Xue an once said that there is still a chance to revive Zhou Daniao.

The reason for this is that Zhou Daniu died together with this God subduing spirit by exploding his spirit.

It is possible that this kind of evil god, which gains power by swallowing fear, can preserve Zhou Daniu's ghost fragments before he died.

But if you want to find it, you need to destroy the spirit of this evil god.

What seems impossible to others becomes possible in xue'an's hands.

At this moment, Xue an stretched out his hand and held the spirit of the God who had fallen to God.

What else do you want to say.

Xue an was too lazy to listen to the nonsense of these demons before they died, so he gave a crisp and forceful grip.


It's like crushing a crystal.

The spirit was broken into powder.

And there are innumerable points of light flashing.

These are the soul fragments of innocent people who died in the hands of God.

It's impossible to find Zhou Daniu's in so many light spots.

Xue an did not intend to look for it, but put out his hand.

All the light spots began to converge in Xue an's hand.

In the blink of an eye, it forms a mass of light.

As Song Yi said, it is extremely difficult to eliminate this statue.

Even though the spirit was broken, in the twinkling of an eye, a trace of black air began to appear in the air, and poured into the light in xue'an's hands.

"Sir Song Yi called out.

Xue an light way: "Daniel, next look at you!"

With that, Xue an's hands appeared a white flame, and began to roast the light.

The black gas quickly disappeared under the flame.

And the light also began to struggle surging, extremely painful.


This light ball seems to be unable to withstand the fire, suddenly a expansion, burst open.

Then he began to condense the black air again in the air, and heard the voice of grim smile: "Xue an, no matter how powerful you are, you can't kill me. Unless you kill all the mortals in this world, otherwise I will not die, ha ha ha!"

This is the spirit of the spirit of God began to condense.

But at this time, the exploding light spots began to reunite at a faster speed, and a tall human figure began to appear.

The black gas began to spread.

"What's the matter? Why did this happen? Ah, ah, why can't I feel the world around me! " The voice of God subdued became extremely frightened.

He was not afraid of death, for he knew that after death he could be reborn.

But now it is their own source of power is rapidly being eroded, and the perception of heaven and earth also began to wane madly.

If it goes on like this, he will soon be completely destroyed.

"What are you doing, xue'an?" He roared.

Xue an said faintly: "what are you doing? Oh, I forgot to tell you! There is another term for soul refining, that is to create God

"God creation?" The voice of God subduing had become weaker and weaker, but he still asked in horror.

Xue an nodded, then looked at Zhou Daniu, whose outline was more and more clear. "What you live on is the fear and greed in the people's heart, but you evil gods don't understand that the most powerful force in people's heart is the indomitable obsession!"

"I ask Daniel to gather all the light points, and then take you with this obsession, which is the creation of God!"

Hearing xue'an's words, the God was in complete despair. He thought that this time he came to the world, he could gain more strength while taking revenge.

But I didn't expect to die.

He wanted to beg for mercy, but now he was so weak that he couldn't even say it.


When Zhou Daniu's body is completely clear, and then slowly open his eyes.

Just a dull bang.

At the end of the invisible.

The haze that covered the harbor over the Xiangjiang River for many days was swept away.

And Zhou Daniu's body shows a magnificent golden light, all contacts feel excited.

Song Yi looks at this scene in a daze.

He didn't think of it in any way.

The extremely difficult God subduing was not only destroyed by the master, but also revived Zhou Daniu and created a new God.

"Make God creation... " Song Yi murmured to himself.

This kind of anti heaven means even exceeded Song Yi's imagination, and made him have unprecedented awe of Xue an.

At this time, countless white lights poured into Zhou Daniao's body, making his body more concise and finally becoming like substance.

Then Zhou Daniu's eyes gradually radiated from the confusion and emptiness.


He shivered and looked down at his hands and feet."I Am I not dead? "

With that, he saw Xue an again. His whole body was shocked and he immediately stood still.


Xue an nodded with satisfaction.

He didn't expect that Daniel could recover completely this week. It seems that even his character has not changed.

Zhou Daniao then looked at Song Yi and said, "master song, am I not dead?"

Song Yi said with great admiration: "yes, you were already dead, but you were resurrected again by using the supernatural power against heaven."

Zhou Daniao immediately knelt down to Xue an.

"Drillmaster, I don't know what to say. I was dead, but you brought me back to life. You are my parents' reborn parents..."

Xue an was so embarrassed by this series of I made him laugh and cry. He waved his hand and interrupted Zhou Daniu's words, "OK, OK, I saved you because of your loyalty. And it's your nature that you can wake up!"

At this time, Zhou Daniao felt the surging force on his body, and he could not help but wonder: "drillmaster, I seem to be more powerful than before!"

Song Yi said in a secluded way: "of course, sir, not only resurrected you, but also refined you into a new God."

Zhou Daniao grinned and scratched his scalp. "So I've become a God? Hey, hey... "

All of a sudden, Zhou Daniao was embarrassed again, and then quietly said to Xue an, "drillmaster, I became a God. Can I get married and have children after that?"

Xue an neither laugh nor cry, shook his head, "I really don't know this, but I think it should be."

"That's good, that's good. My father and mother died early. Before they died, their greatest wish was that I could add incense to the old Zhou family. Hey, hey. "

Xue an shook his head and chuckled, then looked up at the sky on the moon.

"What a bore! Yan'er, wait for me for a moment! "

After that, Xue an stepped out and went straight into the sky. After standing still.

Looking down at the land in the southeast of China, Xue an said coldly, "I have no patience to destroy you one by one, and look for the sword of evil. Now!"

With xue'an as the center, endless swords gradually emerge and continue to extend to the distance.

In a moment, it has covered thousands of kilometers of land.

All the people under the cover looked up and were shocked by the sight.

"Go, kill all the gods and demons!" Xue an said lightly.

With his command, the sword fell like rain and hanged everything!

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