It was quiet under the stage. After a moment, someone hesitated to ask.

"The best time?"

Xue an glanced at it. It was the great general of the town that he was talking about. He couldn't help but smile.

"Yes! Now, this is the best time to revive the aura and restart the qi movement. I will give many skills to help everyone improve their accomplishments as soon as possible! And I will open up many secret places in the world one by one, and then we will exchange what we need. The rise of the Chinese nation and even the whole human race will be just around the corner! "

Xue an's words are like a strong wind blowing in the banquet hall, making everyone unable to sit still.

All the Chinese people are excited because they know that the rise of the Chinese is irresistible.

People from other countries and nations showed their admiration and gratitude. These people also recognized the meaning of xue'an's words.

Terrans will also rise, and they will naturally have a share of the upheaval.

Looking at the excited crowd under the stage, Xue an waved his hand to show everyone to be quiet. Then he said faintly, "and I can tell you now! The outside world is much bigger than you think. The world is a cruel and wonderful world

Hearing Xue an's words, people's expressions gradually became astonished.

"The world we live in used to be called the origin of the world, but later, because of the slaughter of several great families of heaven and earth, the Chinese people's great power cut down their own trees to protect the world, so as to break through the heaven and earth! Since then, the aura of this realm has gradually declined, and it has been cut off from the heavens! "

Speaking of this, Xue an's tone is as cold as ice.

"Now that this world is about to return to the heavens, those enemies who once were will never give up! There will be more challenges from all sides! "

"But there's an old saying in China, it's called heaven's health, and a gentleman should strive for self-improvement. This sentence is very reasonable, because only self-improvement, this world Only in this world can we really have a foothold in the world and reappear the original glory. "

Xue an's words left the banquet hall in a dead silence.

A lot of people were stunned.

All the heaven and earth are connected with each other.

Each piece of this pile is enough to shake the world's shocking secrets.

Today, however, it has been held out by Xue security, which naturally shocked everyone.

At this time, Xue an looked around the whole scene, passing a erasure in his eyes.

"As for those who once slaughtered the Chinese and plundered their fortune I can only say that blood is to be paid for the Revenge of the family


This sentence ignited the originally oppressive atmosphere in the banquet hall.

The great general of Zhenguo and many generals behind him, including all the Chinese people, stepped forward and yelled: "the hatred of extermination must be returned with blood!"

In an instant, everyone's shouts echoed in the banquet hall.

"Blood will be used to pay back the hatred of killing the family!"

And Xue an's words, also through television and network synchronous live broadcast, soon spread throughout the world.

Everyone was shocked.

Because what Xue an said had a great impact on people, and it changed a lot of inherent ideas.

The pattern of the world is beginning to undergo drastic changes. Many countries and forces that once opposed China are all incarnated as the ultimate licking dog. It is simply unprincipled to begin kneeling and licking China.

The reason is very simple, because Xue an said that he would give many skills.

For many countries suffering from no cultivation of martial arts, this is an incomparable temptation.

Of course, these matters will naturally be dealt with by Zhenguo general and others.

After the dinner, Xue an went back to the house and called Tang xuan'er.

"What can I do for you?" Asked Tang xuan'er, who was in a hurry.

At the moment, her face is red, with three points of drunkenness.

On the banquet tonight, she also drank two glasses of red wine. When she came back, she was going to sleep. However, she heard Xue an calling herself, so she came over.

Looking at this peerless girl, Xue an is quite moved.

At the beginning, he did not return, and Anyan did not know where he was.

It was the girl who took on the responsibility of taking care of herself.

Based on this, Xue an should also respect it.

"Xuan'er, do you want to practice Xue an asked with a smile.

"Well?" Tang xuan'er glared at xue'an.

"Just like Anyan and Mengxue, they are cultivating immortals."

"But Can I do it? " Facing Xue an's question, Tang xuan'er hesitated.

If anyone else saw this, they would be very anxious.

In other people's eyes, Xue an, the first person in the world, asked himself if he wanted to practice, the answer must be yes!

After all, this is a golden opportunity.

But Tang xuan'er hesitated.Xue an smell speech a smile, "of course, even if not, I can also let you line."

"And After practice, you can stay young forever and never look old Xue an blinked and said with a smile.

Tang Xuaner is also a girl. She has no resistance to this kind of youth, so she nods.

"Good! I am willing to practice, but what should I do? If it's too complicated, I'm afraid I can't learn it myself! "

Xue an ha ha a smile, "when you go to school, you are such a character, so many years have not changed?"

Tang xuan'er lowered her head somewhat embarrassed, "I'm just afraid of trouble."

"Well, then I will let you practice without any trouble."

After that, Tang shuang'an began to transform his body into a God without eyes.

At the beginning, Xue an once let Tang xuan'er take a Peiyuan pill, which laid a good foundation for her.

But Xue anxiu at that time had not recovered to the present situation. Peiyuan pill was not a very good pill, so it was only a very shallow foundation.

Now Xue an is directly using the supreme cultivation to wash the marrow of Tang xuan'er Yi Jin.

In an instant, a group of gray glory was separated from Tang xuan'er's body.

Tang Xuaner's temperament became more and more pure.

At the same time, Xue an said faintly: "concentrate on guarding one, don't do him read!"

When Tang xuan'er heard the words, she was shocked, and the whole person quickly entered into a state of meditation.

Xue an can't help but sigh that this gentle girl's mind is pure, which is extremely difficult for others to settle down, but it is easy for her.

Thinking about it, Xue an directly passed a volume of Scripture with a powerful mind.

And directly use their own cultivation to help Tang xuan'er run.

A moment later, Tang xuan'er's body was full of light and momentum was climbing.

Soon, they reached the happy state.

When Tang xuan'er opened her eyes slowly, she could not help looking at her body in surprise.

She felt a powerful force running through her body and something else in her mind.

"Xue an, this is..."

Xue an smile, "xuan'er, your mind is pure, don't like trouble, I will give you a jade pure free real volume."

"I got this Scripture from an ancient immortal sect. It's fair and peaceful. It's suitable for you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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