
A loud sound of gold and iron.

The sea god erected his trident in his hand in an instant, which could block the sword.

However, although the sword was blocked, he was still blasted out dozens of feet away.

Not only that, but the Trident in the hands of the sea god broke into two pieces with a click after a sad cry.

But somehow he saved his life.

But the whale he was riding was not so lucky.

A blood line emerges from the whale's forehead and then extends directly to the tail.


After a dull noise, the whale was cut into two sections from the middle.

Blood and bodies fell straight into the sea, stirring waves.

It all happened between a few breaths.

The Poseidon, who had just regained his prowess, was repulsed, and the whale was cut down.

Everyone looked up at the man standing in mid air.

Takeuchi Qingzi has already fallen back to the ground. She looks at Xue an with dull eyes. She can't believe her own eyes.

It wasn't until a few seconds later that she fell to her knees.

"Master, you are back!"

Seeing her kneeling, those big guys in Tokyo shivered all over, and they all knelt on their knees. They even didn't dare to look up at Xue an.

The godlike man returned and, as soon as he appeared, killed the whale that nearly destroyed Tokyo.

Naturally, this group of big men was scared.

Xue an nodded nonchalantly, "get up!"

This group of talents stood up with fear.

And in that helicopter that follows its heel, Chen Xiaoyi is full of shock, after a moment just sink a way.

"Did you record that scene?"

The photographer nodded, "sister Chen, all of them have been recorded, and we have just connected to the communication satellite. The above reply said that we should track the whole process, and the live broadcast will start soon."

Chen Xiaoyi nodded and looked at the distance with flashing eyes.

She didn't expect Xue an to be so overbearing. After crossing the East China Sea, she actually killed a whale with one sword.

At this time, a reporter in charge of communication said in a deep voice: "sister Chen, the headquarters reply, the live broadcast can start!"

Chen Xiaoyi nodded and took a deep breath: "first pass on the picture just now, and then broadcast it synchronously!"


At the same time.

Everywhere in China, whether in Zhongdu or in some small cities that have fallen into the hands of gods and demons, there are only a few survivors left.

No matter outdoor or indoor, as long as there is a TV or Internet, the same picture appears.

People are all for one Zheng, do not know what happened, one after another concentrate on watching.

I saw the picture first shaking, and then gradually become clear.

At this time, people can see clearly that there is a huge whale floating in the middle of the picture, and there seems to be a person standing on the top of the whale.

But then there was a streamer of light flying across the sky, and then they cut out a very powerful sword light, directly killed the whale, and blew the people on it out.

I have a sword against heaven. I can cut long whales across the sea.

These two words also spread to every audience's ears.

Then the camera turns and focuses on the vast Tokyo city below.

"It's Tokyo!" The sharp eyed audience recognized it immediately.

Because the Tokyo Tower, which is half way above the water, is so eye-catching.

"What's going on?" Everyone has doubts.

At this time, Chen Xiaoyi's voice came from the TV.

"This is Tokyo. We have just arrived here with Mr. Xue. He allowed us to broadcast live how he killed gods and demons."

Hearing this, all the audience in front of the TV were stunned.

At the beginning, many viewers who had not been in front of TV at the moment also got the news. No matter what they were driving or doing, they stopped their work at the first time and began to look for TV to watch nearby.

The whole country of China has come to a standstill, and everyone is staring at the picture.

And other countries also received information and immediately began to broadcast it.

A global live broadcast has begun.

In the sky at the moment, the God of the sea stood in the distance, staring at Xue an, who was standing with his hands on his back. His face was very dignified.

He was more awed by that sword than anyone else.

Even in the face of this sword, the sea god's heart was filled with despair. Although it was finally blocked, the Trident, the artifact on which he became famous, was cut off by Shengsheng.

What a powerful Kendo cultivation?

"Jianxiu, why do you want to fight against the Hai people? And kill my mount, and destroy my sword? " Asked the sea god in a deep voice.Xue an did not pay attention to his words. Instead, he turned his head and said with a smile: "Yan'er, have you ever seen the excrement fork?"

An Yan a Zheng, and then shook his head, "have not seen, that is what?"

Xue an smile, "in the past in the countryside, and as the name implies, is used to dig excrement fork."

as like as two peas, the trident of the two halt of the sea god is broken. "If I haven't seen it before, I'll know this thing. It's the same as the excrement fork. I even doubt it."

Xue an looked at the sea god with a smile. "I wonder if you stole this thing from the countryside of China."

Hearing this, an Yan covered his mouth and laughed so much that his eyes were bent.

My husband, sometimes speaking can really piss people off.

And all the people watching in front of the TV were laughing.

It's not because Xue an's words are so funny.

But I want to relieve the resentment accumulated by the gods and demons for such a long time.

The sea god's face suddenly became extremely ugly.

Although he didn't know what to call "excrement fork", the fool could see that Xue an was making fun of himself.

"Jian Xiu, although you are powerful, you can humiliate a high God like this. Are you a little arrogant?"

Xue an just shook his head and chuckled, "you gods..."

"In the face of ordinary people, they say that all things in the world respect strength. Ordinary people are weak and urinate naturally, while you are born noble."

"But when you really meet a strong man, you change your face and ask me if I am too arrogant?"

Speaking of this, Xue an raised his mouth and showed a cold smile, "I'll tell you now, I'm born to be so arrogant!"

Said, Xue an turns to look at Chen Xiaoyi on the helicopter, "live?"

Chen Xiaoyi nods hard.

Xue an said with a smile, "well, today, I will slaughter God in front of all the Chinese people."

The sea god's face suddenly became iron blue, and his eyes twinkled with extremely cold killing intention.

"Jianxiu, don't really think I'm afraid of you! I... "

Before the words fell, Xue an's body shape had already appeared in front of him, with a forest smile, "I what I am? Now talk with your fist. "

With that, Xue an raised his fist and blew it out.

The sea god roared, but failed to resist, he was directly blasted into the sky.

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