
All the people around the world who are watching the live broadcast are dumbfounded.

Many people thought that even if Xue an could defeat the sea god, he would have to fight hard.

But who could have thought that Xue an would blow the sea god to the sky with one blow?

Just then.

He heard the sea god's roar from the sky: "sword, I want you to pay the price!"

With that, the God of the sea, whose body was broken by a fist, suddenly waved his hand.

The calm sea began to shake violently, then the sea rose rapidly, and a huge wave began to take shape.

A huge amount of sea water came crazy and joined the huge waves. Even because of the excessive extraction of sea water, the whole ocean became dry and exposed a large area of the sea floor.

Soon, the huge wave became hundreds of meters high, and the sea god stood on the top of the wave and looked at Xue an grimly.

"Jianxiu, although you are very good, now as long as I give my order and take a big wave, the whole island country will disappear, and all the mortals on it will be buried with me! Ha ha ha, I'll see how you deal with it

The sea god laughed wildly.

Xue an but quietly looking at him, and then a side, "please."

The sea god's laughter suddenly stopped, "what do you say?"

"I mean Please

"You Are you not afraid that I will really destroy this island country? " The Sea God looks at Xue an in disbelief.

He thought that Xue an was a kind of righteous sword cultivation and came to save the islanders, so he took this as a threat.

But I didn't expect Xue an didn't care.

"What does it have to do with me if you can't destroy this island? You're going to die anyway. " Xue an said lightly.

"You want to blackmail me with this? Not to mention that I don't like this island country at all. Even if you really kill all the people, it's your hand. What can I do? "

"You..." The sea god finally felt a kind of fear from the heart.

Before the words fell, Xue an stretched out three fingers and said with a little impatience: "I'll give you three breathing time now. If you haven't made a decision by the time, I'll send you on the road."


The sea god's face changed wildly, and his eyes twinkled. He didn't know what he was thinking.


As soon as the sea god bit his teeth, the huge waves under his feet began to run towards the shore.

Seeing this scene, both the audience watching the live broadcast and the local residents of r country were all shocked.

In particular, many people in R have already cried out in despair.

Takeuchi Qingzi also showed a bitter smile.

Of course, she knew that the host had never liked country R, but she didn't think it was so disliked.

But just when the waves were about to reach the shore.

An Yan some can't bear to shout, "husband!"

Hearing this voice, Xue an raised his mouth, revealing a faint smile, and then nodded to an Yan.


With this word, Xue an's man suddenly appeared on the side of the sea god, and then he punched out again.


Suddenly, the sea god was blasted out far away, and the remaining half of his body exploded.

Then he heard the sea god roar: "sword Xiu, don't you say you don't care about it?"

Xue an slowly took back his fist and said, "my wife wants me to manage it. Of course, I have to. Besides, I don't like this island country, but I can't wait for you gods and demons to slaughter."

"Jie Jie, it's useless! Now the huge wave has formed, even I can't control it. You can watch this island country destroy in front of you Sea god Jie Jie laughs strangely, and his body shape begins to recover rapidly.

Sure enough.

This huge wave began to show the potential of collapse, if this endless sea water falls, the whole country R will be smashed.

All the people watching the live broadcast can't help holding their breath, and some people can't bear to turn their heads.

But Xue an stood in front of the huge waves, looked up quietly and did not speak.

Through the lens, many people saw such a picture.

In front of the huge waves, Xue an stood with his hands on his back, and his figure was very small. However, his proud back made many people moved.

"Husband!" Anyan some worried rushed over, and Xue an stood side by side.

Xue an turned to smile at her, and then said faintly, "Yan'er, have you ever played with water?"


"My husband will play you a water polo today."

With that, Xue an reached out and said, "broken!"


With Xue an's order, the huge waves that originally covered the sky broke, and the endless sea water would pour down.But Xue an wave, a perfect circle will appear in the air.


The pouring sea water will come with it.

This circle is like a bottomless hole, countless sea water pouring in, but not filling it up, just gradually condensing a little glittering water light in the center of the circle.

In the blink of an eye, all the sea water will enter the circle and turn into a water ball the size of a basketball.

This water ball refracts the stars all over the sky and looks like a diamond.

The sea god's eyes almost glared out.

Because he can feel the power of the water ball.

This is equivalent to compressing hundreds of thousands of tons of seawater into the size of a basketball, and its weight and density can be imagined.

And he couldn't even control the water.

Xue an held the water ball in one hand and raised his head to smile at the distant sea god.

"It's your stuff. I'll give it back to you now!"

With a wave of Xue an's hand, the ball turned into a streamer and flew directly to the sea god.

"No..." After the sea god did not say anything, he was hit by the water ball as fast as lightning.

There's a big bang.

The sea god didn't even hum, and was directly hit by the water ball and flew out.

When he reached the middle of the sea, the sea god screamed in horror, and then his body turned into powder.

After that, the water ball burst and turned into countless sea water, filling up most of the dry sea below in an instant.

As for the sea god, there is not even a trace of it.

Even if he was the God who controlled the sea, he was still smashed by Sheng Sheng Sheng with a simple and crude blow like Xue an.

It's ironic that a sea god finally died under the sea.

And after the calm.

Whether it is the live audience or the people on the scene, they all look at the figure in the air with dull eyes.

Xue an clapped his hands and turned to smile at an Yan.

"Yan'er, is my posture handsome?"

His smile was captured by the camera and presented to all the audience watching the live broadcast.

Such a spoiled and bright smile, so that many women fell in an instant.

At the same time, Xue an slaughtered the gods in public, which also established his title as the world's highest. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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