"No!" Anyan exclaimed, and he was about to fly into the air.

Someone pressed it on her shoulder, "take it with you, Niannian and xuan'er, and hurry away!"

An Yan a Leng God of Kung Fu, see fan Mengxue has turned into a black light straight into the sky.

Before the man arrived, the vines formed by the power of darkness had already rushed in the past.


The black vines wound around the palm of the statue and began to block its fall.

Bang bang bang.

A continuous crackle, this is these black vines can not resist the power of the palm, is constantly breaking.

Fan Mengxue's face gradually paled.

But even so, fan Mengxue still does not flinch, and every broken one, will quickly add two.

The fall of the palm began to gradually slow down, but fan Mengxue had obviously reached the limit, and his whole body was shaking violently because of excessive overdraft of the dark force.

At this time, dozens of black bone dragons suddenly appeared, and then resisted the fall of the palm.

Fan Mengxue felt his shoulder loose and turned to look.

Karlsas's dark eyes stood on one side. Seeing fan Mengxue looking over, he couldn't help but smile, "you can't stand up alone."

As soon as the words fell, those bone dragons whined and were crushed to pieces by Juli.

Carl sass snorted and nearly fell.

But at this time, I saw countless streamers flying to the ground, even in all directions.

Zhou Daniao is the first to take the lead, but no matter how she tries, she can't move Xue an Fen Fen Fen.

"My Lord, wake up! My Lord Zhang Xiaoyu was anxious to cry.

But Xue an still did not respond.

In a hurry, Zhang Xiaoyu simply showed his body shape and bound Xue an firmly with his tentacles.

Zhang Xiaoyu thinks that if the palm of his hand is taken, he can give adults a buffer.

Seeing such a scene, everyone, including the audience watching the live broadcast, was silent.

Terrans may have such and other shortcomings, but at the most critical time, they show amazing cohesion.

It's enough to move anyone.

And not only the people on the scene rushed to help, but there were people from all walks of life who came to help.

Their only goal is to deal with this evil god and save Mr. Xue!

An Yan stupidly looks at this scene, imperceptibly already tearful.

She wanted to go up to accompany Xue an, but the black king and several monks had already grabbed her.

"Mrs. Xue, please don't be impulsive." The black king tried to dissuade him.

At this time, Qin Yu rushed over regardless of everything, and said with a solemn face: "sister Yan, you go with me quickly!"

Anyan shook his head, "no, I won't go!"

Qin Yu was very anxious. "Mr. Xue will certainly be OK. You should believe him, but you are here with two children. If something happens to them, how can you tell Mr. Xue?"

An Yan was said to be stunned.

At this time, in the middle of the air, Zhou Da Niu spat out a few big mouthfuls of blood, and the giant palm began to fall slowly.

An Yan takes a deep breath and releases Fubao building neatly.

"Miss Qin, please think about Niannian and xuan'er, and they will go away quickly!"


"I can't watch my husband being bullied by these guys, my husband, only I can bully him, no one else can do it!"

An Yan is full of fright, takes out the weapon from the mustard ring, flies into the sky, and goes straight to the statue.


When an Yan's pan was patted on the statue.

The spirit Lei Zun in the pan let out a shrill howl.

"No, it's the power of the true God!"

Even if the spin is wiped out by the force of anti shock.

Then a crack appeared on the pan.

An Yan saw a bite of teeth, the pan will be thrown away, barehanded rushed up.

At this time, Cheng Hao and Zhang Chu are frantically attacking the statue.

But their attacks did not seem to break the defense of the statue, or even make the statue look at them.

When he saw an Yan rush, Cheng Hao was stunned, and then he called out: "sister Yan, hurry up! This is not where you can come! "

But an Yan seems to have not heard the same, eyes gradually become blood red, a strong momentum began to emerge.

"What's the matter? When did the matron have such great power? " Small sand, who was struggling to resist the fall of the giant palm, could not help exclaiming.

Anyan, who has always been soft and weak, has gone completely at the moment.

With a slap.

Click.There was a tiny crack in the arm of the statue.

This also finally let this statue see to an Yan.

But at the same time, an Yan's body suddenly appeared a series of shackles, originally strong momentum quickly began to decline, and then a black in front of him, he fell down.

Anastasia, the dark witch, rushed to the ground, trying to hold Anyan and send her back to the ground.

At this time, the face of the statue showed a look of surprise.

"The shackle seal Ha ha, it's interesting, but let me die! "

After that, there are two cold lights in the eyes of the statue, which stab an Yan.

Anastasia was able to arrive at the moment. She hugged an Yan and managed to avoid the two attacks.

But the statue obviously did not intend to let go of an Yan and launched an attack again.

At this time, Cheng Hao and others are crazy to come to save an Yan.

And Xiao Sha and Zhou Daniu are still struggling against the falling giant palm.

Zhang Xiaoyu looked at it stupidly, then cried with a trace of crying: "adult, you wake up quickly! Someone is bullying the mistress


Zhang Xiaoyu felt Xue an's body move.

Then, without waiting for her to react, there was a glimmer of light in Xue an's eyes.

Zhang Xiaoyu is excited and just wants to shout.

A strong momentum directly flew her out.

Then, Xue an slowly raised his eyes, eyes are infinite killing.

As far as I can see, even the space seems to be baked into pieces.

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