Tan Xiaoyu also coldly said: "my father said right, these guys are too hateful, for the gods and demons to kill the world, I Tan Xiaoyu also with them irreconcilable."

Qin Yu looked at the crowd, took a deep breath and said in a trembling voice, "thank you so much, Qin family!"

When everyone went downstairs, ready to drive to the location of the negotiation.

A little car stopped by the side of the road. Then Du fan got out of the car and walked quickly to Qin Yu. He said solemnly.

"Just received the news, the provincial capital Shijia suddenly mutinied and swept across the provincial capital without anyone's surprise. All the forces of the Qin family were eliminated, and Feng Chaosi of the Feng family was missing! And heard that Shi Hao of the Shi family has been put under house arrest, and the rebel should be Shi Dong, the old master of the Shi family. "

Hearing the news, Qin Yu suddenly turned pale. "Does the old fox in Shidong turn against water at this time?"

The crowd was also furious.

Only Qin yuan looked as usual and said: "this is not surprising. For people like Shidong, loyalty is far less important than interests. Now that the demons are powerful, he naturally becomes rebellious."

Qin Yu had already lost his square inch at this time, and asked with a trace of panic: "grandfather, what should I do now?"

The loss of the provincial capital is a fatal blow to the Qin family, which is now in a precarious situation.

That means they have a lot less chips on the table.

That's why Qin Yu was so flustered.

Qin yuan is still calm.

No matter what happens to him, keeping calm is always the first priority for him, who started from scratch and has experienced numerous storms.

"Soldiers will block the water to Tutun. No matter how powerful the opponent is, don't let him see through your cards easily. Do you understand?" Qin Yuan said lightly.

Qin Yu was stunned, then nodded deeply, "understand!"

"Let's go! Let's go

After that, Qin yuan stepped forward, and his back, which had gone through decades of vicissitudes, was still as straight as a sword.

The negotiation place is located in a high-end hotel in Beijiang.

Of course, because of the chaos, the hotel has already closed.

But when all the people came here, someone was waiting at the door. When they saw all the people, they quietly led the way.

Tan Dong whispered to his daughter, "can you see it?"

Tan Xiaoyu's face is heavy like water, nodding, "should be a heaven and man."

"The master of tianrenjing was sent to be a doorman. Is Qin Tian so powerful now?" Tan Dong frowned slightly, and his face was sad.

Hotel conference room.

When he saw the crowd come in, Qin Tian, sitting on the throne, just glanced up and then continued to play with the lighter in his hand.

The crowd stood in silence.

Qin yuan stood at the front and said, "Qin Tian, don't talk much nonsense. What do you want! Put it directly on the table

Qin Tian hehe laughed, "Qin yuan, you are still the same as expected. When I was the general manager of the group, you were like this, and now you are still like this! Always be a giver

Qin Yu's face changed slightly and was about to speak. Qin yuan shook her head gently, indicating that she would not say anything.

"Well, since you said to put everything on the table, I'll tell you! What I want is all the Qin family has! " Speaking of this, Qin Tian looks ferocious.

Qin yuan was silent and said after a while: "Qin Tian, do you think this request is possible?"

Qin Tian snorted coldly, leaning on the chair and staring at Qin yuan, "Qin yuan, my dear uncle! I don't think you have made it clear. It is not equal negotiation, but you are asking me! Hand over everything, I can leave your life! If you don't want to... "

With Qin Tian's voice, the corner of the conference room black gas surging, a strong breath in peeping at all people.

Tan Dong, Tan Xiaoyu and others Qi Qi forward, blocking in front of Qin yuan and others.

Qin yuan waved his hand, motioned for the people to retreat, and then said in a deep voice, "Qin Tian, did you really sell yourself to the devil?"

"Ha ha! What is betrayal to the devil? Qin yuan, don't you see that? The world has changed. The gods have come into the world, and the future world will be dominated by them. If we want to live, we can only become the servants of these gods! Equivalent exchange, which you have taught me

Qin Tian said that, already a little impatient, "now give me a reply, hand in or not! Otherwise, if someone else negotiates with you, you won't get such good treatment! "

Qin yuan's face was as heavy as water, and he was about to speak.

See a figure gradually emerged in the chair beside Qin Tian, and then came a cold and arrogant voice.

"Qin Tian, Miss long er is not satisfied with your progress in Beijiang!"

The crowd was stunned because the voice was familiar.

And Qin Tian immediately got up and stood aside after hearing the sound.At this time, I saw the man smiling at the people.

"Ladies and gentlemen, long time no see!"

Qin Yu was the first to recognize the man and said in a voice of hatred: "Hong Ming, it's you!"

Yes, it is Hong Minghong who once secretly fell in love with fan Mengxue and repeatedly rebelled with Xue an, which eventually led to the expulsion of the whole family and the whereabouts of Hong Minghong were unknown.

It's just that at the moment he's quite different from what he was.

A pair of eyes on the head of the animal has become a powerful reptile.

"It's a great honor for Miss Qin to remember me!" Hong Ming said faintly, but his eyes sparkled with excitement.

Qin Yu felt that Hong Ming's eyes were so evil that he could not help but feel his hair standing up. Subconsciously, he stepped back two steps.

"Ha ha, it turns out that the once majestic Miss Qin will know how to be afraid!" Hong Ming said with a grim smile.

At this time, Tan Xiaoyu stepped forward and stood in front of Qin Yu and said coldly, "Hong Ming, what do you want to do?"

"What do I want to do? You and Qin Yu, of course

Tan Xiaoyu hums angrily, a lunge rushes past, raises the leg to kick.

Today's Tan Xiaoyu has also had the cultivation of heaven and man. The wind of this leg is fierce, and it is obviously very lethal.

But Hong Ming didn't even move. As soon as he reached out, he grabbed Tan Xiaoyu's wrist, and then said with a grim smile: "is it so urgent to send it to the door?"

And then with a sudden force.

With a click, Tan Xiaoyu's ankle was crushed by Sheng Sheng.

Even so, Tan Xiaoyu just snorted, and then twisted his body and kicked Hong Ming's head with the other foot.

Hong Ming laughs and doesn't dodge. He just has a layer of fine scales on his head.

This kick on the top, the shock force directly let Tan Xiaoyu's foot bone fracture tendon.

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