This time, all people's hearts are tight.

Because the power of these gods was so powerful that so many practitioners and masters on the scene felt despair.

Although Mr. Xue has been respected in the world, he can face so many powerful gods that he Can you still win as always?

Many people thought, can not help but look at Xue an standing in the distance.


Xue an stood with his hands down and looked up at the gods in the sky. His expression was indifferent and there was no trace of sadness, joy and fear.

At the same time, fan Mengxue walked to Xue an's back and stood in silence.

It was like a clarion call.

Fire Phoenix team, blood Qilin team, Lingnan Yujia, Sin City, dark Council, night elf, Beijiang, provincial capital, Zhongdu.

All the strong people of the Terran all quietly walked behind Xue an and stood there quietly.

This kind of silent tacit understanding and support, let the audience in front of the screen are moved by it.

This scene also makes a lot of gods in the air for one.

The king of the great spirit snorted coldly, and a torrential pressure rushed at the crowd.

The stars and the moon are eclipsed.

Many of the onlookers just felt a fit of tightness in their chest and could not help but recoil in horror.

Just with this divine power, it is enough to make countless powerful people invincible.

But when this powerful power rushed to Xue Anjin.

Xue an opened his mouth slightly and drank softly.


the sound of "rolling" is not very loud, but it is like the thunder of nine days, and it is crushed directly.


The prestige vanished.

These gods were shocked by this order.

At this time, the dragon lady said in a loud voice: "Lord God, although this man is a worldly practitioner, his cultivation is extremely strange and cannot be underestimated. He needs to do his best to deal with it."

"Jie Jie is nothing but a powerful golden immortal! We must step down in this world today and seize the fortune here! " The king of the great spirit grinned grimly and at the same time his figure began to soar.

He was originally a hundred feet high. After this upsurge, he became quite tall. He looked down on Xue an below and said with indifference.

"Jinxian, your strength has already qualified to be our courtier. If you surrender now, you will not die!"

The voice of God shakes all over the world, and even can be heard by most of China.

In the face of such a scene, countless people were pale, and the feeling of despair rose in their hearts.

But at this time, only listen to Xue an light way: "control the star boat across the void, you gods, to come to this world, you really take pains!"

"Jie Jie, you actually know that star boat doesn't look like a monk trapped in this remote country, but the gods are gods, and you mortals can't defeat them at all!"

The king of the great spirit grinned grimly and then raised his feet and stepped on the ground.

"Now answer me, submit or not, or you will be trampled into meat mud!"

Although the foot has not yet arrived, but the strong pressure has already made the buildings within ten miles of the radius burst into pieces, and the ground began to tremble, as if it would collapse at any time.

Countless watching the live broadcast of the audience held their breath, some timid have closed their eyes and dare not look again.

In the face of such a strong foot, Xue an still stands tall and upright. His clothes are made to hunt by the strong wind, but there is a cold smile on his mouth.

"Such a big beriberi, I can only say, your feet It's time to wash! "

This sentence export, originally dignified full of worry of the public were all stunned.

stood in the back of the small sand can not help but thumbs up, "see no, this is my boss, this time and mood to make complaints about it!"

Although the giant spirit king did not know the meaning of beriberi, he could not help but guess that it was not a good word.

"It's your own death!"

After that, the king of the great spirit stepped down heavily.


The ground fell down in a ten mile radius, and a huge footprint appeared.

The crowd screamed.

Fan Mengxue and others snorted coldly and were about to rush up. Xue an waved his hand to show them not to act rashly.

Then he laughed at an Yan, "wife, next See how I kill the gods

After that, Xue an rose to the sky.

Countless people looked up and saw Xue Anhua as a black streamer, flying straight into the sky.

His figure was out of proportion to the troll, not even as big as a finger.

Therefore, such a scene is full of a resolute aesthetic feeling, so that many people look at it and some blood boiling.

Chen Xiaoyi on the helicopter in the back roared: "did you record it?"Several photographers were also killed, "get closer, record it!"

Chen Xiaoyi clenched his fists and stared at the front, holding the same idea with countless people in his heart.

Mr. Xue, you must win!

At this time, Xue an had already rushed to the king of the gods.

The king of the giant spirit grinned grimly, "how dare you offend us? Die for me

Then he raised his huge hand and patted it in the past.

Xue an floats in front of the giant God King, but his eyes look at the gods behind him, and a cold smile emerges from the corners of his mouth.

"Don't worry, it's your turn soon!"

Seeing his smile, he was shocked by the nearest dragon, and seemed to feel a great danger.

But immediately, she would laugh at herself and shake her head, thinking that she was just thinking.

There are so many real gods in heaven. Even if Xue an is a real immortal, he will fall today.

At the same time.

The giant God's hand has been shot across the sky.

However, Xue an did not hide or dodge, but suddenly raised his eyes. His eyes were bright, and he said coldly, "look at my fist Out! God! The earth

After that, raise your fist and blow it out.


After a loud noise, a shockwave visible to the naked eye spread from mid air and scattered the clouds all over the sky.

Countless people looked up.

Xue quietly stood there, his fist was on top of the huge hand.


A clear sound, and then the giant God King of this hand will appear countless cracks, and spread up, rapid expansion.

The king could no longer keep calm and exclaimed, "what kind of ghost boxing is this?"

Then he cut off the arm directly.

The giant hand falls and turns into powder in the air.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned and then couldn't help cheering.

"Mr. Xue is mighty!"

"Mr. Xue will win!"

"Terrans will win

These shouts come and go.

The king of colossus had a very ugly face. He was a real God who had lived for tens of thousands of years. However, today, a mortal monk broke his arm. This disgrace made him roar.

"Die for me, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

With that, a huge hammer suddenly appeared in the hand of the king of the gods, and then fell down.

The sound of the hammer shakes the world.

Countless people were shocked by the momentum of the face of pain.

An Yan and fan Mengxue and others exclaimed: "be careful!"

But at this time, Xue an stretched out his hand and said faintly, "sword , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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