With the voice, a group of people directly broke in.

Seeing the passers-by, the banquet hall was quiet first, then there was an uproar.

"It's the gold family!"

"How dare the people of the Jin family appear?"

"What do they want to do?"

In these comments, the Zhenguo general looked at Wang Tao. Wang Tao stood up with a heavy face and was about to speak.

The children of the Jin family headed by Jin Hao hang their hands on both sides, and then with a crisp sound of footsteps, the Miss long walks in.

"Who are you? Why break into this banquet hall Wang Tao asked in a deep voice.

This miss long ignored Wang Tao's words, but skillfully took out a slender cigarette, lit it, took a deep breath, and then slowly spit out.

Wang Tao frowned, turned his head and said coldly to Jin Hao: "master of the Jin family, if you intrude here without invitation, don't you think about the consequences?"

When Jin Hao heard the speech, he said with a smile, "General Wang, where my Master goes, we will follow him. Is there any question?"


The title caused a stir in the crowd.

"This Jin Hao is 80 years old. How could he recognize such a young woman as his master? How shameless

"Tut Tut, the Jin family used to rely on their power and power, but now Mr. Xue hasn't settled with him yet when he comes back, he actually jumps out first!"

Wang Tao frowned and winked at several guards.

These guards rushed on, and they were ready to throw out the Jin family.

At this time, I saw the dragon lady raised her head and coldly scanned the whole room.

As far as the eye can see, all of them are shocked, and they can't help but freeze in place.

In an instant, the banquet hall became quiet.

Then long Da's eyes were directed at Xue an, who was sitting on the throne. After staring for a moment, the corners of her mouth gradually raised and showed a sneer.

"You Is that Xue an? "

Xue an did not look at these people from the beginning to the end. Instead, he was drinking slowly with his head down.

Hearing this, Xue an didn't look up, but said faintly: "I have been aware that there are gods and demons in Zhongdu, but sometimes there is no time, so I don't want to look for it."

Said, Xue an put down the wine cup, raised eyes to see the dragon big one eye, "did not expect unexpectedly is your day dragon clan."

Long Da Ao ran with a smile, "yes, I am the first lady of Tianlong clan..."

Xue an waved his hand, "long Da, right! Your sister longer once said it! By the way, you seem to have a younger brother named long San

Long Da's face grew cold and said in a cold voice, "it's you who killed them both!"

Xue an didn't agree. Instead, he turned his head and looked at Jinhao. Then he said, "I heard that your gold family are very interested in my Tianyuan company?"

It was such a plain question, but it made Jin Hao shiver all over, and a cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

After all, Xue an is now known as the first person in the world.

But at the thought of Miss long standing behind him, Jin Hao's waist straightened up again, and then he said with a grim smile, "Xue an, I haven't settled with you about your killing my daughter Xiurong for no reason. How dare you come to question me?"

This sentence caused a great stir.

An Yan, who was sitting beside Xue an, was so angry that she wanted to get up and argue with this guy who ignored right and wrong.

Xue an patted her hand gently, "don't be excited, everything has me!"

After that, Xue anchong smiles at Jin Hao, and then reaches out to Longda. "What you rely on is this girl, right?"

Jin Hao was slightly stunned and was about to speak.

Xue an's figure has already appeared at the side of Longda. Raising his hand is a slap in the face.


After a crisp sound, long Da was directly fanned out and smashed several tables.

This slap is like a rock out of the sky.

A lot of people just feel like a flower in front of their eyes, and then the young lady long, who has just flaunted her strength, has been blown out.

Jin Hao and all the members of the Jin family began to tremble slightly.

They didn't expect that the originally roaring Miss long didn't even hold up Xue an's palm.

At this time, I saw long Da slowly stand up from a mess of cups, plates, tables and chairs, wipe off a trace of blood from the corner of his mouth, staring at Xue an, with a sad smile.

"No wonder you dare to kill gods and demons with your own strength. Your strength is really good, but you think Is that enough? "

With that, the Dragon raised his head to the sky and sent out a dragon chant.


All the cups and plates in the whole banquet hall were smashed in an instant.

Close to the people covered their ears with pain and fell to the ground, and the tall roof also broke down under the sound of the dragon.

The night sky, which had been twinkling with stars and moons, suddenly began to darken.All the people in Zhongdu all felt strange and went out of the room to look up.

Originally, this banquet has attracted the media all over the world. At the moment, these reporters are all aiming at the sky of sudden abnormal phenomena.

"Look, that What is that? " Someone yelled, shaking.

Sure enough.

From the distant sky, the golden light is like the tide, and in the blink of an eye it surges to.

Standing on top of the golden light, there are gods with extremely tall golden armor.

These golden armor gods are full of golden light, and their faces are majestic, which makes people dare not look directly at them.

And that's just the beginning.

On top of the dome, huge golden boats appeared slowly.

These golden boats are so huge that each of them has to be a hundred Li in size. The square array formed by them even completely covers the whole area.

In the end, the whole sky was covered with golden light, and there were frequent visions between heaven and earth, with heavenly maids scattering flowers and ancient gods slaughtering.

Such a scene stunned everyone.

Even those who are watching all this on TV are dumbfounded at the moment.

The whole world is holding its breath at this moment.

At the same time, Longda has already incarnated as a dragon, swaying upward, crouching in the middle of the sky, and then laughing grimly with the brilliant dragon voice.

"Xue an, I didn't expect it! Before you come back, I have already contacted the gods of heaven, in order to kill you who dare to kill gods and demons

With her voice, the golden boats trembled, and then a God with an ancient face appeared on them.

"Jie Jie, the information of the little girl Longda is really right. This is the place where the origin is located!"

"I can smell the air in this place. Haha, if I take this place as my own, the strength of our trolls will soar."

These ancient gods unscrupulously discussed the distribution of interests, without any scruples.

And under this strong pressure, all the faces are extremely dignified.

At this time, a green faced and fanged God poked out his head and said grimly: "little girl of Tianlong clan, which is xue'an you said?"

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