
An angry dragon chant rang through the city, and then a figure rushed straight into the sky.

"He Fang Jian Xiu, how dare to destroy our Tianlong people?"

Say, this figure to Xue an then even bombard two palms.

The power is so strong that it seems to shake the moon.

But Xue an didn't even take a look at the right eye, instead, he turned his head and laughed at an Yan.

"Yan'er, how long do you think I beat this guy?"

An Yan slightly hesitated, then shook his head, "don't know!"

But at this time, the palm wind has arrived, an Yan some worry's shout, "husband..."

Xue an didn't even look back, but waved lightly.

Originally the blustery palm wind then completely dumb fire, and then disappeared.

When the Dragon two saw this, his heart sank and his eyes flashed a look of horror.

She was just sitting quietly in her room when she suddenly felt that there was an idea of a god shaking sword covering the whole city, and in an instant killed countless demons.

You should know that these demons are all the people of the Tianlong tribe who are in the lower world with her. Now they are killed, which naturally makes the two dragons angry.

So she immediately flew into the air, and without a close look, she directly blew out two palms.

In the eyes of long er, although the swordsmanship is terrible, the flesh is very fragile.

Caught off guard, his two palms are sure to seriously hurt him.

But long er didn't expect that his two palms in anger were broken by the young man.


Long er stood in the middle of the sky, looking at Xue an all the time. His face was also uncertain.

Because she always thought the man was familiar.


She thought of the pictures the Dragon shadow demons had reported to her.

It seems that the man who killed long Nu Hong Ming is also a young man. Although it is not clear because of the blurred picture, it is very suitable for the man in front of him.

Then Xue an turned to smile at her.

"Are you dragon two?"

Long er nodded slightly, and his expression became solemn, "yes! But I don't know what sword cultivation you are. Why did you want to destroy our Tianlong people? "

The heaven and the world depend on strength.

Now Xue an has won the respect of dragon two with his own strength.

"Your people?" Xue an pointed to the city under his feet, and said faintly, "so to speak, it's your inspiration to kill mortals?"

Dragon two slightly a Zheng, and then some disapproved said: "you are a golden immortal, how can you care about a group of ants and ordinary people?"

Speaking of this, a sincere smile appeared on long er's face, "it was just my hot head that I just started to do it. I hope you can have a deep understanding! If you are willing, the Tianlong clan is willing to form an alliance with you to advance and retreat together in the current human chaos, and strive for greater interests

Second, Xue an's alliance is so powerful.

After all, sword cultivation is recognized as the most lethal force in the world.

If you can win over to the Tianlong camp, it will be good for the future development.

"Oh? You want to make an alliance with me? But I just slaughtered so many of you Xue an said lightly.

Dragon two smile, a pair of Phoenix eyes in the eye wave flow, "if you are willing, then just a group of people and what? It can come again at any time. "

Longer's heart is really so planned, and these demons and ghosts are originally cannon fodder and consumables in the battlefield. Even if all of them are dead, longer will not be distressed.

As for the Dragon slave named Hong Ming, it is not worth mentioning.

As long as we can attract strong people like Xue an, then all this is worth it.

Xue an listened and laughed.

"Your name is longer. Do you have a brother named Longda?"

Elder brother Zheng'an still didn't know what he meant, but longyi didn't mean it! We are nine brothers and sisters

Xue an nodded, "it's really a dragon born nine sons!"

"Your honor..." Long er is trying to say something more.

Xue an's smile grew colder. "I don't know how many family planning students are. I'm still trying to get involved in the world. Do you think no one in the world can subdue you?"

"You..." The two faces of the dragon are heavy.

"What are you? Today, I'll teach you how to be a good boy!"

Xue an step forward, across the void, directly came to dragon two.

At the moment, I'm not going to eat the wine

Then he raised his hand and burst out a few palms.

Xue an smiles coldly. Before long er's palm wind and body are waiting, raising his hand is a palm.


With a sharp sound from heaven and earth, long er was slapped out by Xue an, and then landed straight and smashed into a tall building.

This scene is just standing on the top of the stone house to see the stone.Just now, he also noticed a sharp sword coming to the provincial capital, and his heart was a flurry.

No way, definitely not that person!

He has been dead for a long time. How can he come back?

He used various reasons to comfort himself again and again, and then he quietly boarded his roof.

After seeing the man in the sky, Shidong couldn't help but feel dizzy.

The whole body is shivering into a ball.

It's really him!

I didn't expect him to come back!

Shi Dong's heart was full of anger and fear, and his brain was in chaos.

At this time, dragon II appeared.

Shi Dong, as if the drowning man caught the straw, prayed very devoutly for Miss long er to defeat Xue an.

But it seemed that even the gods did not dare to respond to his prayers. After a few words, long er was blown out by Xue an.

How can this not let Shi Dong be frightened.

But at this time, the smashed one floor of the high-rise building suddenly burst into a violent tremor.

Then listen to a furious dragon chant.

The roof of the building suddenly broke, and then a huge dragon head poked its head out of it, and the dragon's body was like a column, wrapped around the high building.

Shi Dong's excited tears all came out, "Buddha bless, let Miss long er swallow this xue'an!"

He murmured a prayer.

The Dragon Er, who shows his own body, roars. The whole body is like a spring. It compresses next and then rushes to xue'an.

This kind of attack with infinite power makes the whole city tremble.

An Yan complexion also can't help but some white, "husband..."

Xue an smile, light way: "Yan'er, want to eat Longgan?"


"I used to be tired of eating, but now I suddenly feel that it's good to try again!"

After that, Xue an's eyes were bright.

Then he raised his fist and aimed at the dragon, he gave a blow.

The blow was on the forehead of dragon er.


After a crisp sound.

Xue an's arm penetrates dragon er's forehead and goes into her head.

The Dragon two roared with pain, and his huge body struggled and rolled in the air, trying to break free. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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