Jin Hao, the senior owner of the Jin family, sat in the middle chair and looked down at the notice of appointment and dismissal in his hand. His face was very ugly.

It is clear from the above that all his duties in the management committee have been cancelled and he is waiting for arrangements at home.

After the notice of appointment and removal, it was a letter of notification with extremely strong wording.

The letter was written in the tone of the general of Zhenguo, asking the Jin family to withdraw from Tianyuan company immediately and stop all acts that may offend Xue an. If there is any violation, the consequences will be borne by yourself.

These two letters were pressed in Jin Hao's hands, which made his hands tremble.

When he lost his position in the management committee, the Jin family lost all power and power, and everything that had been painstakingly managed before would be in vain.

Naturally, this is hard for Jinhao to accept.

The other people in the middle room were afraid to talk.

Everyone's face was full of depression and despair.

After a while, Jin Hao took a deep breath and said in a cold voice, "Jinzhong."

"Father Jin Zhong trembled and rushed forward.

"I asked you to parachute to Tianyuan company before. After such a long time, have you made clear the formula of Tianyuan potion?"

Jin Zhongwen shook his head and wryly laughed, "father, although I parachuted to Tianyuan company, Chen Xiu and Xue an's gang of friends are one piece of iron. I can't touch the production process of Tianyuan potion."

Jin Hao looks more and more ugly. He slaps the table, "rubbish! It's all rubbish

Jin Zhong and others were pale, and they all bowed their heads and dared not speak.

After venting his anger, the crafty Jin Hao, who has been in charge of the Jin family for decades, slumped back on his chair with a trace of fear in his eyes.

Xue an is back.

And it's a strong return with an invincible posture.

Looking back on what the Jin family had done before, and thinking about the grudges between the Jin family and the family before settling down, Xue an would never let himself go.

What's more, Jin Hao knows that it is only temporary for the management committee to kick out the Jin family. As long as Xue an goes back to Zhongdu, the one waiting for the Jin family will be destroyed.

Even Xue an didn't have to do it himself. In order to make friends with Xue an, the management committee would take the initiative to deal with the Jin family.

Thinking of that scene, Jin Hao was trembling.

Just then.

A cold female voice came in from outside.

"You Is it the Jin family who is against Xue an? "

"Who are you?" Several guards yelled in unison.

Everyone in the room is also one of the shock, all turn their heads to see.

The iron gate suddenly began to melt and turned into a pool of molten iron in an instant.

A woman came in.

The woman has long hair and a tall figure. She is wearing a black leather coat. At the foot is a pair of high-heeled shoes, which shows her slim waist and legs.

Especially when she comes step by step, she is swaying and charming.

All the people in the room were stupid.

Because I don't know anyone.

The guards of the Jin family had already rushed over and surrounded the woman.

At this time, Jin Hao waved his hand, motioned for the guards to step back, and then said with a gloomy face, "who are you? Why break into my gold house? "

Jin Hao naturally noticed all kinds of visions when the woman came in.

Especially the melted iron gate made Jin Hao's eyelids jump, so he was more polite.

The woman smile, "gold master, who I am is not important, I just ask one, do you hate this Xue an?"

Hearing this, Jin Hao's face was cloudy and clear. "How about hate? What if you don't hate?"

The woman giggled and giggled, "if you hate, now you have a chance to revenge. If you don't hate..."

A flash in the eyes of a woman does not belong to human cold light, "then you also have no need to exist."

"Presumptuous!" Hearing this, Jin Zhong was furious and wanted to order someone to tie up the woman who came out of nowhere.

But the woman just turned her head and glanced at him.

Because the look in the eyes of this woman is so terrible.

Cold, without a trace of emotional color, just like a pair of Cold blooded animals have the same eyes.

At this time, the woman said faintly: "I hope you don't challenge my patience, or I can let you die now without a burial place."

Said, the woman's body showed a strong pressure.

All the people in the room were shocked, and some people who were close to it were humming and retreating.

"Please don't be angry, my Lord!" Jin Hao called.

Then he bowed out of the seat and said respectfully, "of course, our Jin family hates Xue an, but the problem is that Xue an is so powerful that even the management committee is on his side! How can we get revenge? "

As soon as the woman smiles, her figure suddenly flashes. She appears beside Jin Hao and sits on the throne naturally."As long as you hate, then I can avenge you, and even give you infinite life and strength, but only if you must obey me unconditionally and regard me as the Lord."

The woman's words made everyone in the family hesitant.

"You dare to ask."

Woman light way: "I am the dragon clan, my name is dragon big!"

Said, a pair of women's eyes gradually turned into dragon eyes, powerful dragon power shrouded the audience.

Jin Hao and others wake up from the shock and confusion at the beginning. Then Jinhao does not hesitate to kneel down on the ground, "my family of gold, willing to serve you as the Lord!"

As soon as he got down on his knees, the rest of the family fell to their knees.

Long Da looked at everyone, a faint smile, "very good!"

"Master, but I don't know what you want us to do with the gold family?" Jin Hao said respectfully.

"Now I'm the only one coming here, and my strength is not enough to deal with xue'an, so what you have to do is to unite all the forces that have enemies with xue'an."

"Yes Jin Hao and others bowed their heads and said yes.

"Now I will give you some strength first."

With that, the Dragon waved his hand, and the people of the Jin family in the house felt stiff, and then a strong force emerged from their bodies.

Even Na Jin Hao felt a shock all over his body, and his aging body quickly began to get younger.

Such a scene completely recovered all the people of the Jin family.

Jin Hao and others sprawled on the ground and said respectfully, "thank you very much."

After the others step down.

However, Jin Hao hesitated and said, "my Lord, Xue an is not a strong man in general to deal with. Even if our Jin family united all the forces that have enemies with him, it can not be his opponent."

The Dragon nodded. "I naturally know that. What I asked you to do is just to make an internal connection in this. As for the real power..."

Long Da sneered. "Before I came, I had already contacted other gods and demons of heaven. When they came, it would be the day when Xue an died."

Hearing this, Jin Hao looked happy and quickly bowed his head and said, "yes!"

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