When the flame dispersed, Lin Feng had already turned into fly ash, and only a dim light spot floated in the air.

This is the remnant of Lin Feng's spirit fragment.

Xue an took it. After a brief inspection, he was slightly stunned. Then a cold smile appeared in the corner of his mouth. He pinched the ghost fragment into powder.

At this time, with the demise of long San, the trapped dragon Fu in Xiaosha has disappeared. She turns over and sits up on the ground, and then recovers her human form.


Xue an nodded, "how is the injury?"

Small sand hey hey a smile, "a little skin trauma, nothing!"

Even so, Xiao Sha's face was still very pale.

The trapped dragon talisman is a kind of vicious spell specially used to deal with the dragon clan. Once it is contaminated, it is like the maggot of tarsal bone, which is difficult to eradicate.

Xue an did not say anything, just a finger.

Xiao Sha felt as if a huge stone had been removed from his heart. The whole person's Qi was immediately unblocked, and his injuries began to improve.

Xiaosha can't help but be shocked.

The boss went out for a trip. It seems that he has become more powerful!

It seems that in the future, I have to follow the boss to go out for a stroll. Otherwise, I always stay at home and my strength will not keep up.

Xiao Sha thinks in his mind that Zhang Xiaoyu comes over.

"Mr. sand, are you all right?"

Xiaosha looked at Zhang Xiaoyu, whose face was also ugly, and suddenly got angry, "fool, what are you doing just now? Can't you see that guy's really good? How dare you stretch out your hand in case you die? "

The octopus was so tearful that he bowed his head and did not dare to speak.

After a while, Xiaosha took a deep breath, and then said unnaturally, "what about your tentacles? Will it be ok if you break so many roots? "

When Zhang Xiaoyu heard the speech, he suddenly laughed, "Mr. sand, the tentacles of octopus can be regenerated. When I'm bored, I'll pull and play by myself. Of course, nothing will happen."

Small sand smell speech a Zheng, then in front of a bright, "so said, really can wash hot pot to eat?"

Octopus:.... "

The two demons muttered on one side.

Xue an a smile, and then holding two daughters, with an Yan back to the hotel.

When I saw an Qing lying in bed covered with cocoons.

Xue an's eyes twinkled. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Anyan was worried, "husband, Qing'er, what's the matter? There will be no danger

Xue an smelled a smile, then shook his head, "it's OK! Not only is it OK, but it will be a big chance for her

"Big chance?" An Yan was surprised.

Xue an nodded, "this anqing has fused the blood of the Zerg queen in the secret land of the Zerg people, but after all, people and insects are different, and the power of the blood is only superficial, not really integrated."

"But this time, by chance, because of the impact on Anqing's soul, the Zerg blood began to fuse with Anqing's spirit for the first time in order to protect the Lord."

"That's why she's covered with cocoons. Now she's transforming! If the transformation is successful, she will become the first one to have the Zerg Queen's blood as a Terran. "

Xue an's interpretation of this chase, listen to an Yan are a little confused.

But when she heard that Anqing was ok, she couldn't help but breathe.

Anyway, as long as my sister is OK.

Is secretly happy, an Yan felt a strong hand will her into the arms.

An Yan was stiff all over, and her face turned red.

"Xuan'er and the children are outside An Yan sound like a mosquito said.

Xue an laughed and leaned down in her ear and said, "I've just set a border in this room. Now you can't hear any sound outside even if you cry out!"

"Why should I cry to break my throat?" Anyan asked a confused question.

Xue an said something in her ear with a smile.

An Yan blushed and almost bleeding, ruthlessly white Xue an eye, "hate!"

Xue an smile, suddenly embrace an Yan, and then light way: "Yan'er, don't be afraid, I'm back!"

An Yan was stiff all over, and then completely soft in Xue an's arms, "I'm not afraid, because I know I will come back!"

"But I'm sorry!"

Speaking of this, an Yan's body is trembling slightly.

"Daniel died. In order to exterminate the evil gods, the spirits of the gods exploded! The rest of the fire phoenix were hurt too! The life and death of Qing'er is uncertain. The whole world is also in chaos, and countless innocent people have died! I'm sorry to think of it

Hearing these, Xue an's eyes sparkle, just quietly holding an Yan, no words.

When he just returned to this world, he had already felt the disorder and unusual of the Qi in heaven and earth.It's like someone has opened the shackles of this piece of heaven and earth, and the spirit that has been suppressed for a long time gushes out, making everything restless.

At the same time, Xue an also felt a lot of powerful breath.

At that time, Xue an understood.

The heaven and earth, which had been cut off by Chinese power, has been restored, and gods and demons can come to this world without hindrance.

This naturally attracted many gods and Demons coveted.

And there should be a lot of bad guys who want to fish in troubled waters.

In short, the situation has become very chaotic.

This is why Xue an is so guilty and distressed.

The girl has been waiting for her return in Qingmang town under such circumstances.

What a fool to be heartbreaking!

Thinking of this, Xue an gently kisses an Yan's forehead, and then says faintly: "OK, Yan'er, don't be sad! Now that I'm back, I won't let go of any of these creatures


"As for Daniel..." Xue an sighed softly.

An Yan raised his head and looked at Xue an with wet eyes, "is there any way to save him?"

Xue an rubbed her hair. "If it's right with me, there should be a glimmer of hope, but I don't know if it will work."

My husband's way is to bury his head in my heart

Xue an smell speech a smile, and then gently pinched the small face of an Yan, "although it is still too early to say so now, but it is not wrong!"

Anyan whined, like a big ostrich, buried her head in xue'an's arms and refused to show her head again.

The two people quietly enjoy the warmth and joy of reunion after a long separation.

After a while, an Yan gently said: "husband, what are you going to do next?"

Xue an said faintly: "go to Beijiang first!"

"To Beijiang? Why go there? " An Yan is a little surprised.

Xue an's eyes flashed a cold light.

"Some clowns are jumping out this time, and I've just cleaned them up!"

An Yan low oh, suddenly stood on tiptoe, in Xue an's mouth kiss.

Then in Xue an a Leng God's Kung Fu, an Yan red face then ran out.

Xue an stood and stroked her lips.

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