At this time, the dark Council and all the night elves came forward and spoke respectfully.

"My Lord."

Xue an nodded slightly and did not speak.

Isabella pushed from behind the crowd and asked eagerly, "my Lord, are you thinking and reciting?"

One side of an Yan smile, "small Bella, do you want them both?"

Isabella nodded heavily. "Well, ma'am, aren't both of them following?"

Isabella at this time has seen in addition to Xue an and an Yan, and did not think about the shadow of recitation, can not help but feel a little gloomy.

, as the princess of the night elves, her childhood is extremely lonely. It can be said that before thinking about these two little girls, she had no real friends at all.

An Yan see this also can't help but some heartache, "they two come!"

"Ah? Where is it? " Isabella asked in a hurry.

An Yan smile, will Xue an to her that Fu Bao small building to release.

When you see a very exquisite building in the air, everyone can't help but look silly.

And like the fairy mother God Cloris and others are more shocked.

Because they can feel that this small building looks exquisite and lovely, but in fact it contains extremely terrifying energy.

Then I saw several people flying out of the small building.

After leaving the scope of the small building, the figure of a normal person will be restored instantly.

It was Tang xuan'er and two little girls.

Children are always in high spirits when they meet.

When the three of them were running to one side to play.

Xue an took back his eyes and said faintly, "Mengxue, the light remains on this side of Europe, you can deal with it!"

Fan Mengxue nodded, "yes!"

As she spoke, she rose into the sky in an instant, and then the endless darkness spread out and covered the whole European land.

In this strong dark force, karlsas and others quickly began to get better.

At the same time, the backpack behind the cigar skull squirmed, and a skeleton hand came out of it.

"Damn it, as soon as I smell the cigar in this bag, I know it's the second guy!"

Said, a skeleton slowly climbed out of the inside.

The cigar skeleton was stunned, "big Big brother

Then, seven or eight skeletons came out of the huge bag.

"Gaga, I didn't expect to survive!"

The skeletons said with a smile.

The cigar skeleton was staring at it.

This huge travel bag contains the remains of these skeletons. Unexpectedly, they all survived.

Immediately, the cigar skeleton was a little sad.

All of them have survived, but what about the old six who's gone?

Just at this time, we can see that there are black spots in the air, and then a skeleton suddenly appears in front of the cigar skeleton.

"Hey, second brother, do you miss me?"

The cigar skeleton looked at the skull and suddenly scolded: "rolling calf, I feel bad when I see you!"

As he spoke, he could not help laughing.

On that day, the angel of light in Europe was slaughtered by fan Mengxue of the dark Council. The news spread and the world was shocked.


Chen family.

Chen Xiu and a smile, "thanks to General Wang this time, otherwise the Jin family will not collapse so soon."

Wang Tao, General Wang sat on the opposite side, smelled speech and shook his head. "The old man is joking. I just mentioned this matter. The real reason is that Mr. Xue has shown great power."

Chen Xiu and Wen Yan could not help but sigh, "yes! After all, the world still depends on strength. I think how rampant the Jin family was before Mr. Xue came back, and even intended to invade Tianyuan company. As a result, when Mr. Xue came back, he didn't have to do anything at all, and the Jin family was completely destroyed. "

With that, Chen Xiuhe took up his glass and said, "here, I'd like to propose a toast to the general."

After they had a drink, Chen Xiuhe went on to say, "is there any change behind the Jin family?"

Wang Tao put down his glass, nodded his head and said, "that's exactly what I want to tell you. The Jin family is very active now, and they are contacting people everywhere. As far as I know, these people contacted by the Jin family have some problems with Mr. Xue. It seems that the Jin family is not dead hearted."

Chen Xiuhe said with a smile, "it's normal that a hundred footed beetle dies without being stiff. What's more, the old guy Jin Hao has always been patient. He didn't even show up when his daughter was killed. They didn't take advantage of the chaos. They thought they had the absolute advantage, but they didn't expect to end up like this. Of course, he won't be reconciled."

Wang Tao frowned, "but I always think it's better to pay more attention to it..."Chen Xiuhe nodded, "of course, we need to pay attention to it, but we don't have to pay too much attention to it. In fact, it's a good thing for them to get in touch with these people. We can take this opportunity to wipe out all the forces that want to do harm to Mr. Xue and his fate."

At the end of the day, Chen Xiu and his face showed a sharp killing.

In the days when Xue an didn't come back, Tianyuan company and Chen family had a hard time.

But even in this case, Chen Xiuhe still relied on his superb skill to mediate with him.

It can be said that if it had not been for Chen Xiu and suppression, Tianyuan company would have been swallowed by the Jin family.

But at that time, no matter how they tried, they were not strong enough to protect themselves.

Now that the situation has reversed, Chen Xiuhe, of course, is intent on killing all the hostile forces.

Wang Tao smiles bitterly at this. He knows how cruel and cruel the old man looked at that time. It seems that the future Zhongdu giants will inevitably reshuffle their cards again.

However, he should not be in charge of these matters, so he only thought about them for a while, then pressed them to the bottom of his heart, and then said in a deep voice, "master, the general of Zhenguo has entrusted me to ask you when Mr. Xue will return?"

Chen Xiuhe shook his head. "I don't know that either."


"To tell you the truth, I can't get in touch with Mr. Xue now. I only know that he disappeared after chopping whales in country R. but I think Mr. Xue will come back soon."

"Why does the old man say that?"

"It's very simple. What Mr. Xue hates most is these demons, so he killed the whole southeast of China with one hand. When Mr. Xue eradicates almost all the gods and Demons around the world, he will come back naturally!"

Just then, the door was suddenly pushed open.

Then Chen Rushi came in excited.

"Grandfather, General Wang, the news just came that Europe was shocked, and the holy angel of light that ruled Europe was destroyed by fan Mengxue who came to her senses. It was Mr. Xue who awakened her!"

Hearing the news, Chen Xiuhe and Wang Tao looked at each other, then shook their heads and chuckled.

"It seems that we underestimated Mr. Xue's speed!"

"Yes! As soon as the angel of light in Europe is destroyed, there will be no more powerful gods and demons in the whole world, and the chaos is basically settled. " Wang Tao can't help but sigh.

"Here, let's have a toast to your husband!" Chen Xiuhe was obviously very interested. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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