After drinking a few gulps of sea water, Takeuchi finally rescued the last one to the top of the building.

At the moment, this group of Hei Gang all become drowned in water, standing on the top of the building, shivering, looking at has become a vast expanse of Tokyo.

Some people began to cry, and the rest was miserable.

Chunei Qingzi frowned, "shut up!"

The cry stopped instantly.

Takeuchi Qingzi said coldly: "you are all r country warriors. What are you crying like?"

"But your excellency Qingzi..."

"There's no such thing as that!" "If you don't want to be buried in the fish's belly, you'd better take up the sword and fight now," he said

As soon as his voice fell, he saw a big fish with a strange shape sprang out of the turbid water and rushed to the crowd.

Several people nearest to the surface of the water screamed with fright. Just then, Takeuchi Qingzi arrived with a sword.

The two swords were cut by a strange sound.

The remaining two pieces of fish fell on the top of the building, but they were still struggling until they struggled for a while before dying.

The scene chilled all of them.

"What are these, Mr. Qingzi?"

Takeuchi Qingzi's face was as deep as water. "If you can't guess wrong, these are the fish spirits that hide in the deep sea and don't know how long they have lived."

With that, Takeuchi looked at the sea god standing on the top of the whale in the distant sky.

"And all this is the work of the sea god

After hearing this, they all gathered together and took out their own defensive swords.

But Takeuchi was more and more upset.

In her perception, there are more and more powerful breath in the surrounding waters.

It's obviously not coming to say hello to them.

At this time, we heard a few screams not far away.

Takeuchi looked up.

On the roof of the building not far away, more than a dozen survivors were also standing.

These people were shivering together to discuss things.

Suddenly, there was a huge tentacle sticking out, directly pulling several people out of the periphery into the water.

A moment later, the tumbling water calmed down, but a stream of blood came out.

This scene makes people look pale.

But Takeuchi was more and more upset.


There are a lot of dorsal fins above the water.

"It's a shark!" There was a cry of despair.

Takeuchi finally understood where his uneasiness came from.

These sharks are obviously attracted by the smell of blood.

At this time, the building not far away began to shake violently.

A few of them fell into the water when they were standing unsteadily. Then, they saw a dense tumbling on the water surface. Countless sharks swarmed in and began to bite the people who fell into the water crazily.

The scream of the drowning man lasted only a few seconds and then came to an abrupt end.

It's obvious that they're all dead.

The remaining survivors hugged each other and began to scream and cry.

At this time, Takeuchi Qingzi could see clearly that these big sharks were shaking the buildings under the water.

But at this time, the shark's skin is flashing cold light, the size has also increased a lot.

Even after noticing Takeuchi's gaze, several sharks still surfaced and stared at her with cold eyes.

Takeuchi felt cold in his heart, because there was a trace of irony in the eyes of these sharks.

It seems to say don't worry, it's your turn.

At this time, I saw that the building in the bite and shake of a few sharks issued a few unbearable groans, and then gradually toppled.

The survivors above cried in despair.

As soon as chunei Qingzi bit his teeth, he suddenly gave a light drink, and the Liuguang sword in his hand was cut horizontally and produced a charming sword.

Puff, puff, puff.

After a dozen noises, the bodies of more than a dozen sharks floated on the water.

This completely angered the sharks, and then turned their heads and rushed towards Takeuchi.

All the big guys exclaimed when they saw this.

"Mr. Qingzi..."

But after sending out this sword, chunei Qingzi was pale and obviously had some strength.

But in the face of these swarms of sharks, if she can't make a sword, it's death that waits for everyone.

So she bit the blood on the tip of her tongue and spat it out on the sword. The whole person's expression became more and more decadent, but the Liuguang sword was full of light.

And then she swung it with a sudden stroke.

The power of this sword is much greater than just now.With one sword, most of the sharks were killed.

The rest has become a little rusty.

But before Takeuchi could breathe a sigh of relief.

There was a sound of banter in the dignity of his head.

"How can I punish you for killing so many of my people, mortals?"

They all froze, and then slowly looked up.

The whale did not know when it had emerged in the sky, just like swimming in the water, flying flexibly.

And the sea god stood on top of the whale, overlooking the crowd.

Chunei Qingzi's face became more and more ugly, but still tightly held the Liuguang sword in his hand.

"Eh...!" The God of the sea gave a light cry, and with a slight hook of his hand, the Liuguang sword broke free from chunei Qingzi's hand and flew directly into the sea god's hand.

"This sword is very good. At least it should be made by a half step golden immortal!" The sea god examined for a moment, and then burst into a strange smile of Jie and Jie at Zhunei Qingzi.

"It's a pity that your swordsmanship is too bad!"

At this time, Takeuchi's eyes were already red, "give me back my sword! It was given to me by my master

"Your master? Oh, no, I will be your master in the future Said the sea god with a grim smile.

As soon as he reached out, Takeuchi could not help but float into the air, and then flew high into the air.

"Mr. Qingzi!"

These guys scream in unison.

Takeuchi Qingzi is even more arrogant, desperate to struggle, want to break free from the shackles.

"It's no use. In front of me, any resistance you make is futile." The sea god laughs.

With a casual finger, Takeuchi felt completely stiff and could not even blink an eye.

At last, Takeuchi was in despair.

She was about to rise into the air, but it was just then.

Listen to the distant sky suddenly spread a calm voice.

"I have a sword against heaven!"

Said, then there is a streamer across the air to fly, has not yet rushed to the front.

The light of a sword that cuts the sky and the Jedi has arrived, and it cuts directly at the whale and the sea god.

Then I heard the voice and continued.

"Cross the sea and kill the whale!"

At the same time, the sword fell. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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