With Xue an's command, countless swords emerge in the void, and then rush into Xue an's hands, and rapidly condense and grow.

In the twinkling of an eye, these swords congealed into a long sword which was more than Li Xu.

But at this time, the giant hammer of the king of the great spirit suddenly accelerated. In a flash, it came to xue'an's head and was about to fall.

Xue an's wrist turned, his sword pointed to the sky, and then he fell.

This is an indescribable sword light.

It's like a sword waterfall from nine days, cutting the sky and the Jedi.


The light of the sword came out of the body and flew obliquely to the back. After cutting down several unfortunate golden armor gods, it flew to the distant sky and disappeared.


The hammer was broken into powder.

And the king's body was frozen, and his face was still frozen with fright and disbelief.

Then he heard a loud crackle. His huge body began to separate slowly from the middle, and then fell down.

A sword!

The king was cut in two and fell on the spot!

Seeing this scene, both present and in front of the screen, everyone cheered for it.

The opposite is the uncertainty of the gods.

"Why How is that possible? The king of the great spirit can be regarded as a powerful God in the heaven, but he is cut down by this guy with a sword Long Da stupidly said, can't believe his eyes.

And the gods are talking about it now.

"You can't underestimate the cultivation of kendo."

"The troll king is too careless

In these comments, Xue an raised his eyes, looked at the gods, forest smile.

"Now, it's your turn!"

After that, Xue an rushed forward.


"How dare you challenge our true God and kill him!"

These gods were all infuriated by Xue an's arrogance, and showed their own gods one after another.


The sky seemed to have a series of thunder.

People can't see exactly how to fight. They can only see a streamer running across the sky, invincible.


Three other gods were cut down by Xue an.

As for those golden armor gods, there are countless deaths and injuries.

"Gentlemen, step back!" At this time, long Da called out.

The gods all retreated a few miles after hearing the words.

If you look at these fierce gods, they are all in a mess at the moment.

A lot of people had sword injuries.

These real gods get together and stare at xue'an in the opposite face.

So a spectacle appeared in the sky.

Countless golden gods gathered together and occupied half of the sky.

Xue an, on the other hand, occupied the other side of the sky with his powerful sword spirit, and did not lose the wind at all.

At this time, Xue an raised his feet and took a step.


These real gods are like frightened birds. Seeing Xue an step forward, they quickly step back several hundred meters.

However, Xue an didn't think that he had no impact at all. Instead, he stood still, raised his hand and pointed to the opposite side. He said faintly, "with such a little skill, do you want to occupy this place?"

The gods were all dignified, but no one dared to speak.

Such a scene, let the people on the ground see is fascinated.

It is extraordinary to take a step to scare away the gods.

The faces of these gods became very ugly at the moment.

They thought it would be an easy and pleasant trip to come here, but they didn't expect to meet xue'an such a fierce killer.

At this time, long Da said in a deep voice: "gentlemen, this son is very powerful. If we go on fighting like this, our casualties will only be more serious."

"That's what you mean..."

The Dragon said in a deep voice: "your lords have paid a great price for coming here, and there is no way back now, so I think..."

"It's just a battle!"

Hearing the words of Longda, the gods looked at each other, and their eyes were hesitant.

But on second thought, what Longda said is not unreasonable.

It can be said that these gods led their subordinates to cross the void in order to seize the Qi of this world.

If they are repulsed by a mortal cultivator, they will lose their strength even if they return to heaven, and they will never be able to make it.

Thinking of this, the gods nodded to each other, and then turned into countless streamers and returned to their own boats.

"Want to run?" Xue an said lightly, just waiting for the sword.All of a sudden, these boats and boats began to rotate wildly, and there were golden beams connecting each other.

In the twinkling of an eye, they set up a large array of stars above the sky.

When the formation is completed.

Heaven and earth move, the stars and the moon are in seclusion.

Then a huge and incomparable God slowly emerged.

The size of this statue of God is so huge that it even exceeds the capacity of the sky, and half of its body has come into outer space.

The gold clad gods were transformed into countless gold armor and covered the statue.

"Xue'an, you are really good, but you are still going to die in front of the big array of stars all over the world!"

To see such a powerful God appeared.

The hearts of the people around the world are tightening.

At this time, half of the earth's people do not have to watch through television, as long as standing outside the house can see the statue of the God.

The more so, the more people can realize the greatness and strength of the statue.

And all the people at the scene were even more facial changes.

"Husband!" An Yan looks pale and whispers.

All the cameras and eyes are focused on Xue an in the air.

At the moment, his face also showed a dignified color.

But he still slowly raised the sword, and then pointed to the other side.


With this light drink, Xue an suddenly turned into a brilliant light, directly attacking the statue.

The world is holding its breath at this moment.


At the moment, the sword light finally met his opponent, and the sword could not cut into the statue.

But this statue of God now slowly raised his hand and photographed it with the pressure of Mount Tai.


The palm of this huge hand suddenly burst a hole, Xue an flew out of it, and then his body appeared in the distance.

Countless people were relieved to see him appear.

But then, saw a drop of blood from Xue an's eyebrows slowly dripping, the expression also became dim down.

Mr. Xue Get hurt?

Innumerable people gape to look at, the heart also gradually sank down.

Mr. Xue, who has never been injured, is also injured at the moment.

Who else can beat this statue?

At this time, I heard long Da's crazy laugh and said, "Xue an, how does it feel to be injured? I tell you, it's just the beginning. Go to hell

With that, the statue of God clapped out a hand again, and quickly and incomparably flashed to Xue an.

Xue an, however, seemed to have no sense of it, lowered his head and stood quietly in the original place.

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