
In a very high standard conference room.

When Xue an in the live broadcast screen coagulates the boundless sea water into a water ball, and then Shengsheng smashes a God into nothingness.

The meeting room was as quiet as death.

Then there was an uncontrollable outcry.

"Be quiet!" A general sitting on the throne knocked on the table. Judging from the general star on his shoulder, he was a great general of Zhenguo.

Quiet down in the meeting room.

Then the general said in a deep voice, "what do you think of this incident just now?"

People in the conference room looked at each other, but no one spoke.

The general looked at a man wearing gold glasses and asked, "as the director of the management committee who is responsible for studying the abilities of these practitioners, don't you have anything to say?"

The man stood up, pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and then said with a wry smile: "Sir, from the beginning, I tried to analyze how strong Xue an's ability is, but after that I gave up."

"Oh? Why? " The general of the town was puzzled.

The glasses man sighed, got up and came to the big screen, and turned the picture back to the time when the huge wave had not collapsed.

"Generals, I don't know if you have noticed this huge wave. According to the reference objects in the picture, this wave is at least hundreds of meters high. What is the concept?"

The glasses man was silent for a moment, then said: "if this wave appears in any place, it will be enough to destroy thousands of kilometers of land. Attention, it is a complete destruction! Even the mountains can't stop these waves. "

The meeting room was quiet and everyone listened quietly.

The glasses man then said: "such a huge wave would never have appeared on earth, but now that the gods and demons have been born, it is not surprising what kind of things happen."

"But that's not what I'm going to say."

With that, the glasses man quickly moved the picture forward a little, and then stopped at the scene of Xue an holding a huge wave into a water ball. Then he took a deep breath and said in a slightly frightened tone.

"Just now I have made a simple calculation below. A water wall with a height of more than 100 meters has a mass of at least 100000 tons."

"But this amazing quality was condensed into a ball of water by Xue an and held by one hand."

"I don't know what it's like for you to see this scene, but it's cold all over me."

"Because it means that this Xue an does not need any magical powers, and his physical strength alone is enough to be proud of all the heroes."

Speaking of this, the glasses man's face showed a dignified color, and then said to the general of Zhenguo: "senior general, this xue'an has gone beyond the system that we use to measure the ability, and his strength alone has been invincible in the world, not to mention he has a lot of unpredictable skills!"

Hearing these clear-cut analysis, the town general also nodded solemnly.

"That's right. Fortunately, this man is of Chinese nationality, and he is very friendly to our country. Therefore, we must try our best to win him over and not to provoke him."

Hearing this, there was a murmur in the conference room, and then General Wang Tao, who was sitting at the bottom, stood up.

"Sir, since you say so, I have something to report to you."

"General Wang, go ahead."

Wang Tao said in a deep voice: "I think all of you should know that Tianyuan company was founded by Xue an himself."

Everyone nodded.

Then Wang Tao's face showed a trace of sarcasm. "I don't need to say much about the importance of fate. It can be said that if there is no destiny, then China will not be able to survive in front of the gods and demons!"

"But as a result, this fate has attracted many people's covet."

Hearing what he said, the general of the town said, "what's going on?"

"Senior general, you don't know. Some time ago, because Xue an has been missing, Tianyuan company is controlled by several friends of Xue an and Chen family. However, since the establishment of the management committee, the Jin family has sprung up and gained great power, and then they extended their tentacles to Tianyuan company."

"He not only sent a man to Tianyuan company as director, but also tried to exclude Xue an's old headquarters, trying to make Tianyuan belong to the Jin family."

The more Wang said, the more ugly the general's face was.

At the end of the day, the general of Zhenguo patted the table, "what a shame! At this time of crisis, not to mention helping each other in the same boat, are still intriguing? "

This time, a few people in the meeting room then looked pale and bowed their heads.

Wang Tao saw a smile on his lips. "Senior general, I have dealt with Xue an once. I know that if you don't provoke this person, he will never fight against you!"

The bottom line is completely touched by Xue an! For this reason, I once dissuaded him, but the Jin family threatened that Xue an was dead, which was not enough to fear! "

"As a result, now Xue an is born again, and has a strong strength that everyone dare not ignore!""By the way, you may not know that a woman of the Jin family had been in charge of settling down for a long time, but she bullied Xue an's wife and was eventually killed by Xue an."

"This is also the reason why the Jin family has always wanted revenge. If this matter is not solved well, I'm afraid..." Wang Tao's words did not go on, but everyone understood his meaning.

If this matter can not give Xue an a perfect explanation, then once the murderer knows.

The consequences are simply unthinkable.

The town general said without hesitation: "this matter is of great importance, can not be ignored!"

Then he stood up and said in a deep voice, "now let the people of the Jin family withdraw from Tianyuan company and take away all their rights in the management committee!"

Then he leaned on the table and looked around at all the people in the room, and said with a heavy face: "from now on, I don't want to hear any news that anyone dares to attack Xue an and the people around him. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."


"What's more, from today on, we will set up an organization specially responsible for negotiating with Xue an. I'll take the lead. General Wang will be fully responsible for the specific affairs."


"Ladies and gentlemen, this chaotic time of gods and demons is originally a great difficulty, but the birth of Xue an is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the rise of China. Therefore, I do not allow anyone to make trouble, otherwise, there will be no amnesty for killing!" The general of Zhenguo said in a murderous manner.

All of them are awe inspiring. They all nod and say yes.

As the highest decision-making body of the management committee, the order was immediately conveyed after the negotiation.

The Kim family.

Once a wealthy family, now it has become desolate.

All the people in the Jin family were in a state of melancholy.

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