hesitation.

Whether from the timing of the sword or from her technique, the rain god is a complete novice in kendo.

This three eyed evil god is even more dismissive, "ha ha, little God, you are here to make fun of..."

Before the latter words were spoken, he saw a powerful sword rising from the sky and running straight to the three eyed evil god.

"No way! How could you... "

The evil god of three eyes cried out miserably and wanted to avoid it.

But this sword meaning is like the imperial edict of the nine heaven emperor, and it has the dignity that no one can resist.


The meaning of the sword breaks through the body.

The expression of the three eyed evil god was stagnant for a moment, and there were many fine lines on the whole God's body, and then they were smashed.

A sword!

The powerful three eyed evil god was killed by the beheaded spirits.

Yu Ming looks at it stupidly, and then shivers all over.

Because he recognized the meaning of the sword.

"This This is Mr. Xue's sword meaning! "

The rain god nodded, and then fell to the ground with his whole body out of strength. The sword gave up and turned into a hairpin again.

On that day, the rain god of Lingnan made a move, relying on Xue an du to give her a sword meaning, the sword cut the evil god.

And this sword has also aroused many people's memories of Xue an.

Many people think silently, if this once invincible Mr. Xue can appear, will it be able to let these unscrupulous demons roll back to where they should go?

But where is he now?

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