Metatron was slightly stunned, and then a sarcastic smile appeared on his face, "Oh? So it's because of you that the old man of light dare not go down

"It's a pity that I am different from the old man who only dares to send his own son of God or the old man who comes by projection. This time, I have come to the world with all of us!"

With these words, Metatron seems to have untied the seal, and the light wings behind him are more and more dazzling.

Metatron, known as archangel of the light, is certainly not a fool without a brain.

The God of light refused to go down to the world. Naturally, he was on guard, so he used the secret art of light, which required enormous energy.

This secret of light can seal the complete body of Metatron to deceive the law of heaven, so that it can come smoothly.

And if necessary, he can untie the seal and release his real strength.

At this moment, the whole of Europe and even the whole eastern hemisphere are covered with endless light.

The night sky is also illuminated by the holy light as day.

Such a scene naturally attracted the worship of countless believers.

And Metatron looked down at xue'an and said with a trace of banter: "I can see that your strength should be good! But in front of me, all this is meaningless. So I'm curious. How are you going to settle this with me? "

Although it was just a casual question, the powerful pressure between words made the people of the dark Council, which was far away, shocked and retreated.

"Is this the power of the true God?" Cloris, mother of the elves, had a dignified face and whispered to herself.

As a deity, she could feel the divine suppression from Metatron.

This made her feel extremely depressed and shocked.

After all, she has inherited the spirit of the forest goddess in ancient mythology, but she can't even face this Metatron head-on.

We can see how powerful he is.

But in this case, Xue an kept his head down and did not speak.

Xue an came directly from country r this time.

As a matter of fact, when Xue an just came back, he realized that the power of light had reappeared in Europe.

But at that time, Xue an didn't take this seriously, because he could feel the existence of fan Mengxue, so he prepared to go back and have a look.

But just now, Xue an felt that the dark power belonging to fan Mengxue was rapidly declining.

Xue an was shocked by the speed.

At that time, Xue an understood that fan Mengxue had an accident.

Therefore, in a hurry, Xue an directly took an Yan and flew over.

At the moment, Xue an ignored Metatron's words, but quietly looked at the dark castle.

Those lights disappeared quietly before and after he was near, even his hair did not blow.

This strange silence gradually spread, so that the audience became quiet.

Then listen to Xue an light way: "is really a silly girl, oneself alone in the dark, waiting for me to come back? But have you ever thought that if something goes wrong, you will never wake up in the dark. "

The people of the dark Council were shocked, and tears came to their eyes.

Metatron frowned slightly and was about to speak.

Xue an has raised her head and looked at him quietly.

"Didn't you ask me how to account for this? I'll tell you now

"There is only darkness, and only darkness, that can destroy you light gods."

Metatron was stunned and then laughed grimly. "Are you telling me a joke? Darkness? "

He pointed to the dark council people on the ground.

"With these ants?"

The scorn in the tone almost overflowed.

Xue an did not pay attention to his clamor, but lowered his head and whispered, "Mengxue, don't you wake up?"

Suddenly his words of silence began to stand in the castle.

Innumerable vines began to gush out crazily. In a flash, the castle was completely wrapped, and then the branches swayed a few times, and then black rose flowers were opened.

Seeing this, all the people were dumbfounded.

Anastasia suddenly began to tremble, then covered her mouth and said in a trembling voice, "the dark flowers bloom, the throne reappears."

Hearing her words, the rest of the dark Council were stunned, and then they all remembered an old legend that had been handed down for a long time.

It is said that this dark castle is a very powerful sacred instrument of darkness. If it is opened, it will become the throne of darkness, and the person who ascends the throne will be the real Lord of darkness.

But because the legend is so long ago that everyone thinks it is just a legend.

But today.

Everyone saw the miracle.Metatron turned pale, then sneered, "it's a dark holy instrument, but for me, it's just that. If you want to beat me with this, it's just a dream. "

Just then.

The dark castle suddenly disintegrated and broken, and then a huge black pillar began to appear between heaven and earth.

In a twinkling of an eye, a huge dark temple appeared in front of everyone.

Then, in this dark temple, a huge and ferocious vine twisted out, and then the branches trembled and slowly opened a huge black rose.

In the center of the flower is fan Mengxue, who is sleeping with his eyes closed.

A strong force of darkness darkened the light in the sky. Even the Metatron was shaken back a few steps, and then he said in horror: "how could..."

He never thought that such a powerful dark power would emerge from a mere mortal dark Council.

This is more pure and terrifying than the power of darkness in the abyss of darkness.

Xue an stood quietly in the air and said in a soft voice, "how strong are you, who have awakened the blood of the real dark emperor?"

Then a smile, holding an Yan's hand, the moment will appear next to the rose.

Those dark spines on the vine instantly aimed at xue'an, but after sensing something, they gradually became quiet.

Xue an stretched out his hand and wrote a very complicated dark Rune in the air. Then he pressed it down and whispered, "don't you wake up?"

The dark Rune appeared on fan Mengxue's forehead and stirred up the power of darkness around him.

Fan Mengxue's eyelashes began to quiver and opened his eyes slowly.

And as soon as her eyes opened, two dark lights went straight into the sky.

Then, fan Mengxue's whole body was floating in the air, and her hair grew to reach the ground in an instant. At the same time, her clothes were wrapped by layers of black air, which turned into a long skirt that could drag the ground. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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