Qingmang town.

Since the chaos, the once quiet town has become restless.

All the people who have a little way to go have already run away, only some lonely and poor people are still living with the mentality of muddling along.

But who did not expect that the next period of time, Qingmang town is actually safe.

Even if the town is far away from the magic, it seems that the magic will be forgotten.

This makes the town's residents all grateful, think that the local land grandfather or some other God is protecting the town.

Xiao Sha scoffed at this.

"If it wasn't for my dragon power, those gods and demons would have let this town go? It turned out to be a bunch of fools, thanks to the gods and Buddhas. "

After hearing Xiao Sha's complaint, an Yan just laughed, "OK, these people don't know your existence. Besides, do you want to sit on the altar all day long and be worshipped and worshipped by these people?"

Hearing an Yan's words, Xiao Sha thought about the miserable life of sitting on the altar table, being influenced by the incense every day, and unable to eat a roast chicken, she could not help but fight a cold war and shake her head.

"I don't want to!"

"Still! In fact, it's also good that you protect the peace of one party, while they are grateful to the god Buddha in their hearts, and they do not interfere. "

Xiao Sha thinks so.

Anyan has been living in the hotel for this period of time, guarding her sister Anqing.

She found that although anqing was sleeping, her cocoons seemed to grow and change every day.

Although I don't know whether it is a blessing or a disaster, it proves that an Qing is not dead, which also makes an Yan a little relieved.

Now, the hotel will be closed down completely, and the roads will not be disrupted.

Xue LAN follows an Yan to patrol around every day to prevent evil spirits.

Everything was peaceful.

But on this day, the arrival of several cars broke the tranquility of the town.

This is a convoy of seven or eight Hummer SUVs, which rushed directly through the roadblocks set at the intersection of the town and drove to the central square of the town.

The huge roar of the engine attracted many people's attention, but no one dared to go out to see what was going on.

at the same time, the door of the leading off-road vehicle opened, and a man in a suit of suits, leather shoes and greasy face got off the car in a hurry, then ran to the middle car and opened the door respectfully.

A young man, with his eyes raised and arrogant, slowly stepped out of the car and looked around with a cold smile on his face.

"Sure enough, there is dragon power, but the breath of this dragon power is very disordered. It should be a miscellaneous dragon!"

Then he looked at the greasy faced man on one side and said faintly, "is this the hometown of xue'an you mentioned?"

The greasy faced man quickly nodded, "long Shao, yes, this is Xue an's hometown. Now his wife and children live here!"

Long Shao nodded slightly, "your intelligence is right. Although it is a miscellaneous dragon, it can be regarded as a little harvest, but you seem to hate Xue an very much."

The oil headed man bowed his head, and his eyes flashed with bitterness. "Long Shao, this xue'an was very arrogant at the beginning. He had to kill me in public. My father gave a wild ginseng to save my life. But later, the Lin family was targeted by Qin Yu, and finally ended up bankrupt How can I not say that all this is given by Xue an

That's right.

This greasy faced man is Lin Fenglin, who was taught a lesson by Xue an at the beginning.

At that time, Xue an had just returned from his rebirth when he happened to meet him on the road.

Then Lin Feng ridiculed him and got Xue an's fat beating. Without saying that, the Lin family was still in a state of depression and eventually ended in a broken family.

But this Lin Feng did not leave Beijiang, but has been lurking, want to wait for an opportunity to revenge.

But with the passage of time, the Qin family became more and more powerful, and Xue an's reputation was at its zenith.

That kind of almost mythical rumors made Lin Feng more and more desperate.

All of a sudden, he thought that heaven and earth would have no hope of revenge.

Lin Feng was overjoyed, so he began to drill around regardless of everything. Then he got to know the young dragon.

Lin Feng was overjoyed by the strength of the dragon and was looking forward to getting rid of xue'an and avenging himself.

But after a probe, Lin Feng found that Xue an had disappeared years ago and had never heard from him.

But he also heard that Xue an's wife and children are in Qingmang Town, and there is a very strong guard.

So under Lin Feng's all kinds of encouragement, the young dragon nationality followed him.

At the moment, the Dragon looked around, a sneer appeared on his face, and then his eyes suddenly brightened, and a strong pressure spread.At the same time, small shahoran, who is eating roast chicken in his hotel room, stands up.

"Mr. sand, what's the matter?" Zhang Xiaoyu asked in a hurry.

"Don't let the mother and the two ladies come out!"

Then he broke through the glass of the room and flew to the square in an instant.

After seeing Xiao Sha's face clearly, the Dragon Shao was stunned slightly, and then laughed more and more proud and rampant.

"As expected, it turned out to be a local dragon." Long Shao light way.

"Who are you? Why do you come to Qingmang town? " Little sand asked in a cold voice.

Long Shao shook his head and chuckled. His eyes suddenly turned into dragon eyes. He said in a majestic voice, "I am the third young master of the Tianlong family. Don't you kneel down when you see me?"

Ask with this voice.

Xiao Sha felt the pressure of his whole body suddenly increased, and the whole person fell to the ground, and his knees could not help bending.

Bloodline suppression!

A phenomenon existing in the demon clan.

As long as your bloodline is more noble and powerful than the other party, you can command the lower demon race.

But in the face of this scene, Xiao Sha roared, "what do I care about you? Three less, four less! Those who break into my territory will die

With that, Xiaosha broke away from the oppression of the lineage, and rushed to the dragon's three close quarters and took a picture with both hands.

The dragon three was a little surprised and said, "you can break away from my oppression. It seems that your bloodline is a little interesting! But That's all! "

With that, long San waves his hand carelessly.

Xiaosha felt a huge force hit, the whole person was blown out directly, and he was about to hit a building.

One hand held her from behind.

"Xiaosha, are you ok?" There was a soft voice.

Xiao Sha looks back.

It is an Yan.

"My mother, you Why are you here? " Little sand, big rush.

This dragon three is extremely terrifying in strength, and he is not his opponent.

If an Yan appears, it will be very dangerous.

An Yan smiles and is about to speak.

At this time, Lin Feng was already crawling up to long San, pointing to an Yan in the air and saying, "long Shao, this woman is Xue an's wife!"

Long San looks at the peerless face of an Yan, eyes emerge with amazing and greedy eyes.

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