Although I don't know why Xue an said so, Susanna was still infected by the strong confidence in Xue an's words, and her nerves, which had been tense for many days, were also relaxed.

At this time, Xue an said, "since country e has no place for you, come to China! China is now training its troops. It is very short of talents like you. "

Xue an saved Suzanne in large part because she liked her very much.

This woman has been in the military camp for many years. She has come to the present day step by step with her own skills. She enjoys a certain reputation in the international military arena. It can be seen that she has real skills.

Such talents are also in urgent need of China.

Susannah hesitated. "I Can I really? You know, I'm a native of E

"No one else can, but you can!" Xue an said with a smile.

Susannah hesitated for a moment, then nodded firmly, "if so, I will join China!"

Suzanne had no reason to refuse to take refuge in Siberia.

"A wise choice!" Xue an said with a smile.

"Where are you going next? Go back now? " Susannah asked.

Xue an light way: "don't worry, there are some other things to do!"

After that, Xue an's hand fell, tearing the space in front of him into a gap.

And then she smiles at Susanna, "let's go."

After that, Xue an took a step and disappeared in the crack.

Susannah looked at the narrow space crack with astonishment on her face, hesitated for a moment, then gritted her teeth and followed her in.

It's when xue'an and Suzanne enter the warwolf secret.

Country E.

Military building.

The former military headquarters building has been cut by Xue an with a sword. Now this building is rebuilt on the original site.


Dmitri, who is in power, is sitting in front of the large French window in the top office, enjoying the afternoon sunshine with a comfortable face.

A symphony made of vinyl records is playing in the huge office.

When he heard the pleasure, Dmitri would drink a mouthful of sweet vodka.

This cozy and leisurely life has been a quiet afternoon since Dmitri became commander in chief.

"It would be better if we could get that little Suzanne back!"

Demetrius thought in silence and could not help licking his lips.

At this moment.

There was a knock outside the door.

Dimitri frowned slightly.

What he hates most is that someone interrupts his lunch break.

So he didn't even open his eyes, but said in a deep voice, "get out! I'll have to wait until I finish drinking this bottle of vodka

The knock on the door disappeared.

There was a triumphant smile on the corner of Dmitri's mouth.

This is the taste of holding power!

But before the smile started, he was startled by a loud noise.

Demetrius, too, was so startled that he straightened himself out of his chair and looked at the door in a rage.

"Are you guys tired of living? What's more, I have to wait for the afternoon break

But before he finished scolding, after another loud noise, the door which could resist the direct bombardment of the howitzer collapsed.

Amid the smoke and dust, a secretary stepped in quickly.

"You bastards, do you want to rebel?" As soon as he saw a secretary, Dmitri's hanging heart dropped. Then he was furious. He opened the drawer and took out the pistol.

"Don't be angry, commander! We need you to have a look at the urgent military information just sent back from Siberia. " Although the secretary was pointed at the head with a gun, he still said without changing his face.

"Siberia?" Demetrius was slightly stunned.

What kind of military information can there be?

Didn't you just send a few teams around Susanna?

What happened to them?

Thinking, Dmitri quickly took the document, opened it and was stunned.

Because this document is very simple.

It's as simple as one sentence.

Suzanne was saved by Xue an of China. Let me warn you that since then, Susanna has been protected by China. If you dare to offend, you will be responsible for the consequences.

But it was such a simple sentence that Dmitri watched for a full minute.

Xue an of China.

These four words seemed to have magic, and a cold sweat began to seep from Dmitri's forehead, and the hand holding the document began to shake.

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, Dmitri looked up at the secretary.

"Who else knows about this document?"The Secretary shook his head and said, "Sir, I'm only responsible for delivering documents to you. I don't know anything else!"

"Trash, it's a bunch of fuckin 'crap!" Demetrius gave a fierce scolding, as if this could release his fear and uneasiness.

Then he got up very simply to pack up, and said in a deep voice: "hurry to arrange some military vehicles for me. I have an urgent business to leave here for a while."

Said, he put some commonly used things into the box, turned to see the Secretary standing motionless at the table, is looking at himself with a very strange look.

Dmitri's heart sank, but a friendly smile appeared on his face. "You seem to have been with me for a long time. When I come back from my official duties, you will be the head of the Secretariat. Now, please call a taxi for me

Rarely, the usual domineering Dimitri used the word please.

This secretary smelt speech but shook his head, "commander, I'm really sorry, just today all the cars are not in the military headquarters."

The smile on Dmitri's face froze. After a moment, he forced a smile and said, "since there is no such thing, I'll go downstairs and find a civilian vehicle. After all, the military situation is urgent, so we can't delay it."

After that, he turned to leave.

The Secretary stepped forward and blocked Dmitri's way. Then he said respectfully, "Sir, why are you in such a hurry?"

Dmitri's face flashed and he was about to say something.

"Demetrius, what kind of urgent business is there in such a hurry?" A voice came, and then came a general in proper uniform and white gloves.

Behind him was a line of very fierce guards.

"Ni Nikita, you What do you want to do? " Demetrius was startled, and then cried out, "guard!"

Nikita shook her head. "Don't yell. If you break your throat, no one will come today."

Dimitri, with a cold sweat on his face, stepped back a few steps, and then said with a strong smile, "Nikita, you and I are comrades in arms. What are you going to do?"

Nikita laughed and said, "comrades in arms?"

"I don't have a comrade in arms like you." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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