
Dark castle.

The continuous bombardment of light has razed the nearby hills to the ground, leaving only a solitary Castle standing among them.

And the dark guard over the castle has become very weak.

However, it is such a precarious power of guarding, but it is extremely tough. Under the bombing of so many light crazy believers, it has persisted until now.

But now, many people know that this is the limit.

According to this offensive, at most one day, the power of protection will be broken.

People in the dark Council certainly know that better.

Therefore, at this moment, everyone gathered in the hall, looking at fan Mengxue wrapped by layers of black vines, and his face was full of sadness.

"Gentlemen." The dark witch Anastasia whispered.

Everyone looked at her.

"Mengxue uses life as a sacrifice to protect us, but now, the dark castle can't hold on. If we just wait, Mengxue will fall into the hands of the bright angel."

speaking of this, Anastasia looked around the audience.

"So I propose! From now on, we all leave the castle and go outside to attract fire, so as to reduce the pressure of Mengxue

After that, the necromancer, Titan and dreammaid all nodded without hesitation.

"I agree."

"I agree with you."

"And if If you die in battle outside, remember to sacrifice yourself at the last moment to guard this castle. " Said Anastasia in a deep voice.

These several people smell speech to look at each other, and then all showed a glimmer of sudden smile.


In fact, they all know that the chance of survival is extremely slim.

Because their injuries are not good, and even if they are good, it is hard to escape from such a powerful force of light.

Even so, no one showed any sign of flinch.

It's just like facing a trivial matter, not death.

After the discussion, they gathered up everything and came to the gate of the castle.

The cigar skeleton is still here.

But now, his suit has become ragged and dirty, and the only constant is the cigar in his hand.

When he saw the crowd coming, the skeleton, who was leaning against the wall, put out his cigar and stood upright.

"Gentlemen, are you ready to do it?"

Calthas nodded, then apologetically said, "I'm sorry, I didn't help you revive those skeletons before."

The cigar skeleton grinned and said, "I didn't expect you to revive! Because you are so bad, you can't compare with the necromancer before. "

Carlos was said to be embarrassed.

And then Anastasia said, "you stay here and we'll go back."

After that, the leader will leave.

The cigar skeleton laughs and follows.

The dream witch frowned slightly, turned to look at him, "the witch said, let you stay here."

The cigar skull shook his head. "Gentlemen, actually I know what you're going to do."

"Mengxue falls into a deep sleep for the castle, and the bright hybrid is still pressing forward step by step. You want to sacrifice yourself to attract fire. Am I right?"

Anastasia sighed slightly, "yes

"In that case, I will go with you."

With that, the cigar skeleton waved his hand to stop Anastasia and other people from talking. Then he said faintly, "all the brothers are gone. It's very boring for me to guard this castle alone. It's better to have a good fight. Even if I can teach this bright bastard a little, I'll be dead!"

Anastasia also wanted to persuade.

Kalthas stopped her, then shook his head slightly, indicating that she would not say more.

Because he is very clear about the temper of these big men of skeleton, as long as they decide, they will try to do it.

Never waver because of others' persuasion.

At this time, Titan slowly reopened the closed gate of the castle.

"If you think clearly, step out of this door, there will be no chance to turn back." Said the Banshee.

"I've lived for thousands of years, and I've seen and tried everything, but I haven't tasted what it's like to die. But my brothers have tasted it first, so I can't fall behind."

At his words, there was a moment's silence, and Anastasia stepped forward.

"Let's go! It's getting late. Kill people on the way. "As soon as they saw the people coming out of the dark castle with the gate closed, they were stunned first, and then they rushed in madly.

In the face of so many believers of the light maniac, the people of the dark Council did not fear at all, and rushed forward with a big drink.

It was like a black spear that pierced the bright sea.

But there are just too many Illuminati.

If you kill one, there will be ten to make up for it.

In the blink of an eye, the people of the dark Council are trapped.

They form a circle, panting at each other's bright believers.

"Damn it, don't these crazy people know they're afraid?" The dream banshee, who has always been gentle, can't help but crack her mouth.

"Don't you see the eyes of these people? Dull and dull, obviously has been brainwashed by the angel of light. Frankly speaking, this is a group of cannon fodder specially used to attract fire Said the Titan.

"It seems that we can't run away today!" Calthas gave a wry smile and said to the cigar skull.

"Any more cigarettes? Give me one. "

The skeleton pulled out a cigar and threw it in the past, "that's it! I want to keep it until I die. "

Carlos laughed, lit his cigar and just tasted it.

The believers in the opposite side rushed forward as if they had received the order to charge.

Calthas gave a helpless scold.

"Damn it, can't I smoke more?"

As soon as the voice came down, they were engaged in close combat.

These light crazy believers' ability is not high, but the terror is massive, and fearless to death.

So in an instant, the people who had been injured in the body had already hung the lottery one after another.

"Gentlemen, I'll go first." Said the Titan, and with a roar, rushed forward.

"Titan!" exclaimed the Banshee

The Titan was about to burst into the light, and that was the moment.

Suddenly, huge vines appeared on the ground, and all the light believers around him were lifted into the air in an instant.

Then a voice came, "gentlemen, the night elves are here to help!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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