Since the three eyed evil god was killed, the situation in Lingnan is a little better.

This means that we can barely maintain our invincibility and not retreat as we used to.

But over time, another big problem began to emerge.

That is to say, as the main fighting force, Yu family began to be short of manpower.

In particular, Yu Ming and other major combat forces have been extremely tired for a long time, but without their garrison, Lingnan would not have been able to hold on to it.

So no matter how tired, Yu Ming and others are still struggling to adhere to.


Yu Ming killed more than a dozen demons with one sword. This wave of attack came to an end, and these demons retreated one after another.

Then Yu Ming stumbled and nearly fell to the ground.

Fortunately, yuan Yunxin was on the side and rushed to help him.

"Yu Ming, how are you?" Yuan Yunxin asked with concern.

Yu Ming looked pale and shook his head gently, "it's OK! It's just a little out of force for a while. "

Yuan Yunxin immediately took out a bottle of Tianyuan from his pocket and gave it to Yu Ming.

After a while, Yu Ming recovered a lot.

"Well, it's lucky that you Zhongdu's fate has been dropped by air, otherwise Lingnan would have collapsed." Yu Ming said with a bitter smile.

Yuan Yunxin also deeply believed this.

Some time ago, several military aircraft suddenly appeared over Lingnan. After circling for several times, they dropped several large boxes of Tianyuan liquid medicine.

This kind of magic medicine can cure the injury and help the practitioners recover their physical strength. It is a very important strategic material.

If it wasn't for these boxes of potions, Yu Ming would not have been able to survive.

Unfortunately, those planes were almost all shot down by the gods and demons at the last moment, and only one survived.

At this moment, the defenders in the other directions also stepped back.

Compared with Yu Ming, who is on the front battlefield, their pressure is much less, but they are all exhausted at the moment, and some of them are even more decorated.

"Brother, my sword is broken again!" Yu Ran said in dismay.

Now she is no longer the spoiled girl before, but a female soldier who has killed enemies and killed demons.

"I'll go to my father and ask for another one later!"

The division of labor of the Yu family is very clear now. Yu Ming and Yu Ran are still trapped in it when they were guests. Xueqing is the main combat force.

Yu Yuan, the owner of the family, is responsible for the overall planning of the rear.

This position is even more important than fighting the enemy.

Because there are hundreds of thousands of people living in Lingnan in today's strongholds. If there is no powerful figure to suppress such a large number of people, it is likely to cause great trouble.

At this time, there are many soldiers who are responsible for the battlefield cleaning up, but there are also many soldiers who are responsible for the battlefield cleaning.

Even the girls were not idle. They were responsible for dressing the wounded soldiers.

Although the dressing skills of these girls may be very poor, when these young and beautiful figures appear, they will greatly ease the anxiety and tension of these soldiers.

Shi Xueqing admires this well-organized scene, and finally understands why the Yu family has been guarding Lingnan for two or three hundred years, and has always been famous.

With this kind of control, the title of the first family in Lingnan is worthy of its name.

But just at this time, a dark shadow suddenly floated in the distance, and then the earth trembled.

"Enemy attack!" There was a shrill cry from the watchtower in the distance, and a whistle was blown.

In the sharp whistle, irrelevant people quickly began to evacuate.

Yuan Yunxin is massaging Yuming's swollen ankle at this time, and Yu Ming has fallen asleep.

But when he heard the whistle, he immediately opened his eyes, and then he picked up his sword and stood up.

When he saw the dark demon in the distance, his face suddenly became extremely ugly.

"What's the matter? Why are there so many demons in this wave? " Yu Ran exclaimed at one side.

Yu Ming's eyes twinkled and he said in a cold voice, "another powerful demon is coming!"


Hearing his words, all the people around him were shocked.

It seems that in order to confirm his words, a huge three handed demon appeared behind these demon legions.

The God and devil are so tall that even if they are so far away, people still have to look up.

And the devil is also looking down at the people, and the corner of his mouth gradually raised a cold smile.

This kind of prestige is enough to make people lose any sense of resistance.

Everyone's face became extremely desperate, including the crowd in the stronghold. When they saw this nightmare like horror behind the scenes, they began to cry.

Yu Ming suddenly took a deep breath at this time, and then said to Yu Ran, "you and Xueqing take your sister-in-law to go quickly!"Yu Ran was stunned, "brother..."

"No more! If you stay here, you will die! Let's go Yu Ming said coldly and drew his sword slowly.

"No! Brother, I will not go, I will fight with you My eyes are full of tears.

"With your swordsmanship, you'll get in the way here. Get out!" Yu Ming roared.

Yu Ran was scolded for a moment.

Yuan Yun's heart is calm, pulling Yu ran out.

"I don't, brother. You'll die if you stay! Look at you, you can't be afraid of death! Don't you stop seeing my brother dying? " Yu Ran said angrily.

Yuan Yunxiu's decision is to respect his reputation

This sentence seems to take away all the strength remaining.

Shi Xueqing also sighed, "Yunxin is right! Your brother has no way out! "

After that, she pulled Yu ran back.

Seeing that his sister and his lover had left, Yu Ming alone faced all the gods and Demons rolling in, slowly raised his sword and held it up between his eyebrows.

"Sir, I once said that my Kendo was wrong. Later, I realized that Kendo is as simple as it is, and I can't be afraid of it! Today, I'll show you what the worldly sword cultivation is

Said, Yu Ming Huoran raised his eyes, a bright sword light burst open, straight to the opposite demon.

Under the light of the sword, it's all powder.

However, the number of these demons is so large that they are still submerged in an instant even though they have been killed by Yu Ming.

From a distance, you can only see the sword light flashing in the black tide.

Yu Ran has tears all over his face.


After Yu Ming reluctantly issued a sword, the damage accumulated for many days finally broke out completely.

With a plop, he was half on his knees.

But because his sword was too powerful just now, the gods and Demons around him were afraid of him, so he didn't dare to come over for a moment.

But the three handed demon has come close at the moment, and then with a grim smile, he reaches out and pats Yu Ming.

Yu Ming wants to get up, but he has no strength, so he has to laugh at himself.

"Is that the limit? But I'm still not reconciled to it. "

But at this time, Yu Ming suddenly felt that the heart of one of his swords began to vibrate violently, and he thought of worshiping him.

He looked up in horror.

In the distant sky, a large white wave appeared.

In the blink of an eye, these white waves came near.

"It's a sword!" Yu Ming lost his voice and exclaimed.

Not only he, but hundreds of thousands of people from all over Lingnan were staring at this scene.

I saw endless swords blocking the sky and the sun.

And all the gods and demons were frightened, especially the three handed one, who turned around and ran away.

But they just ran out a few steps, these like the sea general sword awn then rushed over, devoured all the gods and demons.

After struggling for a few times, the tall three handed demon was cut into nothingness by the endless sword.

As for the rest, it's no surprise.

However, in the blink of an eye, all the gods and Demons besieged Lingnan for many days were swept away, leaving only an empty and clean world.

Yu Ming looks at this scene stupidly and suddenly laughs.

At first, it was a very small smile, and gradually became a loud laugh.

With a smile, Yu Ming shed tears.

Because he knew who was coming back.

It's Japan.

Xue'an, who had been missing for a long time, suddenly appeared and killed the Tianlong people in Beijiang and the provincial capital in one day, eradicated the evil spirits of Xiangjiang, and killed all the demons in the southeastern half of China with one sword.

The news spread and shocked the whole world. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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