At this time, Tang Xuaner and two little girls are talking outside.

"Aunt xuan'er, mom and Dad, why don't they come out yet?" Niannian blinked her big eyes and asked in some doubt.

"Er Well, maybe you are discussing something important! " Tang xuan'er's face is slightly red and she says softly.

"Eh Aunt xuan'er, why are you blushing? " Niannian asked.

"Do you have any?" Tang xuan'er quickly touched her face, then coughed softly and said, "it may be hot."

"Is it hot?" Niannian took a look and thought.

Think of a stiff face and a very serious nod, "it's hot! So I guess what mom and dad are doing in the house! "

Tang xuan'er, looking at the old spirit, suddenly felt a little flustered and just wanted to change the topic.

But listen to think of a serious attachment in the ear said: "Mom and dad must be stealing ice cream, because we are afraid we see, so we have not come out!"

Hearing this, Tang xuan'er couldn't help laughing, and then felt some fever on her face.

I was just thinking about something.

Think about it. It's just a child.

At this time, she thought, "no, I'm going to knock on the door! I want ice cream, too

He was about to go up and knock on the door.

Tang xuan'er just wants to stop her. The door opens and an Yan comes out.

"Mother! Did you and dad just steal ice cream? " Niannian asked, pursing her lips.

"Well? What ice cream? " An Yan glanced at the temples of her ears and asked in some doubt.

"Sister said you must be stealing ice cream! I want to eat it too! " Read to stretch out the flesh of the small hand, full face expectation said.

An Yan some cry and laugh, but at the same time some heartache.

This period of time, the two little girls are very clever, never mention her father in her face, every day their own good play in the side.

And since Xue an left, the two girls didn't eat any ice cream.

Niannian once secretly told her that once she ate ice cream, she would think of her father, so they didn't eat it!

This made an Yan very sad at that time.

Now that Xue an finally came back, the two little girls became lively again, and she was naturally happy.

And Xue an also walked out of the room at this time. After hearing this, her tears almost didn't fall down. She immediately brought several big boxes of ice cream.

"Come on, Dad, eat with you!"


Father and daughter three people a box, eat very happy.

An Yan was smiling at the side, feeling that he had never felt at ease.

After eating the ice cream, she coaxed her two daughters to play for a while.

Xue an stood up.

"Are you going?" An Yan asked.

Xue an nods.

"Be careful that way!" An Yan habitually thought that Xue an would let himself wait here.

Xue an smiles and shakes his head. "Come with me."

"Well? But... " An Yan just wanted to say what Qing'er should do. Are there so many people going together?

As soon as Xue an reached out, a small building appeared in the palm of her hand.

This small building is no more than the size of a palm. It is very delicate in shape and floats on Xue an's palm.

"What is this?" An Yan asked.

"This is a rune treasure I got from a real immortal legacy. Although it is a incomplete version, it is also a rare treasure!"

As soon as Xue an raised his hand, the small building suddenly became larger, and in an instant there was more than one person tall.

"This Rune can condense the aura of heaven and earth, and it is very safe. Let qinger and xiangniannian as well as Xuaner enter into it, and they can follow together!"

The two little girls had already seen the light in their eyes, as if they had found some novel toy. They went up to touch it.

A burst of golden light swaying, the two little girls will shrink a lot, appeared in this small building.

"Wow! Mom and Dad, it's beautiful inside! Aunt xuan'er, come in and play, too Think of Niannian's laughing cry inside.

Tang xuan'er hesitated a little, and then she stepped forward, like two little girls, into the small building.

"It's amazing." An Yan is a little surprised.

"Do you like it?" Xue an said lightly.


"This is a special gift I brought back for you!"

An Yan gradually opened her eyes, "but What do I do with this? "

"Xue an a smile," do a toilet with Xiu Lou also! "

If someone who knows the inside story is here, he will be shocked.

All the major doors in the world of heaven and earth can be called the treasure of Fu, which was given to his wife by Xue an?

Is this a show of affection?And this rune is not only able to let people live in it, in fact, it is just an additional very humble function.

Its real use should be on the battlefield.

At that time, it can become a terrible killing machine.

Next, an Yan put Qing'er into this rune.

Then Xue an taught her how to store and use it.

Xue LAN did not leave, she still need to guard here, Xue an left a sword meaning.

If you have this sword meaning, you can protect this place from worry.

After that, Xue an and an Yan both turned into streamers and flew to the Beijiang River.

Butcher God to kill the devil, from then on!


Qin family building.

Qin Yu walked out of the room with a dignified face.

Her grandfather Qin yuan and the black king are waiting for her outside.

"Grandfather, I'll go alone. You'd better stay at home and guard." Qin Yu said.

Qin yuan smiles and shakes his head. "Yu'er, if this negotiation fails, no matter who guards here, the result will be the same! And I can't let you, a girl, face all this alone

Qin Yu was silent for a moment, then sighed, "if you are in..."

Qin Yuan said: "Sir, you will come back. It's just a matter of time. So what we Qin family can do is to try our best to preserve our strength. No matter how much humiliation we suffer, we can't give up! "

Qin Yu nodded in awe.

At this time, Tan Dongtan Xiaoyu's father and daughter arrived with Hua Xingyu and Hua Tingting's grandson Qiqi.

"You..." Qin Yu was stunned.

Hua Xingyu said with a smile, "niece, we heard that you were going to negotiate with those bastards on behalf of the Qin family, so we rushed over. Even if we were a small soldier waving flags and shouting, we could do our best."

Tan Dong also nodded, "yes, Miss Qin, don't worry! Although I'm a little older, I still have more than enough to deal with these guys who are picky and collude with the gods and demons! In particular, Qin Tian, who had let him go at that time, turned out to be vengeful. He took advantage of this opportunity to make waves. If I met him, I would definitely beat him to death! "

Qin Tian!

Qin Yu's uncle, the former general manager of Qin's group, colluded with Liu Shou to assassinate Qin yuan. As a result, he was found out by Xue an at that time and was eventually expelled from China.

This time, he colluded with the gods and demons to fight against the Qin family. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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