"This This is... " Zhu Ruyan was shocked.

Because she can feel the terrible power in this black light.

At the moment, all the strong people are aware of the city.

"My God, what is that?"

Just when everyone was shocked by the black light across heaven and earth.

See Xue an step forward, hands pick up the two sides of the black light, suddenly a force, "open


After a big bang.

Xue an tore a huge gap in the prohibition of this secret place.

See black light flow, a tall courtyard gradually emerged.

Outside the gate, you can see a strange scene.

There are all kinds of strange high-rise buildings, iron giant birds flying in the sky and iron boxes running on the ground.

All the people in Kunlun city were stupefied by such a spectacle.

Zhu Ruyan was shocked and whispered, "is this the world that master came to?"

In the past, although Kunlun secret place can send people to the world, but after all, the number is small, and only in the hands of a few hidden immortal, so many people do not know that there is a world.

They all think that the place where they live is the whole world.

Until today, they have seen a broader world.

At this time, a small team came in from the big black gate, and then stood silent behind Xue an.

Seeing this small group, all the strong people around were in a state of uproar.

"It's an iron Phoenix!"

"Did the iron and blood Phoenix come from the outside world?"

"In that case, this man..."

In the voice of the discussion, all the faces were gradually dignified.

All because the Fire Phoenix team left a deep impression on these people.

The fire king hall and Xuanfeng tower, which once dominated Kunlun, were destroyed overnight. This is what the iron blooded Phoenix did.

It is said that there was also a man of earth shaking cultivation who played a leading role in it, and he was also the master of Zhu Ruyan.

In that case, the identity of the man standing with negative hands in the air is obvious.

It should be Xue an, who pressed Kunlun and stood on the top!

Just when everyone was in shock.

Xue an stood high above the sky, overlooking the crowd, and then said faintly: "as you can guess, I and the members of the iron Phoenix are all from the outside world."

"And the heaven and earth you live in is just a secret place opened up by ancient great powers."

All of Xue an's face changed.

In particular, many strong people who thought highly of themselves were all pale at the moment.

Because all kinds of unusual things they met during their practice confirmed the truth of Xue an's words.

"Look at you, you should also be aware of it. Yes, there are defects in the way of heaven in this secret place. It is not a complete way of heaven at all. If you practice here for thousands of years, you can hardly make any progress."

"Now the outside world has changed a lot. You can't be complacent here. After all, they were all Chinese. I've opened this secret place so that you can enter and leave the main world."

"But you must understand that if you want to enter the world of the Lord, you must obey my rules! Otherwise There is no mercy for killing

Xue an's words shocked the whole city of Kunlun.

A lot of strong people are showing a trace of resentment.

Xue an's deeds at the beginning were really strong enough, but over the past year, many of the strong in the Kunlun secret realm began to break through one after another, and their cultivation became much stronger.

In particular, many new born strong people are not satisfied with what Xue an said.

But at this time, Xue an took a step, his eyes were bright, an incomparably strong momentum immediately covered the whole Kunlun city.

Under the supreme pressure, all the powerful people were shocked and wanted to be cut off.

They feel as if they are incarnated as humble ants, while the man in the sky is like the emperor of nine days.

This cloud like gap makes them just want to kneel down.

At this time, Xue an astringed his eyes, and the pressure dissipated.

A lot of strength slightly inferior some strong person plops to fall to the ground, the complexion is pale, already cannot stand up.

Standing is no better than standing. There is infinite fear in everyone's heart.

"Now, do you understand what I said?"

"It is Yes


These strong men responded feebly, and even did not dare to look up at Xue an.

Xue an nodded slightly.

At this time, the huge black gate had been completely shaped, and many ordinary Chinese soldiers, including many gentle scholars, entered.As soon as these scholars came in, they saw the ancient buildings all over the city, and they all looked excited.

For them, a place that has not been invaded by modern culture is priceless.

And ordinary soldiers can use this secret place to train.

This is the value of these secret places.

At this time, Xue an turned his head and flushed Zhu Ruyan with a smile

Zhu Ruyan nodded without hesitation

when he crossed the black door, he felt as if he had passed through a layer of foam, breathing a little pause, and then smelt a strange odour.

In the world, there is no difference between Kunlun and the air.

But Zhu Ruyan was surprised by the abundance of aura here.

The exit is located on a heavily guarded square in Zhongdu. Zhu Ruyan is curiously looking at the surrounding buildings.

"Auntie Ruyan?" Think about and read the skipping came over, very excited.

Zhu Ruyan saw these two little girls and nodded with a smile, "two little beauties are growing tall again!"

At this time, several familiar figures came out of the black gate.

Bian Qingmu and Bian Tian brother and sister.

What happened just now in Kunlun secret place spread all over the secret place in an instant.

Bian Qingmu and others also noticed that there was a change in the heaven and earth, and immediately rushed over to meet the Fire Phoenix team.

Because they knew each other well, the three of them entered the world.

"My Lord!" Bian Qingmu said respectfully.

Xue an smiles, "you wait here! I'm going to get through the other mysteries! "

Having said that, Xue an rose to the sky again.

This time, she's from Siberia.

At the beginning, Xue an entered the warwolf secret place. Although this secret place is very small, there are still a group of Chinese people living in it. Naturally, Xue an will not give up.

But when he was about to enter the secret place of warwolf, he suddenly felt something. He turned his head and looked at the jungle not far away, and then he gave a light sigh.

Because in his mind, a familiar person appeared in the distance.


How could she have appeared in the desolate forests of Siberia at this time?

And It seems that someone is after her.

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