Hearing this, everyone was stunned and looked up.

Sure enough.

Not far away, I don't know when a towering tree appeared.

The vines on the ground extend from the bottom of the tree.

And above the tree crown, is a floating halo, in the halo is a fuzzy woman.

"The mother of elves, Cloris!" Anastasia gave a cry of surprise.

Crolis bowed slightly to the crowd. "I'm sorry we're a little late."

Along with her voice, many night elves jumped above the ancient tree.

It was elder Luna who led.

As soon as these night elves appeared, they immediately reversed the situation.

Although they were numerous, they were quickly destroyed by the rain of arrows from night elves and the vines of fairy mother gods.

The people are in one place.

Anastasia had met the fairy mother a few times, so she stepped forward and said gratefully.

"Thanks to the night elves for helping us in the dark Council."

Crolis gave a wry smile. "The witch is polite. Now the light is strong. You and I are lips and teeth for each other. Naturally, we should help each other."

As a matter of fact, the reason why he came here now is that he was entangled by the omniscient believers.

Although there is no siege of the dark castle, but caught off guard, or let the night elves pay a lot of price.

Finally, in the fury of crolis, he managed to wipe out the besieged believers.

However, the strength of these men's fighting power still shocked him.

Then I heard outside rumors that the dark castle was besieged and should not last long.

Crolis was shocked by the news.

Of course, she understood the truth that her lips were dead and her teeth were cold, so she immediately summoned the people to help her from thousands of miles, which was just enough to get there.

But it was during the conversation.

A light suddenly appeared in the distant sky.

With the chanting of the hymn, a huge angel appeared above the sky.

Metatron, looking down on everything below, said with great interest.

"Tut, there is a wild fairy mother God, eh! It seems that they are still transformed by ancient deities. It's really strange! "

At his words, both crolis and the dark Council were dignified.

"This bright angel is extremely powerful, we are not his opponents, for today's plan is to leave here quickly, how far to run." Said crolis calmly.

Anastasia and the Titans all laughed.

"Mother God, you've come all the way to help us. This friendship is engraved in our hearts. Now you'd better leave here as soon as possible. As for us, we won't leave!" Said the Banshee.

"Why? If you can't solve any problems, you'd better spend it and wait for Mr. Xue to return. " Cloris thought these people were going to try their best to dissuade him.

"You don't understand!" Said calthas, pointing to the dark castle in the distance.

"The future Lord of darkness sleeps there. For her sake, we can't leave, but fight to the end."

Just then, it was clear that Metatron had no patience to wait any longer.

"Go, destroy everything!"

There were countless angels behind him.

Although these angels only carry a pair of very simple wings, but the power of light on their bodies is not comparable to those crazy believers.

At Metatron's command, the angels in paperback swoop down like a legion of fighters.

"Mother God, go Anastasia called out and then displayed a dark curse.


This forbidden curse blew up dozens of angels, but in a flash, the gap was filled up again.

The immeasurable and boundless Angel covers all people from all directions.

Although everyone tries his best to kill the enemy, there are too many enemies to kill.

"Mother God, what shall we do?" Elder Luna looked pale and asked.

Crolis's eyes twinkled. "We can't go. If we leave, these people will surely die. When the angel of light points at us, we will die without a burial place."

"So, go ahead and kill the enemy together!"

Said crolis, waving the vines of the giant tree, whipping the flying legions of angels like a whip.

Elder Luna also directed the spirits to shoot with arrows.

Metatron looked at the scene and laughed, "is that all? I'll give you some more food todayWith these words, a holy light flashed by, and the angel who had just been shot or chopped to pieces was reconsolidated under the light and flew into the sky again.

"Kill it, I see when you can kill it!" Metatron laughed triumphantly.

All felt deep despair.

There is nothing more depressing than this. The enemy who has worked so hard to kill is actually revived in a flash.

What's more, the people of the dark Council were seriously injured, and now they have been fighting for a while, and their injuries have become more and more serious.

Therefore, under the attack of the angel legion, we can not help but start to retreat.


After being bombed by the light again.

Anastasia said in a deep voice, "gentlemen, I can't hold on. It's now!"

As she said that, the black air in her eyes was great.

Calthas exclaimed, "tAsia!"

Anastasia turned to him with a smile. "Kalthas, see you soon."

Karlsas burst into tears and nodded forcefully, "wait for me, let's go together!"

With that, he also showed a strong spirit of death.

The Banshee and the Titan also looked at each other, and their eyes all showed the will to die.

At the time when the people of the dark Council are ready to sacrifice themselves to supplement the protection of the dark castle.


The endless legion of angels began to explode one by one like fireworks.

In the beginning, the explosion began one by one, and in an instant, the whole batch of explosion began.

"What's going on?" Metatron, who has always been standing in the sky and overlooking everything, is stunned.

At this time, two streamers flew across the air, and then a voice with a strong anger spread throughout the audience.

"Very good, actually forced Mengxue to sleep actively, you are dead!"

Hearing this, both the dark Council and the Elves were stupid and looked up.

Sure enough.

It is Xue an and an Yan standing in the air.

"Sir Cloris saluted in a hurry.

All the members of the dark Council woke up and bowed down to salute.

Xue an nodded, but his eyes were always on the dark castle covered by the thin guard power.

"Who are you?" Asked Metatron in a rage.

Xue an smell speech, turned to look at him, the corner of the mouth raised a cold smile.

"I haven't asked him for the account of the last God of light, but have you come again?"

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