"It's interesting. I didn't expect such an amazing woman in this world." Long San licked his lips and said with salivation.

Dragon's nature is obscene.

What's more, he is a powerful dragon family with the blood of the Heavenly Dragon. He is full of possessive desire for beauty.

An Yan frowned. The look and words of the dragon three made her feel very uncomfortable.

"Who are you? Why did you break into Qingmang town and hurt Xiaosha? "

Before long San could speak, Lin Feng said with a grim smile: "the last name is an, this is the dragon three adults of Tianlong nationality, and I have been old classmates with your husband Xue an for many years!"

When it comes to the old classmate's three words, Lin Feng deliberately accentuates his tone, and his face is full of hatred.

"As for why we came Hehe, I heard that your husband has been missing for a long time. It's not that I'm afraid you're lonely. I came here specially... "

Don't wait for him to finish saying, an Yan has already been angry, all men stand, cold drink a, "shameless!"

Then he rushed to Lin Feng and raised his hand.

If the palm is shot correctly, Lin Feng will be disabled if he does not die.

But at this time, the dragon three on one side waved.

An Yan felt a strong attack, but had to twist the body, can just avoid the blow.

Long three light way: "such delicate and delicate appearance of flesh, if broken, but very let a person heartache! But as long as you are obedient, I will not hurt you! After all I know how to take pity on women

Yan's eyes are full of cold and cold.

In the middle of the air, Xiao Sha was also furious. She was rude to her mistress. To Xiaosha, it was even worse than killing her.

So he rushed over without hesitation.

One man, one dragon, united to besiege the three young Tianlong people.

In the face of such a joint attack, long San laughs.

"It's no use. You can't beat me even if I'm standing still!"

With that, a layer of Golden Dragon scales appeared on the surface of dragon three's skin.


Anyan slapped on the head of the dragon three, but was not moved at all, and was directly shaken out.

Xiao Sha is no exception. He kicks on the back of long San and makes himself step back.

Dragon three full face complacent laugh up, "I said, you are not my opponent at all, or obediently surrender it!"

An Yan's face was as heavy as water, and he took the pan out directly from the mustard ring.

Long San was stunned at first, and then he couldn't help laughing more loudly, "how could he carry a pot? Do you want to laugh me to death if you think you can't beat me? "

Before the voice fell, an Yan had already rushed to him, raised the pan and patted it in the past.

Long San didn't think of it at all, and even sneered, "if you can move me with this pot, I'll write the name of longsan upside down."


With a loud sound of electricity.

Originally full of disdain, long San was blown out directly, and in mid air, his body was also entangled by electric light, ziziziyan smoke.

It was not until the landing that the lights gradually dissipated.

But at this time, the dragon three has not just calm, and the Dragon scales on his body are no longer so bright, but there are many scorched black marks.

"It can release the thunder. What is this in your hand?" Dragon three dead staring at an Yan, cold voice asked.

An Yan Yang raised his hand, light way: "you have said, this is a pan ah!"

Long San's face changed. After a while, he gradually returned to normal. Then he said with a grim smile: "very good. I thought I would surrender to you slowly, but since you are so disrespectful, don't blame me for being rude!"

Say, dragon three's body shape appears directly behind an Yan's back, a palm pokes out, want to pinch her neck.

An Yan was startled and tried his best to avoid the blow, but he was still a little slower. A strong wind swept over the earlobe, and a drop of red blood was exuded.

"Mistress!" Small sand eyes canthus to crack, directly roared out of the body, and then rushed straight to fight with the dragon three.

Dragon three is a Leng first, and then said with a grim smile: "just a miscellaneous dragon, can actually transform into a five claw golden dragon! It seems that I have come right this time! "

After that, the three dragons waved their hands, and a seal script with dragon power appeared in the air.

Dragon Rune!

The Dragon rune is one of the means to communicate heaven and earth through the power of truth.

At this time, Xiaosha has already rushed to the front, a mouth, will spit out Longyan.

But at this time, the Dragon amulet suddenly lit up, and then directly printed on Xiaosha's forehead.


A crisp sound.

From this dragon rune, countless tiny chains of light were stretched out, which directly covered Xiaosha's body, and then suddenly tightened.Boom.

The little sand fell to the ground and couldn't move any more.

But even so, Xiaosha still refused, still struggling.

But each time they struggled, the chains of glory would be tightened. At last, the Dragon scales that had been cut into small sand were cut into the flesh and blood, and the blood was seeping out.

"Little sand!" An Yan exclaimed.

"It's no use. If you're a nine day dragon, you've got to put your hands on me!" Long three light said, and then turned to look at an Yan.

"Now her life is in my hands. She will be strangled if I give her order! But if you give in to me... "

An Yan is full of murderous spirit and is about to speak.

"Son of a bitch, how dare you treat Lord Xiaosha like this? Die for me With the cry, Zhang Xiaoyu flies from afar, countless Octopus legs straight at the dragon three.

Long San didn't take it seriously. With a wave of his hand, most of Zhang Xiaoyu's Octopus legs were cut off.

Painful Zhang Xiaoyu screamed and nearly fell from the air.

The trapped sand angrily said, "you fool, who asked you to come?"

Zhang Xiaoyu's eyes were tearful, "I saw that you were trapped in Xiaosha, so I wanted to come to rescue you!"

"I don't need you to save me. Take the mother with you!" Xiao Sha roared.

Long San clapped his hands slowly, "tut Tut, there are still aquatic monsters. Since they are here, let's leave the materials for hot pot washing."

With that, long San is going to start.

At the same time, two small figures also flew over.

"Mother! Little sand The two little girls screamed.

It's just thinking and thinking.

And then Xue LAN flew to him in a hurry, "think about it, you go back quickly!"

"No, we are not going! We're going to fight bad guys with mom Think about it and say.

At this time, Lin Feng said to longsan, "long Shao, these two little girls are Xue an's twin daughters."

Dragon three grimly smile, "very good, since all come, then don't go at all!"

But at this time, the clear sky suddenly darkened rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, it changed from day to night.

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