Tang xuan'er blinked her eyes and felt curiously, "is jade pure and comfortable? It sounds strange. But this is the cultivation, and it's not particularly difficult! "

Xue an couldn't help laughing and laughing. Tang xuan'er didn't feel it hard because there were still several people in the world who could be assisted by a master like xue'an when they practiced?

But he still nodded and said with a smile, "yes, I said it's not particularly difficult."

"Hee hee, I know you are helping me, thank you!" Tang xuan'er said seriously.

Xue an smile, "I also know you are teasing me, so I just casually talk about it."

Then both of them laughed.

"Xue an, you seem to have changed a lot, but it seems that you haven't changed. At least when you put on a bad show, it's almost the same as when you went to school!"

"Can I understand that you are praising me?" Xue an chuckled.

Tang xuan'er nodded seriously, "no doubt, I'm just praising you."

Thank you very much

"I hope it's not your casual talk!"

They laughed again, and suddenly they were silent.

After a moment, Tang xuan'er bowed her head and said, "it's not easy for an Yan. You should treat her well."

Xue an nodded. "I will!"

"Now I'm good at it. If I know you bully her, I'll beat you up!" Tang xuan'er raised her fist, but she couldn't help laughing.

Xue an did not smile, but looked at her quietly.

A moment later, Tang xuan'er lost her square inch under xue'an's gaze.

"Er I think I'm a little drunk! I'm going back to bed! "

After that, she turned around and almost ran away.

Xue an did not have any movement, just stood in the original place quietly looking at her back.

At this time, an Yan from the back of the dark slowly walked over, stood beside Xue an.

After standing still for a moment, an Yan said in a soft voice: "or Take xuan'er with you now

Xue an shook his head. "The outside world is too chaotic! With her character, it's better to stay in this world and practice slowly. "

"But what I'm worried about is, after we've gone, what if there's a powerful demon coming down?" An Yan asked a little worried.

Xue an looked at an Yan and said with a smile, "Yan'er, what you are worried about is very right, so before leaving, we should be well prepared."

Anyan nodded and stopped talking.

"Well, it's getting late. Go back to bed." Said, Xue an took an Yan's hand, turned back to the room.

At this time, Tang xuan'er had already returned to her room.

After entering the door, fan Mengxue, wrapped in his bathrobe, put his two long slender legs on the tea table, watching TV with boredom on his face.

When she heard the sound, she didn't look back. "Xuan'er, didn't you say you drank too much? Why did you run out? "

When she turned her head, she was shocked.


Now Tang xuan'er, who exudes a strong momentum, seems to be a master of the free zone.

Tang xuan'er directly came over and sat beside fan Mengxue. She picked up the cup on the tea table and drank a few mouthfuls. Then she took a breath.

At this time, fan Mengxue has gradually sobered up from the shock, "is he helping you improve the cultivation?"

Tang xuan'er nodded and then said with a wry smile, "he seems to be leaving."

Fan Mengxue was silent after hearing the speech.

She had a sense that Xue an was about to leave the world.

I didn't expect it to be so fast.

Tang xuan'er took a look at fan Mengxue with a gloomy look in her eyes and couldn't help sighing, "OK! Go to sleep! It's not that he doesn't come back! "

Tang Xuaner and fan Mengxue live together.

When you're in bed.

I don't know how long after that, Tang xuan'er quietly looked at the ceiling in the dark and said softly, "you Will you wait for him? "

There was a long silence.

For a long time, Tang xuan'er thought she was asleep. Then she heard a low voice in the dark, "yes! And it's always waiting. "

Tang xuan'er gradually raised her mouth and wanted to laugh, but she felt that there was something hot and humid oozing out of her eyes. Then she turned over and said, "sleep! It'll be dawn in a moment. "

Fan Mengxue looked at Tang xuan'er who was curled up on her side. Her eyes twinkled, and then whispered: "you Isn't it the same? "

The next day.

Xue an summoned people from Beijiang, the provincial capital and Zhongdu.

These people had guessed something before they came, so they were very excited.

When they all arrived, Xue an looked around the familiar faces and gave a smile.

"All of you are my friends. Now I will help you step on the path of cultivation, but your mood and chance are different. So I will let you try in your own mood. Everything depends on how you come out!"All of these people were awed by their words.

Lao Xie was also among these people. When he heard the speech, he could not help but say, "Xiao an, I'll forget about your fat aunt. It's impossible for people like us to get involved in this kind of practice."

Xue an laughed and shook his head. "Uncle Xie, this is not right. Each of you has his own chance. I just want to help you open it."

The fat aunt poked Lao Xie for a while, and some of her dissatisfaction said: "others Xiaoan said that everything depends on her own chance, but you dare not even try it? What a mess

Old Xie was said by the fat aunt blushed, "who said I dare not try! Come on! I'm not afraid of old Xie! "

Xue an smile, and then light way: "you hold your breath and concentrate, start!"

All the people heard the words and quickly stabilized their minds and closed their eyes.

With a wave of his hand, Xue an's huge mind scattered and covered the whole audience.

The so-called state of mind test is a test that all the great schools of heaven must pass when selecting their disciples.

In order to see if the person has the chance to practice and root.

However, it is very rare for Xue an to open so many people's mood of trial.

At this time, everyone was shocked and had entered their own state of mind.

Soon, all kinds of expressions appeared on everyone's face.

There's joy, there's anger, there's crying.

Xue an looks quietly, he wants to see who can come out first.

At this moment.

Xie Jingjing, standing beside the old Xie's body, was suddenly shocked, and then slowly opened her eyes. At the same time, a stream of Qi emanated from her body, which actually directly entered the real world.

Xue an was stunned. He knew Xie Jingjing was pure silver, but he didn't expect that her cultivation talent would be so high.

An ordinary state of mind trial will let her first glimpse of the door, Jin into the real person.

Although the real person is only the most basic realm, it is also the foundation of later cultivation.

This level can determine the difference behind.

Xue an thought and chuckled at Xie Jingjing. "Very good. I wanted to give you the skill directly. Now that you are a real person, you have saved a lot of things."

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