Xue an's heart moved, the whole person disappeared in place.

Once again, it was over Susanna.

Of course, Suzanne didn't know about it.

At the moment, she is running hard in the snow.

The officer, who had once been brilliant, was now in great distress.

Neat will school uniform already tattered, also did not wear a hat, a head of golden hair spread down, but can not block that pair of blue eyes in the startled anger.

Xue an did not make a sound, so quietly followed.

After turning a small hill in front of me, I came to a place where I could block the cold wind.

Suzanne was so tired that she leaned against a big tree. She didn't even have time to shake off the snow. She was obviously on the verge of collapse.

But in Xue an's mind, at least three teams of people are approaching quickly, and the target is Suzanne.

Xue anyin is in the sky, watching quietly.

A moment later.

In the distance, there was a regular sound of footsteps coming from the jungle, and they quickly opened their distance and surrounded them.

Suzanne looked desperate and reached for a small silver pistol from her waist.

"How the hell are you going to let me go

"Hey, Susannah, I have to admit that you are really strong enough in the Siberian jungle. You can escape from half a month's siege! But now I advise you to give up resistance! As long as you go back with us, I promise the general will not kill you

With the voice, a young man from e, wearing a general's coat and a proud smile, appeared behind the tree.

But as soon as he showed up, Susannah raised her hand and shot him.


After the gunfire, the hat on the young officer's head was directly shot out.

Scared him to shrink his neck, quickly hide behind the tree, and then surprised and angry roar: "all to me

At an order.

These soldiers began to narrow the encirclement.

Susannah leaned against the tree until a few soldiers in front of her were only two or three hundred meters away from her, and then she suddenly turned out to shoot.

There were a few shots.

The soldiers fell to the ground with a round bullet hole on their forehead, and they were dead.

The other soldiers were frightened and hid behind the trees.

The young officer yelled, "this bitch doesn't have a few bullets! If anyone can catch her, my lord general will have a great reward

Hearing this, the soldiers all looked greedy, and then began to pass through the cover of trees, slowly approaching Susanna.

Suzanne took a deep breath behind the tree, then gave a wry smile of self mockery.

As the officer said, she was now completely depleted of ammunition except for the glorious bullet left in the pistol.

Today, Susanna has been on the run for half a month.

Neither spirit nor physical strength can support her to go on.

So Susannah's face began to look decidedly, slowly raised her gun, aimed at her temples, and then pulled the trigger as soon as she closed her eyes.

Just at this time, just listen to a calm voice in her ear ring.

"As a soldier, do you want to die so easily?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Susanna was shocked, even though she thought she was hallucinating.

After all, how could he be here?

But when she opened her eyes, she saw Xue an standing on a tree not far away, smiling at herself.

"Xue Master Xue? "

Susanna couldn't believe her eyes.

Xue an looked at the soldiers surrounded from all directions and said, "are these people catching you?"

Susannah nodded with a wry smile.

At this time, the young officer also found Xue an standing on the top of the tree. He was also surprised.

"What are you..."

He didn't say the latter because he had already recognized Xue an.

In fact, in the whole world nowadays, how many people do not know Xue an?

But this discovery almost made the young officer faint.

Xue an glanced at the soldiers, then fixed his eyes on the officer. "Do you know me?"

The man nodded with fear.

"Recognize Yes

"Well, go back and tell you what general Susannah will be from China. If you dare to provoke again, you will be at your own risk." Xue an said lightly.

"Yes, my Lord!" The officer's head was like a chicken pecking rice.

Xue an waved his hand.

The officer turned and ran.As soon as he ran, the soldiers who pursued him fled.

In an instant, Suzanne almost committed suicide, and then disappeared in Xue an's two words.

Suzanne was staring at the scene, her brain was blank.

At this time, Xue an jumped directly from the tree and came to Susannah, smiling. "Susannah, long time no see!"

Suzanne nodded in a daze, "Xue Drillmaster Xue, how can you be here? "

"Oh, it's you who came here to get through a secret place. Why were you pursued by the soldiers of your own country?" Asked Xue an.

Susannah laughed bitterly at her words.

As a former commander-in-chief of the Far East special forces, Suzanne has always had a high status in country E.

But since the chaos, the situation in country e has changed dramatically.

Suzanne's supporters have either fallen or died in this great change.

It's a big blow to Susannah's roots in the army.

If that's all.

It's a big deal to leave country e to serve as a drillmaster in other countries.

Suzanne has not done it before. For example, she served as a trainer under commander Hu and competed with the fire phoenix special forces led by Xue an.

But she thought it was too simple.

She has been involved in the whirlpool of power, how can she get out so easily?

After the great change in the pattern of state e, the new upstart in the army was a general named Dmitry.

This man and Susannah had served in the same army, and had madly pursued Susannah, but Susannah refused and knocked him to the ground in front of many soldiers.

So the Demetrius left this hatred in his heart.

This time, as soon as he came to power, he began to deal with Susanna.

First, she was dismissed from all her posts, and then she began to use various means to make her surrender, so as to become his own ban.

I didn't expect Susannah to refuse.

Finally, the conflict intensified, Suzanne resolutely fled the capital of country e, and went all the way south to cross the no man's land in Siberia to seek refuge in China.

However, Demetrius was sure of Susannah's potential. When he learned that she had fled, he was furious, and immediately sent people to pursue and stop Suzanne.

That's why Susanna was in such a mess.

After hearing this, Xue an said with a smile? No, not soon. "

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