This is a sea area near country R.

Since the chaos of heaven and earth, the sea, which used to travel constantly, has become silent.

What's more, the sea route is far away from mang.

So there is no life here except for the occasional seabird.


Originally a dead sea began to boil violently.

A myriad of bubbles fluttered up and then burst out on the sea, making a hair numbing explosion.

And then the whole ocean begins to spin.

The speed at which the rotation begins is very slow, and gradually it starts to increase.

In the blink of an eye, the whole sea area has become a huge and incomparable vortex.

If you look down from the air, you will find that the center of the vortex is deep and dark, like the open eyes of the sea, which is chilling.

And a breath of terror began to diffuse from the whirlpool. Within a thousand miles, all the somewhat spiritual aquarium worshipped in the direction of the whirlpool, as if to greet their king.


Under the whirlpool emerged a huge figure, which was so huge that it even occupied the whole sea area, and then the figure began to rise rapidly.


The water is separated.

A huge whale came out of the water, then opened its mouth and let out a loud cry.

Whale song.

This kind of sound, which originally only spread in the water, is now shaking through the sky, as if announcing the return of the king.

Then the top of the whale's head was shining. A middle-aged man with a crown, a robe and a trident in his hand gradually emerged.

"Jie Jie, left for so long, but my sea god finally came back!" The middle-aged man laughed triumphantly.

After laughing for a moment, he looked up at the distance, his eyes shining with excitement.

"Hey, I didn't expect that human beings are now so prosperous? Go

At his command.

The sea gradually rose, and then formed a huge wave, holding the whale to run with the sea god to r country in the distance.

Today's r country, can be said to be in a drunken atmosphere.

Since the chaos, the island country has suffered the least.

In addition to the emergence of some less powerful gods and demons, there is no abnormal phenomenon at all.

This makes the people of R ecstatic, more and more convinced that the land under their feet is the land of sunrise, with the protection of the great God, even if the outside is chaotic, this land will be OK.

As time goes on, when we see the tragedy of other countries, the never extinguished fire of ambition in the heart of r people starts to burn again.

If the power of the outside countries is greatly damaged by the chaos of the gods and demons, isn't it possible for country R to dominate the world without any effort?

With such an idea, the people of R have a kind of schadenfreude and even the mentality of watching the fun.

Moreover, this mentality is carried out from the top to the bottom. In addition to a small number of sober minded people who are worried, even ordinary people think that country R will be king in the world.

As a result, the whole country R fell into a crazy atmosphere of drunkenness and even cut off all kinds of connections with the outside world.


Chunei Qingzi slowly wiped the Liuguang sword in his hand. His manner was so solemn that all the people sitting on their knees in the house did not dare to show off the atmosphere.

For a long time.

Chunei Qingzi slowly returned the sword to its scabbard and said faintly, "have you done everything you've been told to do?"

"Hi, we started to prepare immediately after your order. Now we have drawn out a lot of talents and are in strict training every day."

Takeuchi nodded, "not bad."

At this time, kneeling in front of several of the highest status respectfully said: "Qing son, but do not know what you want us to train these personnel for?"

Instead of speaking, Takeuchi slowly stood up and looked around at all the people in the room.

Today, she is wearing a traditional sword suit of country R, with a thrilling curve on her belt and a pair of slender and slender legs on her hem.

Such a dress up, let her appear heroic at the same time, but also add a few charm.

But no one dared to look up.

Because the big guys all know that the underground queen of Tokyo hates people staring at her.

Once she broke this rule, the end would be extremely miserable.

At this time, Zhunei Qingzi pressed the streamer sword on his waist and said, "China is in chaos. I want to take people to help."

As soon as this sentence comes out, the big men in the house are all stupid.

Among them, the oldest one knelt down and climbed a few steps. "Mr. Qingzi, the chaos in China is very serious now. If you go there, you will surely be in great danger. So I..."The old man did not dare to go on, because Takeuchi had been looking at him coldly.

After a while, chunei Qingzi said faintly: "my intention has been determined, and it is difficult to change it again. I'll leave soon. "

After that, he turned around and left the room, leaving a group of hey, big guys looking at each other.

"Is it for the sake of the God like man that you are here?" Someone said bitterly.

The atmosphere in the room was even more oppressive when it came to the divine man.

If the underground empress Takeuchi is a conventional weapon deterrence, then Xue an is a nuclear weapon level deterrent in the eyes of these Heibang children.

"But I heard that this man has been missing for more than half a year, and there are even rumors that he has already died."

"Shh, don't be heard by Qingzi, or no one can save you."

At this time, someone sighed: "maybe this is the reason why you insisted on going to China."

These people are sighing.

Takeuchi returned to his room.

"Qingzi, have you considered it? Do you really want to go? " Asked Takeuchi's mother.

Takeuchi nodded, then said in a deep voice: "the master is not here. I'm worried that the mother will be in danger. Even if I go there, it's good to protect the mother's safety."

"No problem!" Takeuchi's mother nodded, "I've got everything ready for you. I can start at any time."

"Thank you, mother."

Mother and daughter are talking in the room.


Chunei Qingzi heard a loud howl outside.

These voices were filled with endless despair, as if they were witnessing the coming of the end.

Takeuchi was stunned, and then rushed to the window with a dart. After opening the shading curtain, she was also dumbfounded.

See a towering wave from Tokyo Bay toward Kyoto.

And a gigantic whale is at the top of the wave.

Although it is far away, the power of shaking the world still makes people shudder.

A master like Takeuchi could see a man holding a trident on top of the whale.

Recalling a folk myth, chunei Qingzi shuddered: "it's the sea god!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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