The golden light dissipated.

The gods who once occupied the whole sky are gone.

All that remained was the golden boat.

Xue an stretched out his hand, and the golden boats suddenly flashed by, and then they narrowed sharply and were incorporated into Xue an's palm.

People stare at this scene, do not know what words to express their feelings.

At the beginning, many people were still desperate that the end of the day was coming, and human beings would become slaves under the iron feet of these gods and demons.

In the blink of an eye, these fierce demons were slaughtered by Xue an alone.

This unexpected reversal left many people's brains blank.

At this time, Xue an holds an Yan and falls to the ground gently.

Fan Mengxue and Fire Phoenix and many other strong people also followed suit.

At this time, the two little girls and Tang xuan'er had already come out of Fubao building.

After seeing Xue an landing, the two little girls ran over.

"What's wrong with mom, dad?"

Xue an smile, "mom is OK, mom is too tired, so sleep for a while!"

Think of the quietly nodding and chanting after him.

Xue an walked forward, where he passed, the crowd automatically backed away to open a road, and hung their hands on both sides.

"Sir, invincible!"

I don't know who started it, and then everyone in the room started shouting in unison.

"Sir, invincible!"

In these shouts, Xue an looked calm, walked slowly through the crowd, came to a place, and then stood still.

Before him were all the people of the family of gold, who had already shaken like chaff.

Xue an looks at them quietly.

The crowd gradually quieted down.

A plop.

Jin Hao, the leader, couldn't bear the pressure and fell on his knees.

As soon as he knelt down, everyone in the Jin family also knelt down.

Jin Hao's clothes were all wet with cold sweat. He didn't even dare to lift his head, so he could only say it tremblingly.

"Xue'an, I don't ask you to spare your life. I wish you could leave us the last trace of dignity for the Jin family and let us make our own decisions. How about that?"

Hearing this plea, many people's expressions have become somewhat complicated.

Although the Jin family really deserves to die, now that Jin Hao, who has been in his seventies, only wants to commit suicide, which still makes many people feel compassion.

So a lot of people look at Xue an with a hint of pleading.

But in this case, Xue an's mouth slightly raised, light way: "how, as the first lady of Tianlong nationality, now do not dare to look up at me?"

Hearing this, many people are confused.

On the other hand, Jin Hao, kneeling on the ground, was shocked and said in a trembling tone: "Xue an, I am Jin Hao, the leader of the Jin family. You said..."

Xue an interrupted him directly, "OK, you don't have to act in front of me. Just when I slaughtered the gods, you took advantage of the chaos to hide a trace of God's mind in the spirit of Jin Hao, and then you wanted to escape from life by the chance of suicide. Am I right? Miss long. "

Hearing Xue an's words, many people suddenly realize.

And Jin Hao suddenly raised his head, a pair of reptilian eyes full of fear.

"Xue an, do you really want to kill all of them? You've killed one of my younger brothers and one of my younger sisters. How about letting me live? "

"Let you live? Hehe, if you didn't provide the detailed position of this realm in the heavens, how could the true gods of heaven cross the void? Don't you think it's too wishful thinking to ask for mercy now? "

Jin haogang wants to talk.

A wisp of sword directly swept all the people of the Jin family behind him.

One by one, the heads of the family rose directly to the sky. In an instant, Jin Hao was left to kneel down in the same place.

Xue an said faintly: "you are a very resourceful dragon clan. When you approached the Jin family, you also wanted to leave a retreat for yourself! That's why you left seeds in these people's bodies, so that you can plant your own gods at any time. But now, the Jin family is gone, where can you go? "

Jin Hao, no, it should be said that long Da's face is full of bitterness.

"Xue an, you are really fierce. I underestimated you. But you have killed so many gods in the heaven, and you have caused great disaster. The gods of heaven and the Tianlong family will not let you go!"

With that, Jin Hao suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and then a faint mark flew straight to xue'an.

"You have been imprinted by me, and the Tianlong clan will never die with you! Ha ha ha ha ha... " Long Da laughs wildly.

Xue an shook his head. "What a pity!"

Said, a divine idea then wrapped the mark floating in the air.Long Da's laughter stopped abruptly, "you How could you... "

Long DA can't believe his eyes.

You should know that what she did is the dragon blood curse, which is a kind of sinister skill handed down by the Tianlong family.

It's directed at the mind and the soul.

This mark will not interfere with your practice, but it will follow you like a shadow and never die.

If you don't know how to solve it, you can't break reincarnation.

As a result, she was so easily broken.

Xue an said lightly: "I was tired of this skill a thousand years ago."

After that, the God thought of a strangulation, and the mark disappeared.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you that your Tianlong clan will not survive for long! Because that's what I said

Xue an light said, a white flame of lotus has appeared on the top of the dragon's big head.

The Dragon howled, "Xue..."


The white flame completely covered the dragon, only heard a faint sound of dragon chant, and then it was completely burned to nothing.

The eldest lady of the Tianlong clan has lost her spirits and spirits.

Until this time, many onlookers understood what was going on.

Can not help but be convinced by Xue an's determination and insight.

After finishing all this, Xue an said faintly: "master Chen, you can handle the rest. I will take Yan'er home first!"

"Yes Chen Xiu and Gong said.

Then Xue an, with her two daughters and Tang xuan'er, and others, rose from the sky and flew to settle down.

After Chen Xiu and others, these people looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time.

Because of the live broadcast, people all over the world have witnessed the whole process.

Xue an showed the strength of the strength of countless people.

So soon, many countries showed great goodwill to China.

Because everyone knows that China will become one of the most powerful countries in the world from now on. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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