This period of time, Xie Jingjing's heart has been holding a force.

Especially what happened in Zhongdu deeply stimulated this sensitive girl.

When she saw the real God come into the world, see Xue an alone to meet the enemy.

She was suddenly hungry for strength.

She doesn't want to stand behind anyone to be protected. She wants to be a strong person to protect the people she loves.

Therefore, when the mood test, she will be brave and aggressive heart, cut off the heart demons, quickly break through the barrier.

At this time, Xue an said in a deep voice: "Jingjing, look at me!"

Xie Jingjing looks up at Xue an.

Xue an's eyes were full of light, and a strong spirit passed directly.

Xie Jingjing felt that as soon as she was shocked in her mind, a piece of Kung Fu appeared.

"This pure Yin xuanming record is most suitable for your physical cultivation. If there is no accident, you will become a Sanxian within ten years!"

In ten years, he has become an immortal.

This is already enough astonishing cultivation progress.

Xie Jingjing, however, lowered her head, her eyes twinkled with the light of unyielding.

Are immortals scattered?

Although it seems very strong, it is still too weak in front of the fallen gods and demons.

I will never be satisfied with it. I will give a surprise to Angie.

Xie Jingjing secretly made a decision.

At this time, other people also began to break through the customs.

Several of them did well.

But the most surprising thing is Chen Rushi.

The princess of the Chen family, like Xie Jingjing, went straight to the realm of real life after passing the mood test.

This shows that her talent in cultivation is also extremely strong.

The second is Lao Xie and fat aunt. They seem to have nothing to do with practice, but they also passed the mood test.

Xue an gave each person his own skills according to his own characteristics.

As for those who really have no chance and talent, Xue an also gives them the skills of the world.

These are the people who have made friends with Xue an. After you have dealt with these people's affairs.

Xue an also produced a few not too brilliant, but in the middle, peaceful, suitable for most people to practice.

These are the Dharma decisions selected by Xue an for Chinese people to practice.

Although in Xue an's opinion, these decisions are very common.

But you should know that in all the heaven, the cultivation of martial arts is extremely scarce.

In many small circles or sects, if you can have a good skill, you can be proud of the others.

There are several skills like Xue an who can sell them out as if they were wholesale.

What's more, these Dharma decisions are very good. If you practice them step by step, you can at least reach the realm of scattered immortals.

This is enough to show its value.

At least the general of the town will be as good as a treasure after getting these decisions.

At the same time, Xue an also took out two modified techniques.

These two skills are much inferior to the previous ones. The key is that they have been modified by Xue an, leaving some dark holes in them.

However, there are also differences between the two, one of which is much better than the other.

This is for people other than Chinese.

The good one is for people who have a good relationship with China.

As for the one with many mistakes and omissions Naturally, it's used in countries where the past and the future are not.

Of course.

It's not Xue an's intention to make the human race discord.

These two skills can make people practice to heaven and man.

It's just that there's going to be a lot of dark holes in the back.

At the same time, Xue an also suggested that if people from other countries have certain talents and are willing to follow the Chinese people, they can be taught the real skills.

As for how to master it, Xue an believes that it is difficult for the Chinese people who have been playing tricks and checks and balances for thousands of years.

The emergence and spread of these skills have finally rewritten the global pattern.

A great change began.

All countries regard it as the most important thing to find people who have the talent of cultivation.

Among them, China is the most important country.

Through practicing the skills handed down by Xue an, countless talented young people began to emerge in China.

As a result, China's strength has been increasing day by day, and the right to speak has been completely in the hands of China.

At the same time, Xue an began to prepare to break through the secret places everywhere, so that it could be completely connected with the main world.

Kunlun secret place.

Nowadays, Zhu Ruyan has united forces of all parties, and has become one of the most important figures in this secret land.

The number of people who want to see her every day is countless. Only in the dead of night, Zhu Ruyan will have a little leisure to make himself quiet.This day, she was drinking tea in the house as usual.

She didn't know when the habit came into being.

And only one kind of tea.

A lot of people would like to send a lot of this kind of tea.

But no one knows why this powerful woman would like this kind of not so good tea.

Only a few people understand what's going on.

Because Mr. Xue used to drink this kind of tea.

There were four more drums outside.

Zhu Ruyan put down his tea cup and pulled himself back from the memory, and was ready to have a rest.

But it was just then.

Outside the window of the teahouse, there was a calm voice.

"Can you still sleep after drinking so much tea at night?"

Hearing this sound, Zhu Ruyan shivered all over, and then stood up Huoran.

Because I was too excited, the tea table in front of me was knocked over and the tea was splashed all over the ground.

Zhu Ruyan didn't feel it, because Xue an came in slowly from the door.

"Teacher Master Zhu Ruyan astringent voice said.

Xue an smiles, "well done! I didn't expect you to manage this place in an orderly way. "

Zhu Ruyan took a deep breath and knelt down. Xue an waved her hand and held her in an invisible force.

"Don't get down on your knees

"Yes! But I don't know if master is here. What can I do for you? " Zhu Ruyan strongly calmed himself and asked softly.

Xue an nodded. "I'm here to get this Kunlun secret place through with the outside world."

Zhu Ruyan a Leng, and then show the color of ecstasy, "can already?"

Xue an faint smile, "should have done so before, but at that time the conditions were not allowed. Now conditions allow, naturally this secret place will be connected with the world I come to."

What else does Zhu Ruyan want to ask.

Xue an light way: "is now, come with me!"

After that, he was out of the window and up in the sky.

Zhu Ruyan followed, also came to the high altitude.

"Master, what can I do for you?"

Xue an smiles, "need nothing! Just step back

Zhu Ruyan retreated a little.

Xue an raised his hand and cut it off with one hand.


See a black light across the world, as if the space cut out a crack in general.

There was a strange light in it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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