"What's the matter? Have you settled down on the other side of the Beijiang River? " Dragon two light way.

The shadows opened their mouths and uttered some very obscure syllables.

Dragon language.

The special language used to convey important information in the Dragon nationality can carry a large amount of information, and even make the dynamic picture appear in the mind of the listener.

Dragon two slightly a Zheng, and so on after seeing the picture in his mind, a flash of light in his eyes.

"Killed my dragon slave? It seems to be a golden immortal! Hehe, it's interesting

With a wave of dragon two, these dragon shadow demons disappear in the dark again.

Then he stood up, walked to the window, looked down at the city which was already sparsely lit, and said faintly, "the dragon three guy doesn't know what he is doing. He doesn't even have a breath. What a waste!"

At the same time.

Stone East back home, just back to the study, Shi Zhuli rushed in with tears in her eyes, and then knelt down on the ground.

"Father, please let go of your brother! If you keep it like this, brother, he will have an accident sooner or later

Shi Dong's face was cold and stern. He suddenly patted the table and said in an angry voice: "what? Use this to blackmail me? That son of a bitch is dead! I'm sure I'll regret what I said

"Ha ha, if I didn't surrender in time, the stone family would have been completely destroyed just like other powerful families."


"It's nothing, but don't mention it in the future, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you."

Shi Zhuli looks at her father with a ferocious face and is cold all over.

She didn't know why it was like this.

Why is it that a father who has always been so kind can suddenly be so inhumane that even his own son can be put under house arrest.

In the end, she bowed her head difficultly and said, "yes!"

After that, she went out of the house.

Looking at the back of his daughter's leaving, Shidong slowly leans on the chair, and his expression appears cold and incomparable in the dark.

"Kinship? Ha ha, as long as you become a dragon slave, you will have endless life and powerful power. When the time comes, everything will be mine, and you still need to care about this humble family relationship? "

At this time, dianzhuli stumbled to the room where her brother was imprisoned.

The watchmen also had some words about the old master Shi Dong's practice, so they didn't stop them.

When he walked into the room, Shi Hao was locked by the iron rope, but he still looked at the book calmly.

"Brother Dianzhu Li shudders.

Shi Hao looked up at his sister. A smile appeared on his thin face. "Did you go to see him again?"

She nodded, but her tears began to fall.

Shi Hao sighed slightly, "I said, it's useless for anyone to see him! He is now deeply in the pursuit of power and immortality and cannot extricate himself

"But he is so stupid that he can believe these evil spirits!"

"In fact, as long as the stone family can closely follow Mr. Xue's back, the benefits will certainly be greater, but he can't see through at all, and he even thinks that Mr. Xue will not return!"

Speaking of this, Shi Hao showed a sarcastic smile, "I said, he will regret it! I look forward to seeing that day. "

"Brother, when do you say Mr. Xue will return?"

Shi Hao shook his head. "It may be a long time later, or it may be now, but no matter when, he will come back. I have a hunch! This is also the reason why Feng Chaosi would rather run away than betray. After all It's more dangerous to fight against Mr. Xue than against these gods and demons! "

At the same time, on a street in the provincial capital, Feng Chaosi, wrapped in a shabby overcoat, was walking slowly along the dark edge of the street.

Once prosperous city, now has become desolate.

In the distance, there was the grim smile of gods and Demons and the cry and cry of human beings.

Feng Chaosi wrapped his coat tightly and turned into an alley.

Just walked not far away, listen to a woman's cry and cry in the distance.

Feng Chaosi was stunned, and then he quickened his pace and ran past.

After turning a few corners, see a few demon ghosts in ancient armor grinning around a shivering woman.

"Tut, it's really good to find this kind of goods here!"

These demons talk about it without fear.

The girl was scared to death. Then she turned her head and saw Feng Chaosi. Her eyes were filled with pleading.

And these demon ghosts also noticed Feng Chaosi at the moment.

"Go away! I'm in a good mood today. I won't kill you! Get out of here

"That's it. Get out of here. Don't spoil our fun."

Feng Chaosi bowed his head and walked by.

The girl's eyes gradually darkened, and finally closed her eyes in despair.At this time, those demons had already come close and reached out to touch them.

At this time, Feng Chaosi went back and forth, carrying two beer bottles picked up on the ground, and threw them directly in the past.

"Hey, you bastards! Let go of that girl

These demons were all furious.

"Oh, there are people who are not afraid to die!"

"Kill him!"

But the girl opened her eyes and howled in despair: "big brother, run, you are not their opponent!"

Feng Chaosi threw away his coat. "Damn it, I want to run too! But let me a big master helplessly watch the little girl being bullied, I can't do it! "

With that, he picked up the machete that he carried with him, and went to a place with this group of demons and ghosts.

As the girl said, he was not the opponent of these demons at all, and several of them were kicked to the ground.

The forehead was also cut a knife, blood flowing down, will be in front of everything dyed blood red.

"Damn it, I thought it was so powerful. It was just like this!"

There are demons spat, turn around to continue to bully the girl.

Feng Chaosi did not know where the strength came from. He roared, "I * your grandma!"

And he hugged the leg of the demon.

The demon was so angry that he raised his sword and cut it at Feng Chaosi's neck.

The girl screamed with fright.

Feng Si's heart is dead, no one can die!

At this moment.

In the sky above the city, suddenly emerged countless swords.

We haven't waited for people to react.

These swords fell like heavy snow, covering the whole city.

Seeing these swords, these demons trembled, scared and yelled, and wanted to run.

But as soon as he ran out, he was engulfed by the sword and chopped into nothingness.

But these swords did not hurt Feng Chaosi and the girl.

They looked at the scene, and then couldn't help looking up.

Under the moonlight, at the top of the sky, there are two figures of a man and a woman standing haughtily.

Feng Chaosi trembled and murmured: "sir! It is the gentleman who has come back! "

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