"It's big My Lord, your Lord is awake Zhang Xiaoyu cried out excitedly.

Everyone looked at Xue an in unison.

Watching the live audience is more excited, all stand up, clench their fists and hold their breath.

Seeing Xue an step out, the whole person immediately came to Anastasia.

An Yan is now lying unconscious in her arms.

Xue an put out his hand.

Anastasia was slightly stunned, and then quickly put an Yan in his arms.

Xue an holds an Yan in the posture of a princess and looks down at her.

At the moment of an Yan, eyes closed, cheek above the abnormal flush.

Xue an did not say a word, just looked at it quietly.

At this time, the statue grinned grimly.

"Xue an, are you awake? Well, then I will kill all these people in front of you

After that, the golden light on the statue is very prosperous, and Cheng Hao and others who are close to it are shaken back a long way.

But before and after arriving at Xue Anjin, all of them were lost in the invisible.

Then Xue an gently raised his head and looked at the tall and incomparable statue, and said faintly, "ten thousand years ago, you were the gods and demons in the heaven who slaughtered the Chinese ancestors, right?"

Hearing this, the statue, including Miss long sitting in his chest, trembled.

"Xue an..." What else does the statue want to say.

Xue an shook his head. "Tell me, who drives you?"

Xue Angang was not in a coma, but the divine consciousness came to a very mysterious space, and then saw a cruel picture.

It is the picture of the Chinese ancestors slaughtered by gods and Demons ten thousand years ago, and there is a shadow of the true God in the heaven.

But it can be seen from the picture that these real gods are just slaves driven by people, and the real masters are hidden in the sky and covered by layers of fog.

That's why Xue asked.

"Xue an, yes, ten thousand years ago, there were gods and demons in the heaven who had come here, but if you want to know who is in charge of it, it's totally wishful thinking!"

Xue an nodded. "Good! Since you don't say so, I'll kill the heaven and check it myself! "

"Xue an, are you telling a joke? Who do you think you are? Let's talk about it if you can pass me! " The statue of Jie Jie laughed strangely.

Xue an didn't say a word, just lowered his head and gently kissed an Yan's forehead.

"Wife, don't be afraid. If you hurt me, I will let him pay back a hundred times."

But the statue can't help but smile: "what a pair of bitter mandarin ducks, then I will help you!"

Then he raised his hand again.

The power of this palm is more powerful than before, and countless people are shocked back.

Xue an but quietly watching, and then the corners of the mouth raised, light way.

"Cause and effect!"

Xue an's golden immortal is the power of cause and effect.

This time, it finally appeared in front of the public again.

Everyone felt that heaven and earth seemed to be silent at this moment.

Even the wind stopped.

A layer of gray light wrapped around the statue, freezing its movement.

But a moment later.

The splendor broke into pieces, and then came the proud laughter of the statue.

"Xue an, it's no use! Your golden immortals are really powerful enough, but I am the true God of the heaven, and I am not bound by the laws of the heaven. What can you do with your magic power

Seeing this scene, countless people's hearts are tight for it.

However, Xue an did not pay attention to this God's clamor and said, "the blade of cause and effect! Now


The next flash of his sword, however, appeared with the endless sound of the law.

The deity was stunned and just wanted to say something.

Xue an's eyes were bright, and he whispered, "kill all the gods!"

These swords rushed away and covered the statue in an instant.

"Ah, ah, ah! How is it possible, how can you have this power? "

After being covered by these swords, the statue roared in pain.

Because these swords contain the power of cause and effect.

His invincible body could not resist the erosion of this power.


With a crisp blast.

The statue began to crumble, and the cry became more and more frightening.

"No No


A timid spirit left the sky and the sky, and got on his boat, turning to escape.

But Xue an took another step, light way: "reversal!"Another wave of swords, which was even denser than just now, came into the world, and then sealed off the whole world.

I saw the sharp light of the sword and the murderous spirit.

But Xue an holds an Yan, stands in the void, the eye is intense, the clothing flutters, in the eye twinkles the starry sky, people dare not look directly.

Everyone was staring at the scene.

Some of them even want to get down on their knees.

Because the shock of this scene is just too great.

At this time, the God's roar came from the heaven and earth covered by the blade of cause and effect and reversal.

"Xue an, do you have to kill all of them like this?"

When Xue an hears the speech, a cold smile appears in the corner of his mouth.

"From the moment you step into this room, you should be ready to be slaughtered!"

"No! I'm wrong. It's all because of the dragon's bewitchment. Please let me go The gods began to beg for mercy.

There was a global uproar.

It turns out that These gods and demons will be afraid in front of the strong!

Xue an shook his head and said indifferently, "now tell me, ten thousand years ago, who drove you to slaughter in this world?"

"No! We would rather die than say it

Xue an nodded, "well, then you go to die!"

"Ah, ah, ah! Xue an, don't be arrogant. The people who drive us to come are those who you dare not even think about. Then you will die without a burial place

Xue an said with a smile, "heaven and earth, I'm the only one. No matter who it is, since I dare to commit a killing industry against the Chinese people, I will kill them!"


The sword was several times more fierce.

In a flame like sword light, these gods are struggling, begging for mercy and roaring in pain.

Everyone is stupid.

All staring at the lonely and upright figure in the air.

Someone whispered.

"The god Buddha in the sky who was killed by one person bowed his head to make him dare not come to this world again! This Is the real invincible in the world

At this time, the gods in the sky have been killed and killed. In the endless golden light, the spirits of these gods are floating and trying to escape from here.

Xue an raised his head and said faintly: "Yan'er, you said you like lotus flowers best. This time, I'll show you how these gods are made into lotus flowers."

With that, wisps of white flame flew into it.

The spirits of these gods cried out in terror: "no This is the flame of extinction! How could you have... "

The voice dissipated.

The golden light was silent all over the sky, and then after a little shiver, the lotus flowers began to swing and grow, and then bloomed.

A thought of purity makes a pool of flames.

Kill the devil, quick!

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