
Tianyuan company headquarters.

At the moment, the fate has moved away from the previous high-rise building.

Because the Interim Management Committee of China capital has regulations.

All the high-rise buildings have become dangerous buildings because their targets are too large to be attacked by gods and demons.

So Tianyuan headquarters also moved to a low bungalow.

Now, in the conference room.

Sitting on the throne was a middle-aged man with a grim face and a fat body.

He looked around all the people in the house with his eyes full of bags under his eyes. Then he said in a cold voice: "the notice just came down from the management committee that from next month, all sales of Tianyuan liquid medicine will be in the full responsibility of the management committee."

Hearing this, Qiao Le, Zhao Xuehui and others all showed their anger. Chen Xiuhe, who was sitting opposite him, was gloomy.

"Jinzhong, is this what you mean by the Jin family or by the management committee?"

Jinzhong sneered, "Laochen head, please clarify the current situation before you speak. Today's Zhongdu is no longer the only one in your Chen family. Everyone should obey the orders of the management committee!"

"I'm afraid it's your gold family playing tricks in the dark!" Standing behind his grandfather, Chen Rushi said coldly.

"Chen Xiuhe, I hope you can take care of your younger generation. This is an extraordinary time. Nonsense is going to court." Jinzhong said coldly.

Chen Xiuhe was about to talk when a man suddenly opened the door and came in. It was yuan Mengying, the Chief Secretary of Tianyuan headquarters.

"Why, didn't you see the meeting? Get out of here Jinzhong roared.

But yuan Mengying seemed not to have heard of it. She went straight to Chen Xiuhe, took a deep breath and put a document in her hand on the table.

"Mr. Chen, I have the latest news from the front. Please have a look at it." Yuan Mengying said in a trembling voice.

At this time, Jinzhong was completely angry, "yuan Mengying, very good. From now on, you are no longer a person of destiny. Get out of here immediately!"

Since he parachuted to Tianyuan company as director, no one dares to ignore his words, which naturally makes Jin Zhongwei angry.

But yuan Mengying didn't even look at Jin Zhong.

After looking down at the documents, Chen Xiuhe was stunned and then burst into laughter.

The laughter made Jin Zhong, who was about to explode into anger, stunned.

At this time, Joel and others all saw the document, and then their faces all showed a look of relief.

At this time, Jin Zhong said coldly, "what are you going to do? Do you want to rebel? "

As usual, people would bow their heads when he said so, but this time it was different.

Chen Xiu and Jinzhong looked at Jinzhong coldly, then slowly stood up and said, "Jinzhong, I advise you and your Jin family to wash your neck and buy a good coffin, otherwise Ha ha

After that, Chen Xiuhe turned and left. The crowd sneered at Jinzhong and walked out of the meeting room one after another.

When there is only one person left in the house.

He was stunned for a moment, and then ran to the table crazily. There were some documents on the table that Chen Xiu and I did not know whether he had forgotten or deliberately left.

With shaking hands, Jinzhong took it up and saw that there was only a very simple message on it.

When Xue an returns, he kills all the demons in the southeast with one sword.

Seeing this news, Jin Zhong, who had been extremely arrogant, fell into an ice cellar, and his clothes were soaked with cold sweat in an instant.

Xue an.

The name was too glaring to him.

Because his sister, who married into a family and was honored as the former Qing Ge Ge Ge, was killed by Xue an.

It's true that Jin Xiurong, who once presided over the settlement and oppressed Anyan, was the elder sister of Jin.

After Jin Xiurong died, the Jin family did not make any response to this incident.

It was not until the great chaos that the situation in Zhongdu changed greatly. Jin Jiafang took advantage of the chaos, and then entered the Provisional Management Committee and gained great power.

Then the Jin family revealed their fangs and began to covet everything that once surrounded xue'an.

This Tianyuan company is the key point.

Jinzhong parachuted here, just to grasp it completely.

After all, Tianyuan is a cash cow that makes countless people envious.

But the premise of all this is based on the premise that Xue an disappears.

But who could have thought that Xue an returned so strongly?

When Jinzhong fled home in a hurry to discuss countermeasures.

The news has spread through the air.

Since the birth of the gods and demons, all people have heard and seen all kinds of bad news.

Today the city falls, tomorrow the country falls.

Living in such a desperate environment every day, many people have begun to become numb.

Few people have any hope for the future.Even the most optimistic people at this time can only hope that mankind can hold the last few positions, and then barely survive.

It was in this situation that Xue an reappeared and the news of strangling gods and Demons spread throughout the world like a hurricane.

Countless people are inspired by it.

In the golden age, what you know is more valuable than hope.

It is more important to see the survival and death of human beings.

Before that, the army of gods and Demons swept the whole world almost invincible. Even if human beings finally stood still, it would have paid a great price.

So many people begin to think that the gods and demons are invincible subconsciously.

It was not until xue'an appeared that the myth was broken.

At the same time, the long silent Wudao forum became lively again.

Xue an's previous deeds have been rediscovered by people who have the intention.

From the beginning, he killed the old man pointing to the sky, until he eradicated the blood clan and killed the Guangming religious state.

This pile of things, each one alone can be called earth shaking events.

But all this was done by Xue an alone.

This virtually added more luster to xue'an.

Martial arts practitioners are always the most arrogant, but in front of Xue an, these people all bowed their heads and respectfully called Xue an.

The world's supreme.

And the news soon spread from the martial arts world, and then swept all aspects of society.

Many people probably didn't know who Xue an was before.

But after this public opinion, almost everyone remembered the name Xue an.

Remember, the name of the supreme!

Countries around the world are even more shocked.

After all, Xue an is a real Chinese.

Now he is coming back to the world with incomparable strength. No one can say what kind of influence it will have.

Country M.

The president hid in the underground shelter, staring at the papers in his hand, and asked bitterly.

"Gentlemen, the return of Xue an and the rise of China are irresistible. What can we do about it?"

This group of people who claim to be chosen by heaven all have their once arrogant heads lowered.

After a while, Edward, the head of intelligence, who was sitting at the end, shuddered.

"Sir, I don't think we should fight against this xue'an no matter what we can do. Otherwise, he will let us see God!"

If in the past, this Edward said so, many people may scoff, but now they can only helplessly bow their heads and silence.

The president was silent for a moment, then said with a wry smile, "let's wait and see! See how other countries respond. "

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