The secret place of Qi transportation.

Before the heaven.

The bright brilliance has been surging in the middle.

The originally huge and incomparable Qi Yun gemstone has been used up at the moment.


A light went straight into the sky, and then a man rose.

Then the world vibrated, and layers of shackles of heaven surging wildly, trying to bind the man firmly.

But the man was just a light drink.

"Go away! Dare to come here again and destroy the way of heaven

With this exclamation, all the shackles disappear in an instant, and the world is silent.

It was Xue an who came out.

He was standing high above the sky, overlooking the whole secret place.

On the ground, Liu Keke, Lian Yunting and others are all surprised.

Because even though Xue an is standing so far away.

But under the pressure of endless luck, people can't help but want to worship.

It is at this moment that all the Chinese in the whole secret land suddenly feel clear, as if a layer of haze has been removed, and the whole people have become transparent.

There are a lot of Chinese teenagers who are originally brilliant but unable to practice because of the restrictions of the rules. After getting rid of this haze, they shine all over and directly enter the realm of cultivation.

The fox night, which has been waiting silently, also appears in the sky at the moment.

He looked at xue'an, whose face was grim and his eyes were cold, and he could not help being surprised.

"What's the matter?"

Xue an shook his head. "Nothing, just see a few pictures!"

Fox night saw very wise shut his mouth, because he knew that if Xue an didn't want to say, it was no use who asked.

At the moment, xue'an was furious.

Because when he was about to leave the customs, he suddenly saw several pictures in the Qiyun gem.

These images are obviously inherited from ancient times, and in the background above, they are happening on earth.

And what is recorded in these pictures is extremely bloody and cruel.

There are scenes in which countless Chinese ancestors were slaughtered by several races.

This kind of killing is so cruel that even children can't let go.

It was enough for Xue an to be angry.

In the end, Xue an's mind suddenly came up with a section of ancient seal characters.

It is this paragraph that makes Xue an rise to the sky killing intention.

The meaning is very simple.

That is to say, during the robbery, the fortune of the whole world had already been taken by the Chinese people. However, some of the major races in the sky did not want to see the Chinese people grow up, so they conspired to unite and suddenly attacked the Chinese people.

In this war, the Chinese lost a lot in a sudden, their people were slaughtered, and their luck was divided up by these big races.

However, in order to preserve the blood of the Chinese people, the Chinese great energy at that time cut down Jianmu and incarnated all of them into the laws of heaven on earth.

Let those gods and Demons not come, so as to win breathing time for the Chinese people.

In the end, the unknown Chinese can write in tears of blood.

I hope that the descendants of the Chinese people will remember this deep blood feud and avenge the Chinese people who died under the clutches of these major ethnic groups!

All of these made Xue an's men and women stand up, and the killing intention in his heart even affected the heavenly phenomena in the secret state of this prescription.

The sky was covered with snow.

Fox night heart has a feeling, but out of respect for friends, just patted Xue an on the shoulder.

"Well, no matter what, I will be on your side! This is my promise to you. "

Xue an looks at the fox night, his eyes are warm, and then he smiles.

"I thought you left long ago. After all, you're a sub body that's going to collapse at any time."

Fox night shrugged, "you absorb the movement of qi movement is too big, I'm afraid that the way of heaven can't be shielded. If there are more powerful people coming, I'll wait here for a while! Now that you're out of the customs, I should be leaving! "

"So fast?"

Fox night smiles bitterly and nods, "yes, the elder sent many guards to look for me everywhere. Fox snow kill has already returned to deliver the letter first. I have to go back and see what's going on! At the same time, I'm going to try to revive a girl! "

"Is it the piece of soul you carry with you?" Asked Xue an.

Fox night nodded, "her name is Bao."

Xue an patted him on the shoulder, "well, take care of yourself all the way, brother."

Fox night all over a shudder, "Hey, this is not your style!"

Xue Anwen said with a smile, "go away! Do you have to scold you to be happy? Cheap skin

Fox night hey hey a smile, "Xue an, I'm waiting for you in the universe!"

After that, he began to disintegrate and break, and a divine thought passed through the layers of heaven and disappeared into the secret state of this prescription.

Xue an looks at the back of him leaving, smiles slightly, turns and falls to the ground.Liu Keke and Lian Yunting and others all gather around, and Hua Youan is also there, but Xiaoshui and others are gone.

"Master, general Shui has already returned to ancient China with his soldiers and officers."

Speaking of this, Hua You'an's face showed a look of exaltation.

After Xue an closed down, fox night waited here and dismissed the demons in the demon family mountain.

Together with Xiaoshui, the real armour refining soldiers.

The cause of the Millennium Assembly has spread throughout the whole secret land, shaking the world.

All the clansmen who had oppressed the Chinese people were so scared that they could not sleep at night, and they all wanted to run away when the Chinese could close down.

For example, the country of ronin, which once threatened ancient China from participating in the Millennium Assembly.

But these people did not expect that Xiaoshui had first returned to ancient China, and then began to collect blood debts one by one.

No matter how tough the other side was.

Under the attack of real armour refining soldiers, there was no one in one enemy, and they were all slaughtered.

The country of ronin is the result of the death of a country.

These, how can we not let the oppressed Hua You'an be inspired.

Xue an just laughed.

At present, the fate of the whole world belongs to him, and the rising trend of the Chinese people is irresistible. Just a group of gangsters, they have no enough to worry about.

The goal of Chinese is not to live in this small world, but to live in the sea of stars!

Of course, these things are to be planned later.

Xue an always felt a little uneasy now. He was afraid of what would happen again on the earth, so after taking care of the affairs of this world, he prepared to return to earth.

Liu Keke and Lian Yunting looked at each other and asked, "master!"


"Shall we both go back with you?"

Xue an sniffed and laughed, "you cook here first. I'll go back and have a look. And from then on, this secret place should be open to the earth, and it will be very convenient to go in and out."

Just saying that, Xue an suddenly felt his eyelids jump, and a strong premonition attacked his heart.

It's an Yan!

Xue an was stunned, and then a strong and incomparable murderous spirit rose to the sky, directly shaking the heaven and earth.

Liu Keke and others were scared back several steps, and looked at Xue an with a cold face.

Xue an also no longer delay, directly across the palm, Sheng Sheng cut space, and then directly disappeared in this secret place.

Wife, daughter, wait for me!

If anyone dares to hurt one of your hair!

And I tore up the heavens and the kingdoms! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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