Fan Mengxue's long hair dances without wind, just like a demon from ancient times.

But in her eyes, there was only a pure darkness.

No joy and anger, no waves.

So quietly floating in the air.

Perfect like a work of art.

Everyone in the dark Council was dumbfounded.

But at this time, a spear condensed from the Holy Light flew across the air and stabbed fan Mengxue's chest.

Metatron's face was full of crazy killing intention, "don't make mysteries with me here, and die!"

Since fan Mengxue opened his eyes, Metatron felt a strong sense of crisis.

Until she was floating in the air, feeling the growing power of darkness.

At last a sense of panic rose in Metatron's heart.

It was this fear that made Metatron completely angry.

As a God, I'm afraid of a lord of darkness.

And that's why Metatron is going to take the plunge.

This spear of holy light came to fan Mengxue almost instantaneously, but it stopped when it was about to stab fan Mengxue in the chest.

And then Peng broke apart.

Metatron was shocked. "No way."

As soon as the voice fell, fan Mengxue looked up at him. There was still no emotion in her pure black eyes. Then she raised her right index finger and pointed to Metatron.


A dark light, stronger than the night, flashed through his chest, and he had no time to react.

Metatron grunted, and the light of his body twinkled and was wounded.

But as a high-level God, this injury can not knock him down.

He snorted angrily, and the wings of the holy light behind him fluttered, and his body disappeared in place in an instant. When he appeared again, he had come to fan Mengxue's back.

The huge wings directly close over, will fan Mengxue the whole package.

Metatron said with a grim smile, "I admit that I underestimated you, but that's it! Die, light

With his command, the wings of the Holy Light surrounded by a sudden shock, as if there was a bomb exploded inside, wisps of holy light flickered out from the gap.

"Mengxue!" There was a cry of surprise from Carlos and others.

Xue an was calm, without any waves.

But just when Metatron thought that fan Mengxue would die, the bright wings of holy light gradually faded, and then black gas began to spread on it.

Metatron exclaimed, "what's going on?"

As soon as the words fell, the wings of holy light burst apart, and fan Mengxue stood undamaged in the air, still looking at Metatron with her pure black eyes.

"Ah, ah! I'm going to break you to pieces Metatron screamed in pain and wanted to do it.

At this time, fan Mengxue's long hair rose abruptly and turned into 3000 green silk. In an instant, he rushed over and bound up the Metatron.

Metatron still wanted to struggle, but these hair like countless steel needles, directly inserted into Metatron's body.

Then, without waiting for him to speak, the hair began to absorb the light of his body.

The green silk turned into countless pipes, among which the light was shining and rushed to fan Mengxue.

"How could Does Mengxue absorb so much light that she is not afraid to explode in conflict with her own dark power Exclaimed kalthas.

Anastasia shook her head and said solemnly: "you don't understand, Mengxue has now mastered the most original power of darkness, and darkness and light are one in the most original time. To absorb light is to temper darkness. "

When he heard her say that, carlas nodded vaguely.

At the same time.

Metatron in the sky finally felt the fear of death.

Because the power of light in him is being madly absorbed.

In the blink of an eye, he has lost more than half of the light.

If this continues, after a while, he will be whipped out of his life.

At that time, no matter what kind of high-level God he is, he will have to fall.

"No No! Please let me go. I know I was wrong. I will return to the divine world now and never come again Metatron began to beg for mercy.

The dark Council and the Night Elves were silent.

The angel of the light, who has just begun to boast, is now begging for mercy?

Fan Mengxue did not seem to hear the same, the hair was inserted deeper in an instant, the speed of absorption also began to speed up abruptly.

"No You can't do this to me. I'm a god! If you don't let me go, I'll blow myself up, and we'll all die Said Metatron grimly, and began to take the same fate as a threat.But his words still did not cause fan Mengxue a trace of emotional fluctuations, the speed of absorbing the holy light did not slow down.

Metatron began to age at a rate visible to the naked eye.

In the end, there was a look of bitterness in Metatron's eyes.

If it goes on like this, it's impossible to blow yourself up.

So he yelled, "die for me!"

With that, he began to flash a dangerous light.

This is the prelude to the self explosion of the spirit.

But at this time, Xue an slightly narrowed his eyes, and the huge mind rushed to directly disperse the mind of Metatron, who was not on guard at all.

"How could you have such a powerful mind?" Metatron is like seeing a ghost.

Xue an light way: "this question, wait for you to die slowly to think about it!"

With that, the remaining mind of Metatron was completely destroyed.

And his body is thoroughly turned into fan Mengxue's nourishment, all the holy light is absorbed.

A moment later.

Metatron's body was powdered, and fan Mengxue's hair was retracted and became the same as normal hair.

But fan Mengxue's dark momentum is more and more powerful.

This kind of dark and oppressive power even made fan Mengxue have a small cyclone around her body, and her face is like a God, which makes people dare not look directly at her.

Xue an looks at it quietly and doesn't dodge.

Fan Mengxue did not move.

A moment later.

Fan Mengxue's eyes suddenly showed a glimmer of light.

Then the expression on the face also gradually wakes up from confusion.

Finally, her eyes become clear again, and then staring at Xue an.

"Xue an..."

Xue an smile, nodded, "wake up?"

Fan Mengxue knew nothing about what had just happened. She only knew that as soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Xue an smiling at herself in the distance.

This feeling made her understand that she was not dead.

And even if it's dead, as long as you can see Xue an, it doesn't matter. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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