"No Aren't you Jianxiu? How could there be such a strong body technique? " Dragon two howled in pain.

Xue an said faintly: "who told you that I was a Jian Xiu?"

"But your sword spirit."

"Do you know how to use sword Qi? You Tianlong are so stupid

Xue an said, but with the other hand to grasp the dragon head, and then suddenly a comparison of strength, Sheng Sheng Sheng waved the dragon.

Under the moonlight, Xue an seemed to be waving a whip like a giant dragon.

This scene to see the stone everywhere cold, throat also issued a gurgle sound.

At this time, Xue an distant smile at him.

A faint voice came into his ears.

"Master Shi, give you a gift!"

After that, Xue an suddenly gave up.

Long er, who had been shaken up by Xue an, howled bitterly and was thrown away.

Shi Dong shivered all over and turned to run.

But how could he run past the Dragon Er that Xue an threw at him?

There was a big bang.

Long er's huge and hard body is like a bomb, which directly destroys most of the stone houses.

But Shi Dong's accomplishments in the past two years have been good. Although he spat blood from his mouth, he didn't die at that time.

But he can't run because his lower body has been completely crushed by the paralyzed dragon er.

Severe pain accompanied by the heart of regret, so that stone east big mouth spit blood, can only so unconsciously look at the sky.

At this time, Xue an's figure came into his eyes.

Shi Dong's eyes brightened slightly and his lips moved gently, "first Sir. "

Xue an didn't pay any attention to him. Instead, he walked right past him and stepped on Dragon er's head, which was still struggling to lift up.

Long er groaned bitterly for a few times, then begged for mercy: "Lord, forgive me!"

Xue an light way: "these words, go down with those mortals who are killed by you to say it!"

With that, Xue an pressed dragon two's head, and his other hand, like a knife and axe, went straight into the dragon's neck, and then jerked out.

Dragon two howled miserably, and his huge body trembled.

Xue Ansheng drew out a dragon tendon with colorful light.

This is what the dragon people are most afraid of, because all their accomplishments are condensed on the Dragon tendon.

Once the Dragon tendon is lost, it is completely abandoned.

Dragon two roared: "sword repair, you destroy my body, will be the endless Revenge of Tianlong clan to meet you!"

Xue an said lightly: "don't worry, the future Tianlong clan will no longer exist!"

Long Er Yi Zheng.

In xue'an's eyes, there was a great deal of light in his eyes, and several flames stained the dragon's body, and his flesh and blood turned into nothingness.

"No! This is... " The two dragons were terrified and yelled, and then stopped.

Because the flame had completely covered her body, in the blink of an eye, it turned into nothingness, leaving only a mass of bloody light floating in the air.

Stone East slightly trembling to see this scene, just those flames from his body, but did not burn him a cent.

But the more so, the more frightened and regretful he was.

If I had listened to my son and insisted on not bowing to the gods and demons, I might still be a subordinate of my husband now.

But it's too late to say anything.

Stone East spit out a few big mouthfuls of blood, the light in his eyes gradually dim, but still try his best to open his eyes to see Xue an.

Xue an looked at him coldly, raised his hand to take over the blood color, turned and left.

Stone east mouth corner to seep the blood foam, in the eye flashed a touch of happiness.


As soon as the idea arose, a sword passed by, and it was completely wiped out.

"At this time, I still want to dig into the camp. If it wasn't for your son who was still sober, even your stone family would not exist." Xue an head also did not return, light says.

At this time, Feng Chaosi ran to the street crazily and called to Xue an in the air: "sir! Mr. Xue

Xue an looked at the tattered Feng Chaosi and the girl who was hesitating to come out after him. He laughed and nodded.

"Good, you've done a good job!"

Feng Chaosi wept with joy, and felt that his humiliation had finally paid off during this period of time, and then bowed down to salute respectfully.

"Thank you, sir, for killing the demons."

Xue an smiles, "get up!"

"Yes Feng Chaosi stood up excitedly.

"Sir, the rebellion of the stone family is all done by the old man Shidong, which does not represent the real meaning of the stone family, especially Shi Hao..."

Xue an waved his hand, "I know, so I didn't attack the other people of the stone family. Now that the provincial demons have been removed, the situation will be handed over to you and Shi Hao to jointly control. Understand?"Feng Chaosi's face was solemn, "understand!"

Then he whispered, "where are you going, sir?"

Xue an said faintly: "I have a subordinate who died in Xiangjiang. I want to see who dares to kill my man!"

After that, Xue an soared into the sky and flew to the sky with an Yan.

Feng Chaosi stood in the original place, looking at Xue Anyuan's back with infinite fascination.

The girl who was rescued by Feng Chaosi murmured: "big brother, this Is this a fairy? "

Feng Chaosi shook his head firmly, "no, sir is more powerful than the immortal!"

Then he turned his head and looked at the beautiful girl and said, "Hello, my name is Feng Chaosi. Nice to meet you."

At the same time.

On the way to Xiangjiang, the harbor, Xue an handed an elegant hairpin to an Yan.

"What is this?" An Yan some surprised to take over.


"Do you want me to guess?" Anyan spits out his tongue mischievously.

"Genuine leather!" Xue an shaved Anyan's nose, then said with a smile: "this is made from the Dragon tendon of the Dragon two. You can try it on!"

Anyan some shy will be green silk up, and then inserted this hairpin.

The flowing light overflows the color, appears an Yan is more beautiful.

Xue an nodded with satisfaction, "my wife is so beautiful!"

If someone knew that Xue an actually made a hairpin from the Dragon tendons of Tianlong people, he would cry out for his violence.

I can't help it. My wife is so willful.

Then Xue an took out the blood color again.

"And what is this?" An Yan asked curiously.

In her opinion, her husband's hands always seem to be able to change a lot of strange things.

"This is Longgan!"

An Yan a Zheng, some surprised asked: "this is Longgan?"

"Yes! Do you think Longgan is like pig liver, it's a piece of meat Xue an said with a smile.

An Yan hehe a smile, "I just really thought so, but this thing can eat?"

"Longgan Fengsui is a famous dish in the sky. Of course, you can eat it. I'll make it for you when you've finished cleaning up the mess."

"Mm-hmm!" An Yan nodded.

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