As if to confirm her words, Poseidon stood on top of the whale, overlooking the bustling city of Tokyo, with a smile, and then with a trace of banter, spread all over the capital.

"I haven't seen you for thousands of years. Your people's city has become more and more exquisite. But the more it is, the more I have the desire to destroy. Hee hee, bear the anger of my sea god!"

After that, the sea god pointed the Trident forward.

Immeasurable sea water will rise into the air, forming a layer of huge waves, straight to Tokyo.

In front of the power of heaven and earth.

The concrete and steel that man is proud of makes the city vulnerable. In an instant, most of them were destroyed by huge waves.

In an instant, Tokyo, once prosperous, suffered countless casualties and suffered heavy losses.

At the same time, the harbor Xiangjiang.

With the return of the population, the city began to rejuvenate.

But no matter rich or common people, they all took the initiative to avoid opening a hotel in the center of the city.

Because they all know that the person who lives in this hotel is to turn the tide and save the city. He is known as Mr. Xue, the world's most respected man.

Naturally, no one dares to disturb such characters.

But today.

A military helicopter broke the silence here.

After landing on the tarmac of the hotel.

Several photographers with guns and cannons jumped down first.

Then came a woman in professional clothes.

Song Yi stepped forward and said in a proper tone, "are you Miss Chen Xiaoyi

Chen Xiaoyi took his hair which had been blown away by the helicopter and nodded: "yes! Nice to meet you, master song. "

Song Yi smiles. "Please follow me. Mr. Xue is waiting for you inside."

After that, lead the way and go inside.

Chen Xiaoyi steadied his excited mind and followed him.

When I came to the living room, I saw Xue an and an Yan sitting on the sofa.

Chen Xiaoyi just let go of a hanging heart.

When she was on the road, she was worried that she would not be able to see Xue an himself.

Before she came here, she was told clearly that the reason why she was sent to conduct such an important interview was that she had met Xue an before.

So we have to finish this task anyway.

In this regard, Chen Xiaoyi is also under great pressure.

She knew Xue an.

But when I was in the provincial capital, I got in touch with Xue an because of the film interview.

Later, Xue an became more and more powerful, and what he did became more and more dazzling.

Chen Xiaoyi did not dare to expect such a character to remember himself.

I didn't expect it to go so well.

At this time, Xue an stands up and smiles at Chen Xiaoyi, "long time no see, Chen Da reporter."

Seeing this, Chen Xiaoyi took a breath and said with a smile, "Mr. Xue, I didn't expect you still remember me!"

"Of course, I used to be a big reporter of entertainment weekly, and you wrote several reviews for my films at that time." Xue an said with a smile.

Mentioning the past, the atmosphere suddenly became relaxed. Chen Xiaoyi was no longer nervous. She covered her mouth and said with a smile: "if anyone knew that Mr. Xue had made a movie, I don't know how shocked it would be."

Seeing this scene, the following photographers also felt some shock.

I didn't expect that Chen Xiaoyi, who has been working in Zhongdu TV station for a long time, is really so familiar with the emperor.

It seems that the future of Miss Chen will be unlimited.

Several photographers thought about it, but there was no delay in their hands. They were recording everything all the time.

This interview is extremely important because it has been ordered by the authorities. There must be no mistakes.

At this time, Chen Xiaoyi began to interview step by step.

"Mr. Xue, now that the whole world is in turmoil by gods and demons, what do you think of this?"

Xue an looked at Chen Xiaoyi, who was somewhat restrained at the beginning, but gradually relaxed at the back. He said with a smile, "yesterday's sword represents my view."

Chen Xiaoyi was stunned when he heard the speech, then he got excited. "What's Mr. Xue going to do next?"

It is clear from the above that this interview has two purposes.

The first is that Xue an's appearance raised eyebrows and puffed up anger for the Chinese. Such a typical case naturally needs to be interviewed well, and then all resources should be used to publicize it.

After all, there is no more suitable target for morale boosting than Sheehan.

But the second is more important.

That is to know what Xue an is going to do next and what he wants through this less official interview.

No matter what conditions he put forward, China will unconditionally agree.

On this point, these senior leaders did not hesitate to reach a consensus.Shouldering these two important tasks, Chen Xiaoyi naturally wants a clear answer from Xue an.

Xue an is also aware of this.

But he doesn't want to get too close to governments.

Because there's no need.

His current strength can easily topple any country in the world.

It can also have power and wealth that ordinary people can't imagine.

He can even overturn everything and become the Lord of the world.

But he didn't want to pursue it.

"Are you going to? If I say I'm worried that these gods and demons will be too unskilled, do you believe it?" Xue an said lightly.

Hearing this, Chen Xiaoyi was dumbfounded.

She didn't expect Xue an to have this idea anyway.

But on second thought, there seems to be some truth.

Is this the pursuit of the strong?

Just when Chen Xiaoyi is confused.

Xue an's eyes suddenly lit up, then turned to look out of the window.

Chen Xiaoyi is also a little surprised to follow Xue an's eyes. The hotel room is in a perfect location, and the sea is not far from the window. However, she has been looking at it for a long time, but there is no harvest.

"What's wrong, Mr. Xue?" Chen Xiaoyi can't help but ask.

Xue an turns her head and looks at Chen Xiaoyi. A faint smile appears in the corner of her mouth.

"Miss Chen, would you like to see how I kill gods and demons?"

Chen Xiaoyi was stunned, and then subconsciously nodded.

Immediately, she seemed to think of something, goose bumps all over her body.

"Mr. Xue, but is there any God and devil coming?"

Xue an smiles, "good! If you want to go, follow me, but remember to hurry up. If it is too slow, I can't guarantee that I will wait for you! "

After that, Xue an got up with an Yan and went out.

Chen Xiaoyi hesitated for a moment, then gritted her teeth and looked at the photographers.

"Go! If this successful live broadcast of Mr. Xue's killing the gods and demons, you and I will make great achievements! " Chen Xiaoyi said categorically.

"Understand!" Naturally, these people understood the truth and nodded to Chen Xiaoyi one after another.

With that, several people got on the helicopter.

At this time, Xue an carried an Yan into the air.

The two men were in front, the helicopter was in the rear, and then they went straight to r country. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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