The harbor is Xiangjiang.

The once prosperous city has now become an empty city.

And in the edge of the city has also drawn layers of warning lines, to prevent anyone entering.

And in the middle of the city.

A huge black air mass was beating slowly, and with each beat, it would be more powerful than before.

In the end, the whole city echoed with the sound of the heartbeat.

Song Yi sits on the ground with a gray face, and there are few magic tools left in his hand.

At this moment.

Just listen to the click.

The Fengshui array, which was just arranged for a short time, was destroyed again.

Song Yi's mouth suddenly began to ooze blood.

But he did not hesitate to rearrange the remaining Feng Shui magic weapons.

When the formation is completed, the black air mass shrinks into one, and then there is a roar inside.

"Song Yi, after I go out, I will let you die without a burial place!"

Song Yi looked relaxed and said, "calm down. As long as I still have one breath, you can't be reborn."

"Jie Jie, now that all the magic weapons in your hand have been consumed, what else do you want to tie me to?"

Song Yi was silent for a moment. "Who said I had no magic weapon?"

"Oh, don't fool me here! I am the top evil god in heaven and earth. How can I be bound by a little geomantic warlock like you? Open it for me

With a roar.

The geomantic array just arranged began to flicker violently, and it was about to be broken.

Song Yi's eyes flashed a light of determination. He held up a knife engraved with Fengshui runes and stabbed it directly into his heart.


The knife didn't come in.

However, there is no blood exudation, and Song Yi's complexion begins to decline at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Song Yi, what do you want to do?" He asked in amazement.

Song Yi does not speak, shaking hands to pull out the knife at the mouth of his heart. The silver knife has become extremely red at the moment, and then stabbed at the Fengshui array eye.

With this stab.

Originally the precarious geomantic Jue array became solid in an instant, and the chains of geomantic omen directly bound the black air mass.

"Ah, ah! Song Yi, you actually use your own life essence to suppress Fengshui. Aren't you afraid that all the gods and spirits will be destroyed? " He roared.

Song Yi's face was indifferent. "I Song Yi has no other skills. Some of them are nothing but this cavity of blood!"

"So as long as I have one breath, I will never let you out!"

"Song Yi, what's the point of doing this? I'll be able to reappear as soon as you die Calm and sneer.

"Meaning?" Song Yi gently shook his head. "I don't care if it's meaningful or not, but since my husband has ordered me to guard the harbor of Xiangjiang, I can't give up even if I have only one breath."

"This is what I mean

"Jie Jie, what a touching righteousness! Well, I'll make it for you today

With that, the black air mass began to shake violently, and the chains that bound it swayed.

Song Yi was surprised, "what's going on? Why are you suddenly so powerful?"

"Jie Jie, that's because I have a group of believers who serve me as the Lord." He laughed wildly.

With his laughter, in that temple in Nanyang, the magistrates slaughtered ordinary people faster.

Blood and soul were sacrificed to the gods as sacrifices, and then they were directly fed back to the deity in Xiangjiang, the seaport, through a mysterious way.

Song Yi's face looks miserable, and his whole body's Qi and blood are affected by the flickering geomantic array.

"Song Yi, you retreated from the ordinary people in this city, even though you didn't want to seal it on me, but you didn't expect me to have such a move! Ha ha ha, when I come back again, you mean mortals will perish. "

Listening to the self satisfied words, Song Yi began to exude blood all over his body, which was a sign that he was on the verge of limit.

In the end, he sighed, "my Lord, song is so ashamed that he can't protect Xiangjiang. He would like to die and frighten the demons!"

After that, Song Yi is ready to seal with his last blood essence.

At this time, an extremely magnificent geomantic omen suddenly emerged, and then directly penetrated into the geomantic array.

Feng Shui Jue, which was on the verge of collapse, became as stable as Mount Tai in an instant.

And the huge black air mass screamed and dissipated in half.

"Who is it?" He roared with fear and anger.

But a calm voice came over, "Song Yi, you should step down!"

Song Yi is stiff all over, and then he turns his head in horror.

At the top of a building in the distance, Xue an is sitting on it, looking at himself.Who's standing behind him?

"First Sir Song Yi looks at this scene in disbelief and even thinks he is dreaming.

At the same time, Xue an's body shape suddenly disappeared at the top of the building. When they reappeared, they had come to Song Yi's side.

"Well done!" Xue an said lightly.

Song Yi takes a deep breath and feels his sight is a little blurred. He says in a respectful voice, "yes!"

Xue an raised his head and looked at the black air. "Is this the God who killed Daniel?"

Song Yi nods.

At this time, the calming spirit was suppressed by Feng Shui Qi, and he was struggling in pain.

After hearing Xue an's voice and Song Yi's address to him, he was stunned and then roared.

"Are you Xue an? My son, long Guanyu, died in your hands? "

Dragon crown jade?

Xue an frowned, immediately thought of who it was, and then smile, "what is it?"

"Don't think that these alone can hold me down. I will kill you and avenge my son of God!" He roared.

And in the temple on the other side of Nanyang, all the deities and mortals turned into blood mist with a bang and became sacrifices and were sacrificed.

After receiving this powerful force, the black gas suddenly began to expand, and issued a beeping sound, and a human figure began to emerge gradually.

Song Yi was surprised, and then said in awe: "Sir, this evil God feeds on the fear and greed in people's hearts. It's extremely difficult and hard to kill! If he is reappeared in the world, it will lead to endless disaster. "

Xue an said: "fear and greed? Hehe, I'll let him know what fear is today

At the same time, the spirit of the body difficult to emerge from the black gas, dignified God's face showed a grim smile.


Before the voice fell, Xue an did not know when he had appeared on the top of his head, and then hit him with a fist.


This statue has just been transformed into shape, and before it has time for arrogant surrender, it is smashed into the ground by life.

Then, without waiting for him to move, Xue an landed and pulled it out of the ground.

This statue was hit by this blow, some dizziness and brain distension, not clear what happened.

Xue an's face was cold, and another blow came out.


The head of the mind was shattered by birth.

Black air diffused instantly.

One figure wants to get out of the body.

Xue an said faintly: "do the people who killed me still want to go? Today, I will try your soul again and revive Daniel , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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