"What's going on?" The dragon was surprised and looked up.

At this time, the sky above the stars and moon rotation, a huge gate of time and space gradually emerged.

Long San's expression is gradually dignified, because he can vaguely feel that there is an extremely terrifying force behind the gate of time and space.

Anyan suddenly thought of what, the whole body began to stop shaking.

Xiaosha tried his best to look up at the sky and murmured: "it's adults, adults are back!"

Just then, the door of time and space slowly opened.

Then a figure came out, standing at the top of the sky.

As soon as this figure appeared, the stars and the moon bowed their heads.

Under such strong majesty, the whole world seems to have stagnated even the wind, a dead silence.

But the first to break the silence is two young children's voice.

"It's dad!"

"Dad is back!"

Think about it and read it and cheer.

And an Yan is hard to cover his mouth, tears such as the flood burst dike, stop also can not stop.

Lin Feng's whole body trembled, and his face turned pale.

"Is it that Is he really coming back? "

It seems to be in response to his questions.

In a flash of light, Xue an's figure appeared in front of her two daughters, and then she held the two little girls in her arms.

Think of Niannian's excited little face flushed and hugged Xue an's neck tightly, and gave Xue an a kiss first.

"Dad, you're back at last! We miss you so much

"Yes, Dad, why did you go so long this time?"

Looking at the excited tears of the two little girls.

At the moment, xue'an was so distressed that she didn't know what to do. She could only say in a soft voice, "my father is wrong. After that, my father will never leave for such a long time."


Two little girls nestled in Xue an's arms and said nothing.

Then Xue an looks at an Yan and smiles, "Yan'er, I'm back!"

Anyan nodded forcefully, "well, just come back!"

Xue an was smiling. Suddenly, she seemed to see something. The smile on her face suddenly became cold.

"Yan'er, what is the injury on your ear lobe?"

An Yan a Zheng, and then touched the ear, "hurt?"

The scratch was so slight that she didn't even notice it.

At this time, Xiaosha, trapped by the trapped dragon Fu, said in a loud voice: "boss, the master mother was hurt by this guy! I saw it with my own eyes! "

The two little girls also pointed to long San and said, "Dad, this big villain is so bad that he actually catches Xiaosha and cuts off Zhang Xiaoyu's legs."

"Mm-hmm! He bullied his mother and said he would take her away

Xue an listens quietly, looks down at long San, and then focuses his eyes on Lin Feng.

"Lin Da Shao, long time no see!" Xue an said lightly.

Lin Feng was shocked and subconsciously stepped back a few steps. His face was full of fear. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it.

At this time, long San suddenly began to clap his hands gently, and then said with a tone full of mockery.

"Tut, no matter how good you are, this way of appearing is really It's powerful enough. "

Lin Feng remembered that he had a great master with him this time, so he said quickly, "long Shao..."

Long San waved his hand, then raised his head and looked at Xue an with a face full of arrogance, "are you Xue an?"

Xue an looked at him quietly. After a moment, he said faintly: "from now on, I allow you to live ten more breathing time!"

Long San heard the speech and laughed, "ten breaths? Xue an, although I am surprised that you are a golden immortal, don't think that the golden immortal can do anything. In the eyes of my Tianlong family, you golden immortals... "

Before the words fell, Xue an raised his hand to shield the divine consciousness of his two daughters, and then he rushed to the body of long San in silence.

Long San felt the scales of his whole body burst in an instant. He felt extremely dangerous and wanted to dodge.

Xue an stretched out his hand and put it directly around his neck.

Long San roared and wanted to break free.

Xue an's face was cold, the light in his eyes was bright, and his hand was suddenly forced.


There was a bone breaking sound that made the scalp numb.

Xue an actually cut off the cervical vertebra of long San with one hand.

But the powerful vitality of the Tianlong clan made long San not care about the injury. He even said with a grim smile: "it's useless. The body of the Tianlong clan is nearly immortal! I just Ah, ah, ah

Dragon three howled in pain.

Because Xue an stretched out his other hand, directly grasped the head of long San, and then compared his hands.Bang.

With a dull sound like opening the cap of a beer bottle, Xue Ansheng pulled out long San's head.

Among the blood splashes, the dragon three is not dead yet, and his head is still screaming: "what's the matter? Why can't I use all my accomplishments?"

Long Sangang has been trying to fight back, but no matter how he uses it, he can't use it.

Xue an looks indifferent and ignores the shouts of long San.

The neck of long San's headless body wriggled and seemed to want to grow a head again.

As long San said, the blood talent of the dragon clan makes their bodies extremely strong, and the general injuries can't kill them.

Even if you cut him into pieces, they could be reborn.

"Hey, hey, Xue an, you are really good, but you can't kill me!" Long San's gradually formed head is murmuring.

Xue an light way: "just that a moment, is for my wife to recover the debt! Now Go to hell

With that, Xue an waved, "cause and effect!"


Long San's body was completely solidified in an instant.

Only the horror in his eyes told people that it was not a statue.


At the command, there were cracks on the body of long San. In a blink of an eye, they were all over the body, and then they broke into pieces and disappeared.

This is the complete destruction of spirits, even the cause and effect of his existence in this world.

And at this time, it's just ten breaths.

Seeing this scene, Lin Feng was black and almost fainted.

He thought that, as powerful as dragon three, he would definitely eliminate Xue an.

But unexpectedly, in front of Xue an, he didn't even get through ten breaths.

But when Xue an looked at him, Lin Feng's face was so gray that he said in a trembling voice, "Xue Xue an, no Don't kill me. I have an important message to tell... "

Xue an raised his mouth, "important information?"

"Yes! As long as you let me go, I can tell you now! "

Xue an shook his head, "no need!"

"Xue an I... "

He did not wait for the flame to rise from his feet.

"Ah, ah, ah!" Lin Feng was extremely miserable and howled, "Xue an, you're a vicious means!"

Xue an looked at Lin Feng in the fire quietly and said, "when you start to attack my family, you should be ready to die without a burial place, and this is just the beginning."

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