Tan Dong roared and rushed up.

As soon as Hong Ming threw it away, he threw Tan Xiaoyu out.

Tan Dong hastens to catch his daughter, and then look at the two legs have been abandoned.

Just a few moments.

Tan Xiaoyu, the highest one in cultivation, was defeated by Hong Ming.

Everyone's face became extremely ugly.

Qin Tian's expression moved and he just wanted to say something.

Hong Ming said, "Miss long er said that I will be responsible for Beijiang after that."

Qin Tianyi Zheng, and then Gongsheng: "yes!"

Then Hong Ming grinned at Qin Yu and said, "Miss Qin, when you helped Xue an deal with my Hong family, did you ever think that there would be such a day?"

Qin Yu snorted angrily, "Hong Ming, what happened at the beginning is all your fault! It's cheap if you don't kill you. How dare you shout here? Aren't you afraid that Mr. Xue will clean you up when he comes back? "

"Ha ha ha ha! It's so funny. I still have Mr. Xue in my mouth! Xue an, that bastard, has never heard from him. It's estimated that he died a long time ago. In the future, this world will be the world of our Tianlong clan! And you, now, be the prey in my bed

Hong Ming said with a ferocious face. The whole person rushed to Qin Yu in an instant and reached for her shoulder.

Although Qin Yu is also practicing martial arts, compared with Hong Ming, who is already half human and half dragon, there is more difference between Qin Yu and Hong Ming.

Therefore, if he is caught, Qin Yu's fate will be extremely miserable.

As for the next few people, although they want to reach out to help, but it is too late.

Just then.

A hand suddenly appeared in mid air, and then a finger.

Hong Ming, who was very angry, seemed to have been hit by a dragon head-on. He flew out directly with a big spit of blood, until he broke a wall.

At the same time, I heard a cold voice.

"Hong Da Shao, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

Hearing this, Qin Yu was struck by lightning.

He saw a man with a handsome face and deep eyes standing in the field Sir Qin Yu wept with joy.

This is Xue an.

After he arrived at Beijiang with an Yan, he was directly located here through the mind.

That's why I came here.

Qin Yuanhua went to the rain, and they all bowed, "Mr. Xue!"

Xue an nodded slightly and then looked around.

When I saw the face of the cloudy and uncertain Qin Tianzhi, I suddenly sighed.

"I suddenly found that although killing can't solve all problems, it can at least save a lot of trouble. For example, if only these people had been killed directly, it would have saved them a lot of trouble now. "

He was sighing that Hong Ming came out slowly from behind the smashed wall. His face was ferocious, and the mark on his forehead became more and more red.

"Xue an, I didn't think you were dead!"

Xue an looked at him, then slightly frowned, "sell your soul, and then be the Eternal Dragon slave. Hong Ming, you are really free to go out!"

Hong Ming Jie Jie grinned strangely, and the Dragon scales began to appear on his body. "Xue an, the heaven dragon comes. The future world will be the world of the dragon family, and you are my first sacrifice!"

Then the Dragon roared up to the top of the mountain.

Such momentum made Qin Yu and others pale.

Tan Dong, in particular, exclaimed: "eternal life is the realm of eternal life."

Everyone's heart sank.

Xue an's former cultivation is high-level, but he is only half a step long life. Now he meets Hong Ming, who is in the realm of eternal life, will he.

All the thoughts came to an abrupt end.

Because in the eyes of all people, Xue an rubbed his nose and suddenly sneezed.


Just under this sneeze, Hong Ming, who was already fierce and proud, solidified in the air.

"I'm sorry, I've been allergic lately!" Said Xue an, rubbing his nose.

No one spoke.

Because with Xue an's voice, Hong Ming's body gradually turned into powder, and then disappeared completely.

A sneeze kills a dragon slave in the eternal world.

This scene stupefied everyone.

Qin Tian was even more shocked, "you You... "

Xue an smiles. "What's the matter?"

Qin Tian was shivering in a cold sweat. He didn't know what to say.

"It seems that there is no doubt about it. Then you should die with it."

Qin Tiangang wanted to scream, Xue an waved.

A few wisps of sword flash, Qin Tian's head will be cut off.

At the time of his death, he had a blank look on his face. He didn't seem to believe that Xue an would kill himself so soon.Qin Yu's whole body was shaking with excitement, and Xue an's image became more and more tall in her eyes.

Because these guys who forced the Qin family into a desperate situation couldn't even stop Xue an's sneezing.

That's what makes the demons give their heads while talking and laughing.

At this time, Qin yuan stepped forward and said respectfully, "Sir, there is the provincial capital..."

Xue an waved his hand. "I know it. Don't say it!"

Then he looked at the black awns that escaped from the conference room and flew to the provincial capital, and with a smile, "two dragons and three dragons, doesn't that mean you still have a big dragon? It's terrible to be uneducated. It's so boring to have a name! "

After that, Xue an said faintly: "you are here to sort out the situation of Beijiang River."


Xue an rose from the sky and disappeared in the sky.

Qin yuan and others looked at each other.

After a meeting, Hua Xingyu said with a bitter smile, "Sir, you should be an immortal now?"

Tan Xiaoyu, who has already drunk Tianyuan potion and is waiting for recovery, has a complex look. "If you have not read wrong, Mr. Tan is now a golden immortal, and he is an incomparably powerful golden immortal!"

The crowd was silent, and then an idea suddenly arose in their hearts.

Gods and demons are in chaos, and all living beings are in despair.

And Sir Is it possible to turn the tide back?

Provincial capital.

Stone East full of flattery said: "Miss, the provincial capital has been completely calm."

For a long time.

The back of the chair turned around.

This woman is not old, a pair of Phoenix eyes in the eye wave flow, give a person a kind of flattery.

Stone East but whole body trembles, hastily lowered head, dare not see more.

"Well done. When the country is completely pacified, I can consider making you a dragon slave like Hong Ming! Enjoy eternal life. "

Shi Dong was overjoyed, "thank you very much, Miss long er!"

"Go down!"


Shi Donggong said in a voice and then turned to leave the room.

Looking at his back, long er's mouth appeared a cold smile.

"In order to achieve the goal, even my own son dares to be put under house arrest. It's really cruel. It's a pity that it's so mean that I don't like it!"

Is saying, the corner of the wall suddenly a burst of fluctuation, several dark shadows appeared in the room.

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